
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Kingston Primary Election - - - - - Update

Kingston City Judge- James P. Gilpatric and J. Micheal Bruhn Jr. will face off for the Independence and Conservative lines.

Alderman - at- Large James Noble is challenging Lenny Walker for the Conservative line via an Opportunity to Ballot. Lenny Walker is challenging James Noble for the Democratic line.

Ward 4 - Shirley Whitlock is challenging Matt Ryan on the Working Families line via an Opportunity to Ballot (questionable, after a mistake on my part.) Matt Ryan is challenging Shirley Whitlock for the Democratic line. Matt Ryan was recently kicked off the GOP line after petition problems. (more on that later)

Ward 8 - Robert Senor is challenging Todd Langon for the Republican and Conservative lines. Smart money says Senor will have the whole election wrapped up in September.


  1. Anonymous3:54 AM

    When the voters go to the polls to vote they will see that Matt Ryan does not have a republican line he was only endorsed by them he did not become one, just like he was endorsed by the Working Family Party as well. I do know for a fact that Ryan feels we must work together with both parties if anything is to be accomplished in this administration or we will end up like it is now not even able to agree on leaf bagging or where the parking meters should be, by the way why are there no parking meters on John street word has it that Winn Morrison went in and told Sottile he has given him so much money for his election that he ask a favor that no meter be placed around his bussiness is this true? special favors for special people mayor?.

  2. Anonymous3:59 AM

    News Flash Sottile calls city workers lazy and good for nothing blames them for the poor state of the City Mayor yanks television out of their lunch room City Union to file harrassment charges against SOTTILE, it should all be on the front pages of the Daily Freeman today, has the Mayor TOTALLY lost his mind? because he's lost the race.

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Ward 4 Democratic Primary

    Whitlock 80%
    Ryan 20%

    $50 Bucks says I am right

  4. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Keep Clint Brown.

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Jeremy - Senor's challenger in Ward 8 is Todd Langon. He's a good guy and I hope even if he doesn't win, that he has a strong showing.

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Uncle Willy for Ward 5.

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM

    yet another Blaber Blunder yes folks Jeremy forgot to date the signitures on his Working family petitions so it's all over for the Rev Whitlock and the hopes of snaging the working party away from Ryan. look for a pic of the petition in next weeks Kingston Times!!.

  8. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Questionable Jeremy with out a question you screwed up!! But don't worry we are not laughing at you but with you!!

  9. The person that signed the petition did not date their signature. I messed up in the fact that I did not look it over carefully enough. It's a minor oversight.

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    After reading about the Rev. Shirley Whitlock in the local papers I must admit I have more Questions then answers, why did she leave Kingson for over thirty years to raise her kids? and just recently moved back?. In her interview she claims she wants solutions to the problems of the City but gives no examples of what she means to do about them no mention of the crime,drug,jobs, housing problems or for that matter about anything? I see from this same news story that Matthew Ryan has been quite busy in the last two years in several projects throughout the entire 4th Ward but nothing was mentioned about what the Rev. Whitlock has been involved in or with? The Mayor says he can work with the Rev but have they worked on anything for the 4th ward together before? have they worked together on anything period? and lastly as a Rev isn,t that a direct confrontation of church and state I mean if she is getting paid to be a minister and a Alderman at the same time isn't the line between church and state getting quite blurred also will she vote at the Common Council with the voice of the people of the 4th Ward or with the voice of her congeration? and what if they have to decide on some very religious subjects? This to me is a very touchy subject I feel church and state should be well defined and stay well seperated and as far apart as possible and as I have spoken with many of my neighbors they feel the same way, Yes I know the Rev Jesse Jackson and the Rev AL Sharpton have both had political aspirations at one time or another but neither has been successful so the question has really never beeen put to the test.
    Should a rev or a minister be allowed to run? and has an Alderman or for that matter Mayor or Goverenor in the state of New York ever been a minister or a rev won? Has Kingston ever had a Rev or a minister as an Alderman before? With the present president we now have in office the seperation of church and state has gotten fuzzier and more out of focus I feel a vote for the Rev. Shirley Whitlock would be a vote in the wrong direction according to our own constituion and of the United States of America.

  11. Anonymous11:29 AM

    To 847

    First, As a Jew and as a person who lives in Ward 4 I have no problem with Rev. Whitlock being a minister
    in her local church. Have had the chance to talk with Whitlock and she
    did not give me some 'smoke and mirrors' 'pie in the sky' lets start
    our budget at 0' nonsence. like Ryan
    is pushing. Shirley told me are there
    problems yes there are. Can she solve
    them all. No But she is not willing to give people false hope. As for having a seperation of Church/Temple as the write said. I
    find that disterbing. Maybe if we
    followed some rules of our faith
    maybe we would be better off. Also,
    In regards to Matt Ryan he comes off as a nasty little man who thinks he
    is a 'little' better then me. After
    Rev. Whitlock wins this primary I will take her to my Temple and give thanks to G-d for a person who will
    look me in the eye and tell the truth.

  12. Anonymous8:23 AM

    To 11:29. Great point and well said!

