
Saturday, August 18, 2007

Assemblyman Cahill to Co-Chair Ethics Panel

Assemblyman Kevin Cahill has been appointed by Speaker Shelly Silver to serve as co-chair of the nine-member Legislative Ethics Commission. The commission was created in response of the Ethics Reform Act of 2007. This particular committee may not be a committee that will bring money to the 101st district but it's a committee that deals with a very important issue, one that means a lot to our Assemblyman. Cahill has continually fought for ethics reform and continues to make us proud in Albany.

"As chair of the Assembly Committee on Ethics and Guidance for the past two years, Kevin Cahill has shown his dedication to integrity and his commitment to the highest standards of ethics,"
Silver said


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Raising our ethical standards in government is long overdue.This county has had a dramatic shift in demographics that demands that our elected officials have higher ethical standards than ever before.Let's raise the bar so high that we can't find willing public servants and need to entice monetarily our candidates in order to fill the positions.After an IQ test and medical exam they could start at let's say $250,000 a year(minimum wage now in Manhattan.)Then we'd get some real progress and our savings from productivity would make up for the big bucks.

  2. Anonymous9:16 PM

    blaber rules

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    As he chaired the committee how many people from the Assembly got arrested? Great job

  4. Anonymous2:43 AM

    ethical politicians, wasn't that the original greek derivation of the word oxymoron, or was it honest lawyer.......

  5. Kevin Cahill is as ethical as they come.

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Cahill sucks.

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    "as ethical as they come" is pretty defensive and qualifying language. I guess it's like Jon Stewart or Colbert, "as good as it gets"???.........

  8. Anonymous9:45 AM

    As chair of the Ethics committee, you certainly don't direct who gets arrested and who doesn't. I would think the Ethics committee would have to react to people who are arrested. It is what happens after the arrest that counts. Ethics committees are not morality police. They simply enforce ethics rules of whatever body they are overseeing.
    Knowing Kevin for more then 30 years, I can say that there is no one else I can think of who is better for that position. He is smart, thoughtful, fair and honest.

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    As Lily Tomlin said, "No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up..."

  10. Anonymous8:39 PM

    If we had more like Kevin, we would be much better off.


    We're Back!

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Kevin should prepare for one of two things. County Executive or Congress when Hinchey retires. Ulster County needs him on our side. I have voted for him every time he has run and I am glad I did.

  13. He is a stand up guy, and even I have voted for him. Maybe he can convince Maurice to retire soon. :-)

  14. To the other J.B,

    You don't support Maurice? I'm shocked!

  15. Anonymous4:50 PM

    We don't need a politician as county executive. We need a CEO type.

  16. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Kevin Cahill is a real ladies man, but pales in comparison to Clint Brown.

  17. Anonymous4:17 AM

    We need Mike Hein!!

  18. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Cahill has had private business success. He ran one of the only successful divisions of Wellcare during his "hiatus" from politics. It was profitable while the rest of the company was spiraling downward. I know because I worked there at the time.

  19. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Mike Hein over Kevin Cahill? Are you serious? Has Hein ever had an original thought?
    Cahill is a leader. Hein is a follower.

  20. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Kevin Cahill does not have the management experience to be our first county exec. Sottile does, but his recent poor choices have diminished his electability. Al Spada is retired. Cal Cunningham passed away. So that pushes Mike Hein to the top of the list. When Mike took over, our County was in poor financial health. While the picture is not rosy, and the road ahead is not smooth, Mike has steered our ship in the right direction and along with Chairman Donaldson, can take the majority of the credit for turning Ulster around.

    K. Cahill should stay where he is, and try for the Federal seat, once Maurice retires. He has the edge, now, from this end of the district, but the longer Mo stays, the more powerful others, like Susan Zimet, will become. If I were Kevin, I'd be sending Mo anonymous retirement brochures ;)


  21. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Mike Hein? Sue Zimet? Dave Donaldson? These guys don't stand a chance. Sue can't win outside New Paltz (she even lost in New Paltz, probably last Democrat to loose there). Dave would have no support outside Kingston and most Kingston Dems don't think much of him. Mike Hein is a Republican and an opportunist, he would get hammered in a primary by anyone who has any political experience. Mike has more enemies than friends. Blogs can promote a person but they can't fool the public. The only thing funnier than the three you have would be to add Hector to the list. The county still sucks and that is because of Donaldson, Hein, and Zimet. Idiots would be a better word to describe these guys.

  22. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Kevin Cahill should not be mentioned in the same breath as those other people. What an insult.

  23. Anonymous12:40 PM

    10:05, I hope you meant an insult to Kevin and not the other people. Kevin is far superior a public servant then all of them combined.

  24. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Let's merge Ulster and Dutchess County and have a proven County Exec.....Bill Steinhaus!!!!

    not paid for by:
    Citizens for Steinhaus for Ulster

  25. Anonymous12:03 PM

    You people are crazy. Kevin Cahill is a total drip! Talk about someone who can't read a situation or know when to shut up. Weren't any you at the Convention in May?

    What a sad state of affairs.

    ...speaking of affairs, how many has Kevin had now? Maybe 7:35 PM knows.

  26. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Anyone that calls Kevin a drip, is way off base. He does tend to run on at the mouth....OK so he never shuts up, but he is the best person for the Exec job that we have. I hope he runs and I hope he wins.

    Someones personal life is just that, grow up a little.


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