
Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Daily Disappointment

I have been told about the Freeman Bias being waved toward Jonathan Sennett for several months now and for the most part I have shrugged it off as people being overly paranoid, but it comes a point when one must accept the facts. The fact of the matter is that Ira Fusfeld and Hugh Reynolds are clearly NOT supporting Jonathan Sennett and are clearly distorting his record and using their paper to hurt his candidacy.
The character assassination in today's paper made that very clear. I'd be willing to bet this blogs existence that the Freeman does not have the courage to endorse Sennett. That's what it's about, no one can sit in a room with Carnright, Bradley and Sennett and come out thinking that Sennett is not the better candidate. It's courage and fear of change that the Freeman won't accept.

Why are they doing this? I'm not sure. It could be that they're pandering to Kingston Mayor Jim Sottile and the large Kingston readership. However, Sennett has a large base of support in Kingston so that seems unlikely. Maybe, the Freeman fears change? They did endorse Elliot Spitzer for Governor last year so that also seems like an odd explanation. Maybe it's a small combination of both, who knows. The fact of the matter is that Jonathan Sennett will be the next district attorney of Ulster County and he will bring forth a positive change to the criminal justice system that we have not witnessed since Elliot Spitzer was elected as our Attorney General.

CHANGE, REFORM, JUSTICE FOR ALL, this is the type of salty language that makes political editor Hugh Reynolds and many others uncomfortable. It shouldn't have to, please join me in electing a bold, fearless, Spitzer type leader on November 6th.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Nice picture of you Blab in the Daily Disappointment today.

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Bravo. It takes courage to make the statement you made. What you said is true about the Freeman. Luckily, they are no longer the only game in town. Long live the blog.

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sennett should be d.a., it's a no-brainer. Let's hope Bradley does not take away too many votes to prevent this.

    Former disappointed county legislator

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I'm not going to buy the rag just to confirm what I already know. Mr. Fusfeld has made his low intellect known. Most of us "higher evolved" people hope that people like him are really smarter than they are. We hope that their pedestrian manner is just for the profit of their business. I think it is safe to conclude that Mr. Fusfeld is not interested in who is the best choice,nor is he interested in gaining readership. His sights are permanently set on the past. He is a man who never should have gotten past writing sports. Again I remind everyone,that this lack of journalistic integrity is no small part of the barrier to KIngston's revitalization. Mr. Fusfeld cannot face the future because the part of his brain that should process that information is clearly inoperable. He needs to go if Kingston is ever going to be a place where families could live. His allegiance to the "bread and circus" arena has made that crystal clear.

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Hugh Reynolds is a legend in his own mind. Ira Fusfeld is such an egomaniac that he actually thinks that he matters. Do yourself a favor JB, set your standards for that piece of shit rag very low and you will not be disappointed.

  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    You are vommiting from your fingers again 7:12.

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Interesting that all of the posts cry about the Freeman's indictment of Sennett but I am yet to hear anyone defend his position on the "decriminalization" of marijuana. The bottom line is that Jon's position on this matter is not healthy for Ulster County. Go to JAMA and read about marijuana as a gateway to harder drugs and crime.

    This is a bad position for a DA to take, plain and simple.

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I'd hate to belong to the 'torch and pitchfork' caryying mob that the progessives are. Damn, you can't have a single personal opinion that may not sit well with the collective.

    Sorry that the Freeman has some bias away from Sennett. But now you know how frustrating it is when a newspaper shows its prefferences when it's supposed to be non-bias. The Freeman has been bias away from republicans for YEARS. So, swallow hard, and quit your crying!

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I heard a radio spot today where Bradley says that the DA's office should be above politics.

    Now we know for sure he is a liar. His campaign would never have seen the light of day had it not been for politics. What about the 700 donors who plan on knocking on the doors of the DA's office????

  11. Anonymous9:48 AM

    How many responses does Putzfeld get on his blog?

    Skew Reynolds is not smart enough to know what a blog is or to have one himself.

  12. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Bradley smokes chronic with Clint Brown.


  13. Anonymous5:03 PM

    When you see some of the crap that people write here, you can understand why nobody takes it seriously.

  14. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Ken Beesmer wrote: "Go to JAMA and read about marijuana as a gateway to harder drugs and crime. This is a bad position for a DA to take, plain and simple."

    In the online responses to the Freeman article, the husband of the fundraising chair for Mr. Sennett's opponent has done a fine job of cherry picking his "research" to foster his own ends (without revealing his relationship to the campaign). Unfortunately, it's unclear if those ends include a serious discussion on substance abuse, or furthering his wife's agenda of having her candidate act as a spoiler. (On the other hand, maybe it’s perfectly clear)

    As someone who has lived with substance abuse in several generations of my family, and witnessed the devastating financial, emotional and legal effects first hand, I find some of his arguments facile, petulant and insulting.

