
Saturday, October 27, 2007

D.A. Debate Today at 11:00 AM Kingston City Hall

There will be a debate for the candidates running for Ulster County District Attorney, Jonathan Sennett, Vince Bradley Jr., and Holley Carnright.

The debate is today, Saturday, Oct. 27th at 11:00 am at Kingston city hall. Please attend!

I encourage all to attend and to tell your friends to attend. It's very important that people come out and look at the candidates individually and listen to what they have to say. This is a county-wide race and a very important one, so whether you live in Kingston or Shawangunk please come out and listen to the candidates. The debate is being sponsored by the League of Woman Voters of Ulster County.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    who's that picture of the bald mary on the blog? We don't want him as d.a.


  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Two neanderthalian roundheads vs. a homo sapien. Hmm,tough choice.

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

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  4. Anonymous10:32 AM


    Bradley must have put the WOOD to your wife or girlfriend?

  5. Anonymous10:39 AM

    When you have spent the majority of your professional life defending criminals being a tough DA will not be easy.

  6. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Carnright said it today's Ulster County Press that technology is not important to the D.A.'s office.

    WHAT? He has said it before, so he can't claim to be misquoted. Will he be riding in his horse and carriage to the debate?

  7. Anonymous2:45 PM

    There should be a public debate for mayor

  8. Anonymous6:56 PM

    To 11:55:

    What is more important....that the DA knows how to work on a computer or knows how to prosecute a case to verdict? Good old fashioned lawyering, strategy and EXPERIENCE is what is important for our next D.A.,....not secretarial skills.

    To think otherwise is silly.

    All good lawyers know how to research the old fashioned way, as well as on the web. You're just being petty.

  9. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I've heard two different times for the debate one was 11 am and the other was 11:30 AM?? PLEASE ADVISE OF CORRECT TIME. THANKS!

  10. Anonymous11:17 PM

    From what I have seen, Carnright is too tired to do the job. Too lay back to be DA.

  11. Anonymous2:40 AM

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  12. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Who's the brainiac that keeps waking me up in the middle of the night? Either quit thinking so loudly or post what you want. I'm going back to sleep.

  13. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Mr.Bradley should graciously withdraw from the race on Saturday Morning. It would assure Sennett's victory and enhance any and all of Mr. Bradley's political career.Thanks....smitty

    Mr. Bradley, I'm no genius, but Please prove to me your'e no fool.

  14. Anonymous7:53 AM

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  15. Anonymous8:05 AM

    4:07 - sorry to disappoint you, but Mr. Bradley is a fool - he won't withdraw. He's like a three year-old child: "If I can't get what I want, then you can't have it either." He views Sennett as an obstacle (even though Sennett was here first), and if he can't be DA, then Sennett can't, either. He's like the whacko parent that kills his kids when he loses custody - if he can't have his kids, then neither will his ex-wife. Bradley's too selfish to have kids, and his poor girlfriend of 11 years can't figure out that she'll never be his wife. Compared with Bradley, you are a genius.

  16. Anonymous8:45 AM

    did any of you catch Bill Reynolds and Jim Noble on KPA last night. Are these two really the pride of the common council? They are so scared to answer questions they wont even answer the phone, and all they did was sit and bash lenny Walker. But wait then Noble had the guts to start to talk about the great housing projects they are handling.
    Would someone please tell this man, that a city without any jobs, and that strives on low income housing and welfare cases, does not need any new homes! Where are the people that are going to be purchasing these new homes coming from? Certainly not from Kingston. And why would anyone out of town people come here to live? Do they all want to come here and pay the ridiculous taxes, and deal wtih the filth that has overtaken our city?
    Then he mentioned, that we must get the uptowns stores filled with business and the apartments upstairs rented.
    How can anyon afford to do business in this city, with the insane commercial taxes they have implemented?
    These two guys are so blinded by thier own obsession to be important, that they cant even see the demise they are creating. And they have the nerve to say how well this council works together....
    Thats because they never have taken a hard stance against anything in this city, they just keep saying yes to everything and raising our taxes.
    Get rid of them both, and take Blabes with em....

  17. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I can't make it, but I'd like to say thanks to the Council of Women Voters for sponsoring this debate.
    Way to go...!

  18. Anonymous2:17 AM

    To 8:45am, Bill and Jimmy do take a HARD STANCE against one thing and that's KPA. The same vehicle they used to tell you what they wanted you to hear. Please call them and request their support for the station....smitty

  19. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Will "Half-Truth Hugh" be there reporting that Bradley won the debate?

  20. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I wouldnt request them to bring me a bucket of water if my ass was on fire.....

  21. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Did anyone read the letters to the editor in the Kingston times this week? One was from J. Beesmer saying her and 41 other CSEA members are behind Sottile. But then right underneath her letter Bart Robbins says there is 2000 + union people in the city supporting Cahill. HAHA.. J. Beesmer looked stupid.

  22. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "Bart Robbins says that 2000+ support Cahill"
    Did those 2000+ "supporters" actually sign Bart's letter or is he just assuming or better yet hoping they will all support Cahill?

  23. Anonymous5:49 PM

    To 4:07
    The difference is 42 people are voters in Kingston - of the 2000 union members you mentioned only about 10 of those people live in Kingston and will vote for Cahill - now who looks stupid???

  24. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Leave it to Beesmer!

  25. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Bradley is still does not inspire confidence or trust.

  26. Anonymous10:11 PM

    To back Sottile is to back Bradley.

  27. Anonymous10:03 PM

    hey 10:11 - that's exactly why I'm not backing Sottile (and many other people I know, too) - if he's backing Bradely, then I'm not backing him!

  28. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Joan Beesmer is a political flunky for Jim Sottile. Most of the people that signed that letter for support are political appointees and not CSEA members. Having said that there are actually 2000 union members that live in the city of Kingston and are registered to vote.
    500 CSEA members alone live in the city of Kingston. The other 1500 are from all the various unions that supported Cahill over Sottile. People need to get their facts straight but as usual the scabs from city hall are a day late and a dollar short.

  29. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I wouldn't support Sottile. I'd stay far away from that guy.


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