
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bradley sends out bogus letter to Dem Committee

Vince Bradley sent out a letter today to all Democratic Committee people, the Bradley letter that was sent out to the Dem committee people is nothing more then a smoke and mirror routine... I'm not going to post the whole letter but I just would like to pull out one sentence that is just a blatant misrepresentation of the truth.

" Regardless of the outcome of this election, I plan on remaining an active Democrat for years to come."

I had a conversation with Mr.Bradley at his home a few weeks ago, he told me that if he was denied the Wilson Pakula that he would rescind his switch from a Democrat back to non- enrolled. He said, and I quote :

" They're going to tell me that I can't run but they still want me to be in the party? No, I will run as a independent candidate and then I'll have a lot to say, Jesse Ventura did it. One thing is for sure if I stay in(
as a third party candidate) they can't win."

Bottom line this is a guy who has said in the paper on the record that he will run as a spoiler candidate. The Democratic line is just that a line to Mr. Bradley. It has nothing to do with philosophical beliefs. Like it does to so many of us. I urge everyone to Vote against the Wilson Pakula and see how loyal of a Dem Mr.Bradley really is.


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM


  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Bradely's letter was sincere and to the point. If you think otherwise you do not know this gentlemen. Your characterization of him on the website is truly pathetic and simply untrue.

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    He sounds like he will say anything to get elected and then does not remember what he said. This sounds neither wise, mature or stable.

  4. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I'd feel different if Bradley hadn't said so many contradictory things. He told our Town Chair that he WOULD drop out if he lost in a primary, but he said no such thing in his letter--didn't even mention the other two party lines, and said the opposite to Jeremy.

    One way or the other, he's a liar.
    What kind of man is that to head JUSTICE for Ulster County?

    I don't want some "power connected" guy who'll say ANYthing to get elected, as DA! Our Party is better than that. I hope.
    a lowly committee member

  5. Anonymous11:33 PM

    very mature, and jeremy you make me laugh.

  6. Anonymous12:54 AM

    That really does look like a young Vince Bradley and the cricket looks like Rian Bradley, maybe he's on his knee doing some carpentry work.

    Rian who is carpenter by trade has taken off time to help in this D.A. race, he's turned into being nothing more then Vincent's B@tch. The way he's treated is appalling.

  7. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Bradley is not a gentleman. If he was he would have shaken the hands of his competitors at the nominating convention. He has hijacked this election. Dems have the power to take it back on Saturday.

  8. Anonymous8:08 AM

    re: 12:54am....any person who can post something like that without attaching a name is a coward. A nasty personal attack and you hide behind anonymous.


    Ken Beesmer

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    If Sennett is so popular, what is the big deal? He should win easily. Let ALL Democrats decide who represents them. The people who show up Saturday are as partisan as any group anywhere. They definitely will not represent rank and file Democrats

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Bonnie Landi wrote a letter that arrived the same day to the Committeee - someone read it to me. In it, Bonnie basically explains that Vince is a "victim" (she did not use that term) of the archaic (she did use that term) law that says any change in enrollment does not take effect until after the general election. If the law is archaic, why didn't Vince know about it? Anyone who's involved in politics or elections knows about this. Had Vince changed last year to be a Dem, he would've been OK now and none of this shitstorm would be happening. But Vince, who would like us to believe that he always wanted to be UC's DA, obviously didn't think about it until this year. One more thing: Bonnie, who claims that she's been involved in politics for many decades, obviously isn't very bright. For if she was, she'd understand the reason behind this "archaic" law, and why it hasn't changed. Fortunately, our forefathers from a couple hundred years ago were smarter than she is. If your enrollment took effect immediately, then you'd be able to vote in every town caucus. If the Town of Ulster has their Conservative caucus one week, the Republican another, and Democrat another, then voters would continually change their enrollment to vote in each one. I know Nick Woerner would like that. Can Bonnie say "one man, one vote"?

  11. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Jeremy you have once again crossed the line. The only liars in this campaign are you and Sennett! Disgusting!

  12. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Money wins campaigns anyway. Judging from todays paper Sennett is way behind.

  13. Anonymous9:28 AM

    To 9:12 - money doesn't always win campaigns. Ask Paul VanBlarcum vs. Kevin Costello.

  14. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I like Vince Bradley. The only thing
    I find him at fault is taking the Conservative Line.