    Serious scientific studies conclude that, in fact, tobacco is the "gateway" drug for nearly every substance abuser. But these same scientists also acknowledge that use of a substance is not the root cause in later abuse of more dangerous substances. It is merely the first step taken by those who already have a tendency for abuse. Only a small percentage of people who have used marijuana continue to use it. And an even smaller percentage becomes abusers of more dangerous substances.

    Substance abuse is a physiological disease, with some psychological tendencies. It is a disease that can be successfully treated which, thank God, I have also seen first hand.

    I for one do not want my tax dollars squandered on incarcerating and warehousing people who are sick. Jonathan Sennett advocates more efficient and intelligent use of resources when he takes over the job as District Attorney in January. I concur wholeheartedly. That's one of the reasons I support him one hundred percent.

    The current argument is nothing more than a red herring (unfortunately fomented by the Freeman because of their not-so-veiled support of another candidate) to detract from the real issues in this election - crime, taxes and, most of all, experience.

  15. Anonymous5:29 PM

    What exactly is "vommiting?" Finish school before you post again. That's a perfect example of why industries cannot survive here. The lack of education that permeates this area has doomed all substantive job creation other than the most menial of jobs for the Freeman's readers. High paying employment requires reading skills that would instantly disqualify the freeman from being recognized as a newspaper. I think we need to legislate that low reading level papers be printed only in tabloid form so as to prevent the misconception that all our residents are mentally challenged.

  16. Anonymous5:33 PM

    8:13 You are very simple. I guess you didn't know that marijuana is already decriminalized? Would you suggest that a candidate make up harder charges out of thin air? I've heard some pretty stupid ideas here,but that one is very funny. Sort of like considering a violent act on your front door to be violent crime.

  17. Anonymous8:33 PM

    5:33 "decriminalize" is a direct quote from Sennett. Listen to you candidate because you just made him sound like a fool.

    5:13 You seem pretty well educated on drug answer the simple you think marijuana is a harmless drug that should be legal?

  18. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I'm sorry, I can't take this anymore. It is Eliot. Governor Eliot Spitzer. Just one "l".

    Also, I agree, the Freeman leadership has some serious integrity issues. I also think Sennett is right on with the pot issue, but he probably should have played it the way David Soares did and waited to put that out there until after the election while giving a speech somewhere in Canada.

  19. Anonymous9:38 PM

    5:03...The truth hurts.

    The Freeman will soon become a irrelevant relic to the likes of online news outlets such as and blogs where real people are in control. Not a bunch of grumpy old men in need of a truckload of bran muffins.

  20. Anonymous9:57 PM

    What happens when Phillip Morris gets into selling marijuana? Then all of a sudden, it will be evil. Bottom line, if you grow enough for just yourself, NO ONE is comming after you. When you start selling it, then you're on your own.

  21. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Clint Brown wants a pot plant in every chicken.

    Vote for Clint


  22. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Correction... That's Pot in every Kennedy Fried Chicken...

    CB#2 Unity, Peace, Love.

  23. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Growing for yourself means the forfeiture of your property. Philip Morris already grows for the government and has been planning it's sales for decades. Tobacco kills it's users while pot does not. In fact, after endless government studies to prove that pot causes lung cancer, the research has shown that pot smoking accelerates cell regeneration to a speed that outpaces cancer cells and essentially cures cancer. Certainly the tobacco purveyors see the benefit to switching to a more health conscious product.All of this "reefer madness" has been a direct result of the petro-chemical industry to corner the markets that pot would naturally inhabit. The first real laws against pot were in 1949,when nylon rope was invented and the oil industry lobbied to have pot made illegal to force the US Navy to purchase nylon rope instead of hemp rope that had been used for thousands of years. Our constitution is written on pot parchment,how would our forests be today if the publishing industry were still using pot? What about the cotton industry? Pot is the only grown source in the world that petro-chemicals can be extracted from. This whole drug issue is just a red herring. An excuse to ruin our resources and blow up the world to line the pockets of a few crooks intent on pursuing the almighty dollar. I think Mr. Fusfeld's paper suppliers are feeling threatened.

  24. Anonymous3:23 PM

    A "200 year conspiracy" to line the pockets of nylon manufactures? WHERE do you FIND this stuff? The INTERNET? WOW, now there's a source of factual information.

  25. Anonymous8:53 AM

    2007 minus 1949 equals 58, you get 200? You are truly a moron. Fuzzy math again. I don't think this conspiracy is in doubt. You probably think the word "conspiracy" means doubt. Use a dictionary and a calculator,you desperately need to. Keep going because the authorities are going to charge you with conspiracy and you should know what the charge means. You have to have an IQ under 70 to get off for stupidity.

  26. Anonymous4:45 PM

    8:33PM - I think pot is equally as harmful, societally and physiologically, as tobacco and alcohol. It would be appropriate to treat them equally. Since alcohol and tobacco will never be more "criminalized," pot should be decriminalized.

    These substances are abused because of a disease. The treatment for the disease should not be incarceration.


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