  13. Anonymous9:11 AM

    As far as the Whitlock issue regarding separation of church and state, this sort of thing is happening all across the nation, as are other major violations of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. In fact, if you check todays Freeman, there is one Christian group in Texas that is looking to deliver "free" Bibles to anyone that has a newspaper subscription, so I'm wondering (just a speculation, mind you...) if some atheist society or the Church of Satan might be able to get some of Bush Jr.'s "Office of Faith Based" funding monies to do the same... Seriously folks, take a look around. Our nation is a mess, and anything BUT Christian, in the Jesus Christ Christian sense of the word. And politics?
    Maybe the key "is" to do a bit of cross-dressing, bar-fighting, and propagandized piroueting (Quote: "What is truth? asked a jesting Pilate?") for the cameras...

  14. Anonymous10:44 AM

    To 911

    Are you on Prozac,Xanex,or s***
    from the street?

    CB Love Child

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    If the Rev Whitlock wants to get elected so badly why hasn't she done anything about that park thats less the 1000 feet from her own front door Ryan comes all the way over and has been working with the Mayor and the parks Dept she has not even shown up to a park meeting if thats not bad enough Clint Brown lives right across from this park and he's done nothing either these two are peas in a pod good for nothing and will do nothing even the bruenholff got involved two years ago and cleaned the park from all it's syringes and broken glass where was Shirley and her congeration?

  16. we dont need a Alderman that will mention g-d all the time if we need to come to them, dont bring it to politics

  17. I cant belive anyone would like Blaber, every thing that comes out his mouth ..... bla bla bla bla Hes a gossip freak that gets his info from places where he doesnt even know if its a true fact still!!! he is a liar you like clint brown so much blaber ? he hasnt done sh-t for the 4th ward

  18. Anonymous10:39 PM


  19. Anonymous7:09 AM


    You are a very nasty person. If I
    want to talk about G-D I will.

  20. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I am a new resident to the fourth Ward and last night I attended my first Midtown Neighborhood Watch Group meeting I must say I am quite impressed with Mr.Ryan and how professional and orginized he and his crew were at this meeting they had several people from around the ward reporting on different issues from the Queens Gally now serving over 5100 meals a month to a get the vote out drive to get people registered to vote, to a report on the community gardens to a blueprint of what they would like to see at a park in our area, to the gueat speaker a Jeanne Edwards from the DPW I learned so much about recycling and what size of garbage cans are allowed and just stuff that a new person to this City needs to know but can not find the information on anywhere else.They has a whole table filled with recycle stickers,park and rec information,energy saving grants for first time home owners, ymca information guardian angel information and a lot more.
    What a great asset this is to residents new and old and I encourge all new residents who move into the fourth ward to come to one of these meeting they meet the first Wednesday of each month I learned a lot of valuable information and I also now know who I will be voting for in the upcoming primary you see I also spoke with Shirley Whitlock a few weeks ago she is a very nice women but did not seem to have as much on the ball as Ryan does she seems to talk a lot about soultions to problems but gave none. Ryan speaks with actions not words which was quite apperent after I saw what he and his group have accoumplished in my Ward over the past two years Ryan is the best choice for the fourth Ward and I encourge all fourth Ward residents to follow his lead.

  21. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Hey does the Rev read this trash site.. haven,t seen anything on here from her? I keep seeing people asking what has she done for or in the ward no response from her or you Jeremy?.
    Can you fill us in? I have ask several friends about her and everybody I talk to has the same answer no ones met her and no one has heard of her? why is she running? One person did say they read that god told her to run for alderman? is that what we are calling Mayor Sottile now?.

  22. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I don't know Ms. Whitlock personally, and she might well be an incredible person. I do know Mr. Ryan, somewhat, and he has done a lot, community-wise. But - sometimes all that flash and glitter scares me - as well as the fact that he was apparently seeking a Republican endorsement in some areas. By the way, Mr. Ryan appears, in more subtle ways, to be stepping over the line of "church and state," as well.
    [I'm the nut on "Prozac" (grin) from up above (actually I'm NOT on any of the aforementioned mind-control drugs, yet...)] I take the "church - state" separation very seriously. I am alert. And I have done a lot of research. I know that one religious group locally (associated with Ryan) is trying to set up a voting registration place AT a church. I have read that the the Salvation Army and some other such groups are now being allowed (by the Bush Adm.) to discriminate in hiring (religious discrimination) and to evangelize to thier employees (in return for which they get some Fed. petro-dollars...). I am a humanist and agnostic, with a great deal of respect for Christ's message (peace, love, kindness,compassion...). However, I'm not into having "God" (or anyone that believes they have a "direct" line to "God") as my Alderperson, Mayor, President or "King" - because, in case ya' don't know it (these being just a few examples...) - Ancient Rome wasn't a very nice place... The Aztec Kings, 'tis said, used to "eat" thier own (the poor kids anyhow...)children. And the early Roman Catholic Emperors were "not" (based upon an evaluation of the outcomes...) too awfully concerned about the "common good."

