
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hollley Carnright Gets Desperate, Attacks Sennett

Holley Carnright, the Republican, and silent ghost like candidate for D.A., in an effort to wake his campaign from the dead, took a shot at his Democratic opponent Jonahthan Sennett saying that the Governor's endorsement means that Sennett backs Spitzer's license program. How someone comes up with that logic is beyond me. The fact of the matter is Gov. Spitzer for 8 years was the State's chief law enforcement official and his endorsement carries a lot of cloat.
Carnright who was thrown up to run by the GOP party is only now a serious candidate because Vince Bradley Jr., is running as a third party candidate and may take away votes from Sennett. Carnright is barley campaigning, and with his record I don't blame him. The guy has not prosecuted a case in over 30 years!! He is on record as saying such insightful quotes like the d.a.'s office should not try to prevent crime and that the d.a.'s office does not need to be upgraded to the 21st century. O.K., Holley, how about the 17th, this coming from a guy who can't even turn on a computer. If Carnright was elected da he would sit at Don Williams' desk and Ulster County residents would be forced to face the status quo. Holley Carnright represents everything that is wrong with public service. The guy simply has no vision for the office.
It just so happens that Sennett is in favor of Gov. Spitzer's plan to allow licenses for undocumented workers and I'll give you his direct quotes to why he does :

"Spitzer's policy is meant to document unlicensed drivers who are already illegally operating on the roads of New York state," Sennett said in a prepared statement on Tuesday. "This (current situation) poses risks on several fronts, including public safety, insurance fraud and allowing law enforcement to find all those living in New York state."

If you remove the emotion in this issue and stick to the facts, Spitzer's plan has nothing to do with current or future immigration status," Sennett wrote. "The governor or the district attorney are not in a position to set federal immigration policy. They are in a position of protecting public safety and reducing escalating insurance rates in New York state."

And, in an effort not to disappoint, The Freeman again showed it's clear bias against Sennett in today's paper with Sennett's controversial position getting a full article on page three. Yet, when the Governor, the top elected official of the state backed Sennett he was given a mere paragraph in the bottom left hand corner of the know the spot where a person places their coffee mug.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Too bad the republicans are so stupid they'd go and convict themselves again. Some us realize that three card monty is a scam. We know those shrink-wrapped vcr boxes really have bricks in them. Spitzer's plan has a lot more to do with public safety than he'll ever tell you. Learn a little more about determining motives from methods. Does every operation need to be dumbed down to conservative level? Do I need to hold up a giant sign? I see clearly and concisely the extrapolations of Eliot's plan. So do the illegal labor kingpins. You morons are like the judge in "My Cousin Vinny" that can't keep his mouth shut because he doesn't understand the method. Go ahead and jump on the bandwagon to protect the employers of illegals. We're keeping lists. You're just making Eliot's job easier.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Republican Carnwright does not take votes from Democrat Sennett. Conservative candidate Bradley JUNIOR siphons votes from Carnwright.

  3. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "Me too" says Bradley Jr. who shows his full capacity for leadership once again. Has he ever been out front and vocal with any principled stand on any issue that wasn't predictable? Loved his stance on the jail "the DA should investigate it" Well, no duh! Of course he should!

    Now Vince Jr is echoing someone else, Republican Holley Carnright, in attacking Jon Sennett's support of Spitzer's proposal. He waits for the press to pick it up (spoon-fed to them of course by the Carnwright campaign) and then starts posturing to be sure his position is sufficiently ambiguous that he can claim to be on whaever side of the issue offers current advantage.

    Vince is so well cast himself as a photo-op cardboard cutout "independent" saying whatever he can to spitefully undermine the Dems.

    What a great leader.

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Hey Blaber, you idiot. The Freeman finally gives your guy a big headline and you complain about it because the wubject is controversial. In other words, you're mad because the Freeman wrote a story about your guy's stance on an issue. You can't have it both ways. If they didn't run a story, would you complain about that?

  5. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Is that Sennett next to Carnright?

