
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jonathan Sennett on WGHQ with Sue Wittig

Jon Sennett appeared on WPDH this morning with Sue Wittig, the show went very well and I will have video of the event up soon.


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    GHQ sucks now that they took off Rush, Beck and Hannity. I listen to 77 WABC or 810 WGY. Sue Deak should stick to Wallpaper.


  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Yeah Cal, GHQ is dead air. Walter Maxwell should be ashamed of himself for selling out to big-media. Then that prick has the gall to beg for $10 from listeners, when he raked in millions from the sale of the station and still makes a handy profit leasing the broadcast towers he still owns in Port Ewen, back to the station. Turn off GHQ. Ulster turned off Maxwell 2 years ago when the snob ran for Supervisor.

  3. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Sennett sounded very strong the other day on the radio. Sennett will be a great D.A. and will prosecute criminal and clean up midtown. His plan for cleaning up crime is very promising.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Sue Wittig.. the Ultra right Wing, I hate Democrats, I ran against Hinchey... that Sue Wittig? What a witch. She is the anti-Democrat poster child. If the interview went well, that means Sennett buckled or cow towed to her.

  5. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Absolutely not, they disagreed on the death penalty and other issues. However, Sennett's message bout fighting crime and prosecuting violent criminals was very good. He also proved to be an extremely strong speaker.

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    It's funny becasue Sue was ragging on Bradley for being against the death penalty and Sennett could of said well I disagree and pander to her but he stuck to his guns and said that he was morally against the death penalty but if it was instituted he would enoforce the law...which is the right answer in my opinion.


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