
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Committee Vote on Bradley set for July 21st

The Ulster County Democratic Committee will take a vote on the Wilson-Pakula for Vincent Bradley Jr., on Saturday, July 21st, 11 am at Kingston City Hall.

I strongly encourage all committee members to attend and vote against granting the Wilson -Pakula. I will give more specific details in the upcoming week.

Remember :
If you vote against this measure there will NOT be a Democratic primary!


  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    If it got this far Bradley must have the votes to win. So therefore the political insiders will defeat the rank and file members AGAIN!

    So much for being the Party of hte People.

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    He does not have the votes to win. He has backers who are protecting their self interests and politics as usual.

    Committee members must unite against second-guessing their original intent.

  3. I don't think so. They just haven't talked him out of running yet...

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Sottile and Noble are both pushing hard for Bradley. How come you have not mentioned this or called them to task for it?

  5. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Yes Jeremy...Since you are a strong supporter of the Sottile-Noble ticket I think you ought to publicly denounce their endorsement of Bradley and encourage their endorsement of the peoples choice - Sennett!

  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    What about Nickie "the backstabber" Werner? He is now your buddy? You're a joke Jeremy. You have no credibility.

  7. I have not spoken to Mr.Woerner for sometime now, however, the fact remains that he is the best choice for the town of Ulster.

  8. Anonymous10:15 PM

    The "peoples choice", are you kidding me? The ones opposed to Bradley don't want to let the people make a choice. If anyone considers 250 people the choice of the people they are pretty stupid. Bradley can win on the 2 lines he has plain and simple. If Bradley is denied primary then Sennett is a loser in the election. Without Hinchey, Cahill, Spitzer or Bush on the line Democrats will not be out in large numbers. With the Sennett/Schreibman bridalsweet deal and the negativity of a three way race I don't think Dems come out, and the ones that do will be split and that will prevent Sennett from winning. As a Democrat I will not vote Sennett in election if no primary is allowed and I know there are many others like me. What is wrong with letting all Democrats in Ulster County decide who the nominee should be? Please don't tell me the convention settled it, that is a pathetic excuse that has no merrit and will in the long run prevent Sennett from winning in November.

  9. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I am registered dem and I think Sennett is making a huge mistake not endorsing the wilson pakula for Bradley. It is obvious to all that Sennett has a better chance beating Bradley in a primay than beating Bradely and Carnright in a general election. I actually like Sennett and would vote for him, but not if he ducks a primary.

  10. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Vincent Dadley, Jr is not a Democrat. He is an opportunist willing to do anything to get himself elected. We don't need a candidate who has never practiced law in Ulster County.

  11. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Dear 10:15

    What makes you think that even if Mr. Sennett beats Mr. Bradley (again) in the Democratic Primary, it will not be a 3-way race in November?

    Mr. Bradley will not pull out if he loses a Democratic primary. He has commmitted to running as the flag carrier for the Independence Party, and for the Conservative Party (that just denied Mr. Carnright a WIlson-Pakula to primary Mr. Bradley for their line).

    I see a 3-way race in November either way. The argument that Sennett will win and then it's a 2 way race is now moot.

    Why have a bloody, expensive primary only to run the same thing all over again in Nov?


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