
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Comment Moderation

I get a lot of comments and e-mails about the comment area that is on this blog. As many people know I approve all comments before they're published and often people wonder why one comment went through and not the other. Sometimes I get e-mails from candidates that were attacked on the comment section wanting me to take them down and other people accuse me of simply playing favorites. For the most part, I'll accept all comments in the name of free speech but there are times that I hit the reject button if someone is attacking a friend of mine..Which I admit is not fair but it's my blog.

There is one thing I'm fair about and that is not allowing an attack on a candidate's family. A good example is the 22 comments I have rejecting regarding a recent arrest of a high ranking Republican's daughter. I will not publish those comments so do not bother sending them. I have no problem with holding a candidate or official responsible for their own actions but I will not allow someone to bring their family into the mix. For those of us involved in the political scene it's an unwritten rule that a persons family is always off limits, a rule I firmly support.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    how is this for a comment? littledick is getting CRUSHED in that poll he stole from you!

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    The only poll that matters is Election Day.

  3. Anonymous5:41 AM


  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    to 11:09, oh, how gay

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

    "it's an unwritten rule that a persons family is always off limits, a rule I firmly support."

    Unless of course it's an opponent of Sennett.

  6. Anonymous3:17 PM

    You should post everything. Regardless. No matter what.

    Blog Troll

  7. Absolutly not, there have been numerous times that I have deleted comments because they attacked Mr.Bradley's girlfriend or his late father.

  8. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I was in the can at the "Basement" and someone tapped me on the shoe. At first I thought it was my good buddy Denny Ryan again, but when the stall opened, I was surprised to see Vince Bradley. Well, tbe rest of the story is a private matter.

    Senator Larry Craig

  9. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Mr 'Craig', that was wrong in so many ways, but still very funny! Thanks for the morning laugh.


All comments are published at my discretion. Comments are the opinions of the individuals leaving them and do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog. Comments are intended to be a means of reaction to a specific post and will be moderated for relevance, obscenity, libel or hateful and defamatory language. Do not submit commercial, off-topic or other copyrighted material.