
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Blaber on Radio Free Kingston this Sunday at 12:30

Jeremy Blaber has been invited to be a guest on '' Radio Free Kingston", hosted by Legislator Gary Bischoff and Art Richter. I look forward to going on and hope that people tune in, said Blaber. Radio Free Kingston airs Sunday from 12:30-1:30 on 1490 AM on WKNY.


  1. Anonymous3:01 AM

    I hope the CSEA workers have AM radios provided in their cars, trucks and other buildings for listening to this, the on air Garage sale, oh and don't forget the SMILE DOCTOR....They also serve who only sit and listen, and if nothing else at least we can be well informed..........

  2. Anonymous3:01 AM

    I hope the CSEA workers have AM radios provided in their cars, trucks and other buildings for listening to this, the on air Garage sale, oh and don't forget the SMILE DOCTOR....They also serve who only sit and listen, and if nothing else at least we can be well informed..........

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Hope he talks about Clint Brown

  4. Anonymous12:09 AM

    God told Shirley to be a Alderman?
    Funny my Gods not political.

  5. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Where is a link so that we can listen to this discussion? Can you please post?

  6. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Where is a link so that we can listen to this discussion? Can you please post?

  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    One Love Clinton Brown Unity Peace

  8. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Clint Brown bought 1490 and will be playing gospel 24-7


  9. The broadcast is not available online. I think it was tapped and if I can I will try and upload it. Next time, I'll give more notice of when I will be on. Sorry.

  10. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Clint Brown=Unity

  11. Anonymous3:13 PM

    to 11:57 are you M.M.?

  12. Anonymous10:11 PM

    are Clint Brown and SHIRLEY Whitlock THE SAME PERSON? only in drag?


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