  6. Anonymous6:15 PM

    248 -

    You're the idiot. How you can't see that the Freeman took a positive story (Sennett got Spitzer endorsement) and spun it negative is beyond me. I mean, just look at the headline - calling them "illegals" etc. The bias is so evident.

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    If any of you are new to this, one candidate attacking another is called politics. That's how races evolve. Some nastier than others. On the issue, Sennett probably made a deal with Spitzer to support his policy of giving illegal aliens drivers licenses and Spitzer would support Sennett. But did you know that Jonathan Sennett did not vote in the Democratic Primary in 2006? There were 3 primaries, one with Hillary Clinton, one with Elliott Spitzer, and one with Andrew Cuomo. That life long dedicated Democrat did not think it was important to vote in a Democratic primary. Maybe that's why he was against allowing Vince Bradley to have a primary. All that talk about his Democratic values and not allowing outsiders into the process are all BULL. It is time you wake up to the fraud that he is. You all got a snowed. He used you. All his loud mouth comments about the Party, he destroyed it for his own possible gain. The good thing is he will have no gain. Too many people know what he is.

  8. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "The guy has not prosecuted a case in over 30 years!! "

    Jeremy! If you are going to pose as a know it all in politics, please get your facts straight!!

    Holley Carnright has been prosecuting felony cases long before you were born and when Sennett and Bradley were still in middle school! He has personally taken ten murder cases to verdict.

    The job of the D.A. is to be tough and prosecute crimes. His secretary needs to worry about turning on the computer, not the DA.

  9. Bruce that is not ture. Hugh Reynolds asked Jon what his position was, there was no and your deals... Sennett has too much class for that.

  10. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Bradley was denied a primary, because he was not entitled to one.

    He is not a Democrat. It is kind of like being pregant. Either you are or you are not. Alas, he is not.

    He was given his shot at the convention and lost. By a 2-to-1 margin he lost the backing of committee members in the WP vote.

    He is a weak public speaker and is not good 1-on-1 with people other than family members.

    You really should get a hobby and get off your butt.

  11. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Come on Blaber, you are mistaking slick for class.

  12. 11:44 PM:

    Yeah, when Sennett and the other guy were in middle school about 30 years ago! A lot has changed since then. The job of the D.A. is too seek justice and run the office..part of that requires being able to turn on a computer and look at different types of evidence.

  13. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Sennett couldn't cut it in New York City.

    Carnright has been actively prosecuting AND defending criminal cases in Ulster County for 30 years.

    Dont waste your vote on Bradley. Carnright is the smart anti-Sennett vote.

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Bruce-Sennett got the nomination because he was much smarter than Bradley. I tested Bradley for a second time,in front of a county legislator,to make sure I was correct. There were no deals. Spitzer and Sennett can speak to me on higher intellectual levels than any conservative can understand. With the careful choice of words we talk way over your heads. You call it "slick" because you lack the intellect to understand. Your obsolesence is clear to the majority of New Yorkers. 2006 primaries? Please,that's a ridiculous point! They were landslides. Close up shop and move away Bruce,you're no longer capable of making valid points. Do you really want to be a relic in your neighborhood? If you moved to a more "conservative" state,you'd be the "slick" one. You'd have a longer grasp on your relevance. Then the locals would seem to you as you seem to us,slow.

  15. Anonymous11:57 AM

    What do you mean Sennett couldn't cut in NYC. The Bronx is as gritty as it gets. Bradley didn't even get his hands dirty in Manhattan.

    Bradley simply does not inspire confidence. Carnright would mean steps backward in the DA's office when steps forward are needed.

  16. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Bruce: How did Sennett destroy the party? You mean because he didn't go away when Bradley threw his hat into the ring like you wanted?

  17. Anonymous3:43 AM

    If Mr. Bradley were to drop out graciously, it would assure a Sennett victory and enhanced status to Mr. Bradley for any and all his future efforts in His political career. Thanks...smitty

  18. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Yo smitty, Bradley has No Future as a candidate in this county no matter what. Period.

  19. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Wow. Great blog.


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