
Monday, September 03, 2007

Watch Dog Walker

Here is a picture from Ulster County Politico, a nasty blog that I usually ignore but every once in a while it takes a break from attacking me and puts up something that actually makes me laugh.


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    What is all this blather about private enterprise experience to work in the public sector?

    I suppose everyone is looking for the Bloomberg Syndrome. He is a rare bird and not to be duplicated up here.

    Private enterprise runs on the profit motive.....

    Government is designed for the common good.....

    Like it or not, these two concepts are often in conflict.

    Just listen to Lenny "THE BOTTOM LINE "Walker sometimes as he wields his business hatchet in the political arena.

    No doubt we need fiscal accountability in the public realm but this should not and cannot be it's only premise......

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM



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