
Friday, September 14, 2007


50,000+ visits
Blaber's News hits fifty thousand visits since it's start in March 2006. There is a story in the Kingston Times that features local blogs including this one, and it's effect on local elections. To read the story click here---> KT STORY


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    In all fairness, what is cahill's blog address?

  2. In all fairness and only becasue I'm fair and balanced it's:

  3. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Congratulations Jeremy - 50,000 hits is quite an achievement. How long have you had this blog?

  4. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I can actually agree with DiBella on something. Anonymous posting puts little weight behind these postings. I used to be a named poster, but the ugly side of blogging started to touch my life outside the virtual world. It's Unfortunate, very unfortunate that we cannot express opinions and ideals on an intellectual level, leaving out personal smearing.

  5. Anonymous2:07 AM

    To 7:35 PM. You can do exactly what you stated. At 7:35 PM , you did so......Thanks

  6. TO 6:25 PM :

    I have been doing the blog since March of 06.

  7. Anonymous2:35 AM


    Come on. You know I like you and you're the best. I hope you are Governor some day but fair and balanced? Gimme a break! There is nothing wrong with being a partisan Democrat as long as your decisions are always in the best interest of the people. Don't forget it.

    - MJS

  8. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Blaber fair and balanced.. HA! Blaber is to fair as Mike Vick is to a dog lover.

  9. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Blaber your comments about Jean Jacob's show you to be a true gentleman. When are you going to run for something? Stay out of that SB bullshit it's not where you belong. Consider it a blessing that you were not elected. Run for Alderman and bust Cahill's balls when he is mayor!


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