
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sottile heads to Clifton Park to support Kingston Babe Ruth 15 yr. old All Stars

Mayor James Sottile heads up to Clifton Park tonight to support Kingston's Babe Ruth 15 yr. old All Star team that will compete in the State Finals. No press out of it..... doing it just becasue it's the right thing to do and becasue he cares.


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Makes me just want to kiss Sottile right on his ass.

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    ...and because they're serving beer at the game.

  3. Anonymous9:32 PM

    When will Jimmy support the Democratic All Stars?

  4. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Think he might throw his beer at the umpire?

  5. Anonymous3:25 AM

    He will cross dress and try to make-out with the umpire.

  6. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Dear Mr. Blaber,
    Your gratutious post promoting Mayor Sottile's kinder, gentler side is laughable given the the Mayor's well documented behavior in recent weeks. He opened City Hall for a vote and now rejects the results snd will of the Democratic party. He then has a little tantrum where he continues to throw support behind an ill suited candidate for district attorney. You would be wise to distance yourself from him as his erratic behavior. It is not good for the city or the party. He lacks integrity. Why would you sully your reputation for a cad and his unimpressive candidate?

  7. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The games that Sottile graced his presence with in Clifton Park ended up against the local teams' favor. Did he charge the field and demand two remates? Did he throw Gatorade in a tirade to be shown on YouTube. No. The rules are set and he cannot change them. The same should be true with the political process. He is not God...he is the mayor who is elected by the people to serve in their best interests. Too bad we don't have another Dem to primary him.

  8. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The Conservative Mind at work here...
    Always bitter, nasty, and negative.
    Go read your NY Post.

  9. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Not the conservative mind. A Democratic mind who is tired of power hungry politicians who think they rule the world. It is not about power, it is about how to improve the lives of those you serve.

    True leadership is selfless. People want to follow a true leader who unites a group, not divides. Sorry to say that Bradley is not a strong candidate. After three nay votes from Democrats, he is damaged goods.

  10. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Mayor Sottile came to support our team and delivered a moving pre game speech. It was a moment that might not mean a lot to political hacks, but to the 15 young men who played last night it is a memory that will far exceed the results of the game itself. They represented something bigger than a baseball league last night they pridefully represented a city. I know how much it meant to those kids for Mayor Sottile to have been there for them. I know because I am their coach. The city should take pride in itself as well as its mayor and its local youth.

  11. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Where is Pete Kerney when you need

    Hey Frankie every thing OK?

  12. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I'm glad Sottile did th right thing for our baseball team. And I do take pride in those young people, their coach, this City. I can not take pride in the Mayor, though I respect the office.

    Where was he when he was scheduled to be a the meeting for the Charter School? Why does he act as if we all should agree with him without question? What happened to respresenting and serving all the people, not just his friends and supporters? This is not a monarchy, no matter what Sottile thinks.

    This Mayor has embarrassed this City, the Democratic Party and himself on more than one occassion. His erratic, intimidating behavior is a danger for him and the rest of us. He should step aside.

  13. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Watching the mayor self destruct on the pages of the Freeman is truly a sad spectacle. Political leaders need to bring people together not divide them. If CSEA is not happy with the mayor then it is in the best interests of Sottile and the city to find out why. Repeated aggitated behavior in public is not fitting for a public servant.

  14. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Clint Brown as there. He threw out the first pitch with a 99 mile per hour slider.

  15. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Where was YouTube to catch the manic mayor confronting CSEA?

  16. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I want my MTV.

    Troy Ashdown

  17. Anonymous3:11 AM

    He was so there. You fuckin Cahill supporters are just plain ol' liars!

  18. Anonymous7:20 AM

    No one said he wasn't there. Some simply feel this "right" act, is small potatoes compared to the Mayor's erratic, intimidating and inappropriate behavior. I'm glad he supported our team. It was the right thing to do.

    I too wonder why he failed to attend the Charter School meeting he was scheduled to attend. He seems to choose which of our youth and residents he feels worthy of his time and attention.

    His behavior with the CSEA is disgraceful. What was in the paper was the tip of the iceberg. He has tried to intimidate workers during their shifts, while doing their jobs. Behavior that is unacceptable in the private sector and abhorrent in the public sector.

    He is doling out favors to political supporters at cost to all of us. There are no parking meters on John Street between Crown and Wall. There are meters on John between Wall and Clinton. Meters everywhere else Uptown, including in residential areas. Why this blantant discrimination? Win Morrison is a big money supporter of Sottile. It appears he has weight none of the rest of the businesses has.

    Voters need to know the whole truth, not just the positive spin dished out to manipulate and deceive. Then we, the people, can make our choice. Disagreeing with the Mayor or any elected official is our right. Freedom of speech is fundemental to democracy. Using gutter language is also part of that right. In my opinion it makes you look ignorant and lazy, still it' your right.

  19. Anonymous1:09 PM

    To 720

    But at least I dont hang out at the

  20. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Sotile is no Gallo, as Gallo was no Koening. I think we are in a state of decline, as our leadership, from Mayor to President, has disintegrated o'er the years. I still believe that there are good people out there, but given the sorry state of the political realm these days, most choose not even to bother, and those who do, quickly lose interest and feel like their efforts are fruitless. Why should young people be interested in the political field, when they are treated as rudely as Jeremy Blaber has been? You wonder why 75% of our youth can't name a Supreme Court justice, or a cabinet member? Or why voter turnout is so low? People are disgusted at the sad state of affairs...and it should not be this way. Eventually, this will catch up to us and we ALL will be living in tent-cities and rummaging through dumpsters for food.

    Grady from Lower Franklin Street

  21. Anonymous4:02 PM

    The only thing I know is I am a
    52 year old granmother and that
    Troy Ashdown is SUCH a good looking man. That bald head is so sexy. Jeremy Put his pic back up.

  22. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Jeremy who are the Mayors political mentors? first he starts off with leaf bagging moves into property reval then into parking meters then a fight in a local bar that goes with a women then a fight with the largest union in the City of Kingston? Is he trying to just give it away to Cahill? tell him to move over and let Renyolds have a shot at it before he loses it for all us Democrats.

  23. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Sottile wasn't at the game it's a lie, I was there he was a no show yet again, maybe he went to the bar instead.

  24. Anonymous4:09 PM

    blaber kisses sottiles butt!! any any other democrat

  25. Anonymous10:42 AM

    3:11 get yourself a dictionary, you filthy pig!

  26. Anonymous7:07 AM

    To 109- neither do I, though I enjoyed good music and good food and good company for a couple hours. In your world it's more important where I hang out than $20,000/year worth of parking is being given away to the Mayor's supporter on your tax dime (assuming you live here and pay taxes)? Smacks of corruption to me.

    And is it also OKAY for Sottile to hang out at Mariner's, but worng for me to spend a couple of hours at the Basement? Are you one of our elected officials? If not, this Administration would lovve you to join up. You think like them.


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