
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Here and There

It's that time of year and we're getting all the election junk mail full of promises that will never be fulfilled and yes it happens on both sides. The funniest piece of mail I have gotten was from Vincent Bradley Jr., who has labeled himself the Independent candidate that doesn't owes anyone anything. That's like saying Fox News is fair and balanced or I'm a slim conservative thinker. The fact of the matter is that Bradley is endorsed by the Independence party and with his list of sketchy contributors, he owes more favors then anyone this county has ever seen. Bottom line, take everything you read with a grain of salt.

Th second annual KPA telethon is going on this weekend with the station raising funds to keep it alive. It's bad enough at this point the station is barley hanging on for dear life. The station has made progress and now has a commission that is trying to do the best that it can. I encourage people to watch and call in this weekend and donate money for a good cause. The number is 845-338-4562 On a side note there is going to be karaoke on Monday night and 6th Ward Aldermadic candidate Robert Gillon tells me he will be singing 1968 Beatles hits at 9:15 pm, tune in.

The WKNY Mayoral debate took place today and thankfully I missed it. I'm honestly a little bored with that race, it's already been decided for months now. Of course, Rich Cahill's alter ego, the imaginary "Chris", claims Cahill was the winner. Somehow I doubt that.

Finally, The Kingst'Onion is closing shop and I'm sorry to see the blog go. It's humorous and cutting edge political satire have made it a must read. The blog is closing down because like many they're upset about the unusual nasty tone of this political season. Hopefully the blog's closing is only a temporary thing. Looks like in the mean time Mr. Fusfeld will have to find a new favorite blog.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    When Ken Beesmer and Geoff Potter defend Bradley they show their true Conservative colors. Ken is freaking out over marijuana and Goeff is not a fan of either of our US Senators. It's obvious that Bradley belongs on the Conservative line, and the Democrats were right in rejecting him as their candidate. I got Bradley's junk mail and used it to pick up the dog shit in my yard. I figured there was so much crap on it, what's a little more?

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Now you will have no use for the Freeman.

  3. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Chris doesn't exist? I'm shocked!

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Look who's talking take everything you read on this blog with a grain of salt remember Sottile personally trained Jeremy to be the spinmaster that he is today forget the truth just spin it and make it look good that is the Sottile/Blabber way!

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I can tell you that Chris does exist. He lives in Highland and attended Mount Saint Mary College with Rich Cahill. They were roommates.

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    ok...I'm intrigued - Who's Chris? I can tell I'm missing something good.

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Bradley a conservative? I hardly doubt it. A chief principal of the conservative party is "right to life". Bradley, in a debate, professed "right to choose".

    Bradley is NOT a conservative.

  8. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Ken Beesmer? Lives down the street from Bratley on Manor Avenue in Kingston, and is the same age.

    One might surmise that they played cops-n-robers when they were young'ings.

    This could only mean that, of course he would support Bratley.

  9. Anonymous3:29 PM

    As for the Onion...

    Jeremy, I believe this means you shut down another competitive blog in town.

    You stand #1 still in Kingston!!

    If you ever meet the developer of the Onion, you may want to teach Tony/Toni how to develop a thicker skin - god knows that you have developed one over the last two years.

  10. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Beesmer's wife is Bradley's fundraising manager.

  11. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Is that the same Beesmer [family] who works in City Hall too?

  12. Anonymous7:49 PM

    If Bradley is not a Conservative, why is he running on the Conservative line? Why are his supporters so disdainful of Schumer's and Clinton's endorsements?

  13. Anonymous7:54 PM

    He is not a conservative OR a Democrat.

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Well then WTF is he? If Hugh Reynolds likes him, he must be like him: stupid and Conservative.

  15. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Why should we give money to the PBA's? They only use it to make payoffs to the Elected Officials for Campaigns. Look at the Town of Ulster PBA and all the money they gave little Nick!

  16. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The "unusually nasty tone" comes from the blogs and the nasty hemeroids who come up with rotten things to say about candidates.

  17. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Its amazing that Dem's like Jimmy Sottile are throwing the likes of Sens. Schumer and Clinton and Assy Cahill under the bus when it comes to the endorsement of Sennett. Sottile and Cahill do not get along in private so that is not all that surprising.

    Sennett's endorsements score big in my book. This is the stuff that money can't buy! If it could I am sure that Bradley would have tried first.

  18. Anonymous1:35 PM

    If he did,I would have stopped them from doing so. Too much damage by endorsing him. No law-abiding candidate for office could withstand the association to Bradley's donors and supporters.

  19. Anonymous1:49 PM

    to 8:28: where did you ever get the idea that hugh reynolds is a conservative........Hugh's probably laughing his liberal ass off at that one....
    from one who knows where the bear s--- in the buckwheat

  20. Anonymous8:44 PM

    now that the onion is gone...can anyone tell me the website for "kingston Fishbowl" --I hear alot about it, but can not find it....thanks in advance.

  21. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Hugh is NOT a liberal - he's an asshole. He thinks he's unbiased, but I remember a conversation with him a few years ago when he grimaced as he said "ugh, Democrats!"


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