  23. Anonymous12:31 PM

    TO 819

    First, I would like to welome you to the Ward. Second I have lived here long enough to know and have been around the block to know when I see
    a 'Dog and Poney' Show as it comes to some slick political people who run for office. For one I asked Matt Ryan
    many questions in this blog and he aswered me in a 'negative' and 'nasty' tone. It appears if you disagree with him he will just
    'dismiss' you to. Do we need answers in this Ward?? You bet do.
    But dont give me some slick answers with flow charts. Dont run to the
    Freeman or Kingston Times every time you want to get some free press. Or go on 23 and put down the cops or call Chief Keller a lier.
    In my heart I know Matt Ryan is laughing at all of you. He thinks
    we are just some 'hicks' in a sleepy town 100 miles north that he can get over on. OK 'if' he is elected who will work with him??
    Keller?? Please..Another thing he has gone right to Rich Cahill when the Democrats did not endorse him..
    Thats right have some pride and say what you are and say it 'loud and proud'.. So go on my residents of Ward Four go and elect
    this guy but a year from now do blog me and tell me what a mistake has been made. Trust me as someone who has been around this Ward for at least 50 years this guy is a phony. He is Laughing at us I just know it.

  24. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I wanted to put in a plug for Lenny Walker - in the sense that he isn't afraid to speak his mind. I don't understand why Lenny is trying to go Republican though... (Am I wrong on this?)
    He seems more like a Democrat, overall.

  25. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Lenny Walker=Sellout

  26. Anonymous11:09 PM

    So let me get this right four years ago the mayors choice was Clint Brown as Alderman well I have to say that was a terrible choice now the mayor wants us to trust his choice again because he went in and bullied the democratic search party and went against their votes and went outside the fourth Ward and had other people decide for me that Mrs Whitlock is the best choice for me? sorry Mayor fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me I like it that Ryan has his fist in your face and you Mayor haven't done anything for this ward in years Brown was a sell out and never stuck up for the Midtown area and that is exactly what you want so you do not have to deal with it let the people of the fourth Ward decide for themselves and stop trying to dictate to the rest of us I think you have enough to worry about with your own election.

  27. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Hey 12:31 so with your slick dog and pony show what has your horse done for the fourth ward? I can not find one person who knows anything that the Rev Shirley has done or said in this ward at least Ryan doesn't just speak words but shows with action 800 pounds of canned food to the local soup kitchen and cleaning up the Van Buren Park which may I add is only 500 feet from the Rev,s own front door and she hasn,t even gone to a park committee meeting or helped clean it up once yeah she cares about the children all right I,ll show you a slick do nothing rat show with our own Mayor Sottile AND Jeremy Blaber as the ringleaders.

  28. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Pupuseria's Restaurant? is that where the Revernd Shirley Whitlock is going to have her Fundraiser and your fellow bloggers thought the basement was a bad choice at least it has new owners and a new name Pupuseria's is known all over the City of Kingston as not only a drug lair But a gambeling joint and a hooker hangout owned by the Mexican Mafia or maybe she knows that and is in with them? does she know the bloods and the crypts?.

  29. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Hey Jeremy I loved the spread on the Rev. Whitlock and when the Mayor said he can work with her. Can you tell us what the Mayor and the Rev had worked on together in the 4th Ward? in any ward? and is it true that the Mayor actually said he can mold Whitlock into what he wants a Alderman to be? As a women and a voter I take offence to that remark and so should Whitlock. hopefully she will be the next one to throw a drink in the Mayors face!.

  30. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Have been to the Pupuseria and the food is good and the people are nice. Maybe the Dr wants to have a
    true flavor of her Ward since the Latino population is growing. Dr.
    Whitlock is a 'person of the people' and she is not slick. OK
    Let me get back to Denny Ryan.. There is an old Jewish saying.. 'One peson can do so much
    by not taking the credit'. It would be nice if out of the kindness of his heart he could do something for the community without makeing a big deal about it. Whitlock is a warm a kind person who has done a lot for the community but does not run to the paper when her deed is done. Rev
    Whitlock has my support and I will help her any way I can.

  31. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Hey 8:07 What has the Rev. Shirley Whitlock done for this ward? I keep asking that question with no answers? she said in her letter to all the Democrats that she had a church in the fourth Ward thats a lie.. it's not in the fourth Ward Her husband beat her and thats why she left Kingston for 30 years... and she;s still with him how strong could she possibly be... maybe you need to dig a little deeper before you make a choice that you have to live with for the next two years.

  32. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Pupuseria's Restaurant was the dirtiest place I have ever eaten in the entire City of Kingston the food was terrible but maybe if you perfer popyes or taco bell fast food then you will thoughly enjoy the experience bon appeito better bring the alka seltzer though.

  33. Anonymous10:35 PM

    so another stabbing in Midtown and now I hear another shooting on Sterling street Hey Keller and Sottile you both look like fools hope you can both find new jobs when Rich Cahill takes office.

  34. Anonymous10:38 PM

    No need to make a big deal over Shirley Whitlock she hasn,t done anything except told the Mayor she will rubber stamp anything he says or does with a yes vote, has she also slept with Clint Brown and the Mayor? maybe together?


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