    Vince....How many jobs did you promice their blowhard Chairwoman?

  15. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Ya Just Like the Conservative Party
    stacks their convention with Hack's
    that need work.

  16. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Besides, Jeremy is 50 times smarter than HR.

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    To the 9:10 poster: why do you say that Sennett is a liar? Are you going to bring up the "deal" again? But, there's no shame in allowing Parete to stack the deck for the executive committee? Bradley's ethics are definitely questionable. He should have told Parete that he'd have nothing doing - that if it wasn't above board, it didn't get done. Instead, he gave him the green light - anything for a victory.

  18. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Jermey you've reached a new low. When Sennett loses the election his campaign team (Blaber, Zimet, McQuain, Hector) will be the laughing stock of politics.

    The longer this race goes on the more I realize John Sennett is clueless about what it takes to win. If anyone thinks the party will unify behind Sennett if the waiver is not approved is wrong. It will only worsen the divide and ensure that the Democratic nominee will not win.

  19. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Let's suppose that one of Bradleys big political supporters wants something investigated that does not deserve it. Or vice versa. Bradley will not be able to stand up to them because he has proven he has no ethics, integrity or morals. is that what we want in the DAs office?

  20. Anonymous10:21 PM

    This is my first time reading this blog. I am really angry that the July 21 meeting was announced as early as July 10 by a notice I read in this blog. However, I'm a committee member and the only notice I received about this vote was via a post card I received on July 14. That post card sure didn't sound like this meeting was such a big thing and if I didn't have the opportunity to speak with other committee members I wouldn't even know what this was about. Au contraire, this is an important vote and the Chair should have been informing everyone about why it was needed. In my research I read this meeting was decided on July 1. We all have email. to this date I haven't received anything from John Parete to explain the proceedings and to encourage my vote. I don't like what I see here. Mr. Bradley doesn't have my vote.

  21. Anonymous10:21 PM


    What happened to my comment? You posted the other comment I sent right around the same time, the one the pointed out the flaw in the poor attempt at a baseball reference. Why not the one that suggested it would be a good idea to put Mr. Sennett to the test in a primary before before the Dems go all in for the general election? Especially in light of the fact that he exhausted his warchest to get the unofficial nomination which has resulted in Ms. Carnwright having more that double the amount of cash on hand at this point in the race. I don't remember saying anything negative about any candidate. I certainly did not use any offensive language. I just can't understand why you wouldn't allow the comment to go through. Please explain your decision. Thank you.

  22. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I received a call today from Vince Bradley, Jr. He expressed that he
    would back out of the campaign and would relinquish the Independence
    and Conservative Party lines altogether if he lost in a Primary vote.
    He told me he wants to have the opportunity to run as a Democrat on
    the Democratic line. Mr. Bradley, here's the challenge: This
    coming Monday is the Ulster County Board of Election’s deadline to
    submit your Certificate of Acceptance for the Independence and
    Conservative Parties designations. Do not submit these documents and you
    will not appear on those lines. That will show us if you really want to be a
    Democrat. Announce that you will not submit your acceptance of these endorsements at this Saturday’s County Committee meeting before the voting. Maybe some of the committee people
    will feel you are sincere and allow you to run in the Primary. But
    without such a real show of good faith, sincerity and downright
    leadership, the Democrats should not support your divisive campaign
    and the tactics being used to manipulate your presence on the ballot.

  23. Anonymous4:39 AM

    A little Vince Bradley....(LOL)!!!

  24. Anonymous6:28 AM

    It's all about the law. The law (Wilson-Pakula) is about protecting the party from being taken over by candidates who have only half-hearted interest in the Democratic Party and more self interest. VOTE NO!

    Keep Vince Bradley and his cronies seeking favors and paybacks away from the top law enforcement post in the county. His campaign is not about justice it is about self-interest.

  25. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Mr. Bradley is the clear choice of the well-heeled and powerful of several political parties. That doesn't assure me that he is the best choice to serve justice for ALL Ulster County residents. In fact, it makes me rather queezy.

  26. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Mr. Beesmer is a hypocrit. HIs wife sent a letter to the Freeman without noting she is on the committee to elect Bradley.

    Why don't you spend 10 minutes with Bradley and you will see that he is a dud. Repeatedly praising Morganthau's work and office doesn't work here in Ulster County.

    As for the primary...there already was one. It was called the nominating convention. Bradley lost. End of story.


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