
Sunday, October 14, 2007

How People Search for this Blog

Remember Blog-Gate where Mayoral candidate Richard Cahill busted city employees for logging on his website? It was petty and I disagree with what he did but that's besides the point. I downloaded the program that he used and one of the things it allows you to do is to see how people seach to get on this site.

Here is what people used today as of 10:30am :

Search Term

7 16.28%

blaber not blogspot

6 13.95%

blaber news

4 9.30%

blaber blog

4 9.30%

blaber, blog

4 9.30%


4 9.30%
jeremy blaber

4 9.30%

2 4.65%
shirley whitlock

2 4.65%

2 4.65%
blaber news blog

1 2.33%
nick woerner

1 2.33%
blaber-blog not

1 2.33%
shirley whitlock matthew ryan

1 2.33%
blaber not da

Interestingly enough 42 visits yesterday came from the District of Columbia

District Of Columbia
United States


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    One of those was the cool-aid.I recognized it from the national blogs. Verbal talking points,it's spelled Kool-aid, and the poster didn't know it referred to Rev. Jim Jones and the mass suicide. I told you once before I was intent on exposing these routes by purposely posting things that would bring national attention to your blog. RNC operatives have access to the NSA data-mining system,they're so stupid to prove it to the FBI. I think some national security advisors are about to resign and claim they had to spend time with family.

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    If city employees are misusing city equipment, then Cahill's job as an Alderman required him to being it forward.

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Blabs, who is in DC? Put the thinking cap on. Give up?? The hits from the District of Columbia are from Hillary and Hinchey's staff...checking out Ira Fusfeld's comment on "the most promenent blog in Ulster County".

    You made it big time now, Blabs, big time!!

  4. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Obviously, the guy who was talking about how he was getting richer is our good friend, Maurice from Washington

  5. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I think when you told everybody about the DC hits,they got scared. They should be very,very scared.Hinchey,Clinton,Schumer,Spitzer,Cuomo, and the DNC have heard directly from me about this race,so it isn't any news to them. Those RNC bloggers are definitely NOT them. Keep up the good work Jeremy,you're providing a good service to our nation. Just don't let it go to your head.

  6. Anonymous7:50 PM

    If someone at City Hall is sending inapporpriate messages to a political opponent using taxpayer funded computers it is EVERYONE'S business.

  7. Anonymous7:54 AM

    This entire political frenzy is being fought out all over the nation. There are theocratic subversives that are intent on bringing down our democracy so they can "rule the world" with our military might. These traitors to our country have been trying to shred the constitution and eliminate all of our civil rights in the name of their holy war against the infidels. They consider americans to be unworthy of life and will do anything to destroy our nation. Our nation was founded on the principle of freedom of thought,expression, and religion. All anti-theocratic principles. Just ask your religious leaders how they'd feel about receiving orders from the government,preach this sermon or we'll jail you. The last foray in this battle was McCarthiesm,when the catholic church tried to take over and black-list(first step in a holocaust) the jews,labelling them "communists"(sound like a poster here?) This time the evangelists are in front with an alliance with the islamo-fascists. Bin laden is a theocrat just like Dobson,robertson, et al. they've turned their sights on Turkey's secular democracy. Now we need to eradicate this power grab by these neo-nazi's before a world war against us erupts. My grandparents had to flee Germany,but I'm staying to fight.I'm not backing down,and I'm not leaving. All the threats of Guantanamo and exile are nothing to me. We secularists are now the largest single group in America, the next largest group is catholics.We will prevail.

  8. Anonymous9:13 AM

    to 7:50 Absolutely!!!
    I don't think this is a petty issue. I've been told that hundreds of hits came from City Hall DAILY; what are the employees doing on my dime? If this is being done by one or two people, they should be FIRED. If it is being done by numerous people, who coordinated it?

  9. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The fact of the matter is that no one sent anthing inapporpriate from any city computer to the blog in question; there were only views and one documented post that as it turned out was in direct (and polite) response to a nasty remark posted on the candidate's blog regarding the planning office.

    The really twisted thing is that the blog in question often posts very nasty comments regarding specific city employees then somehow he's "shocked" to learn that people are curious to see what nasty things he's said about them.

    Furthermore, the candidate in question was endorsed by only one of the three city unions (Police and Fire Depts endorsed the Mayor)and now he constantly targets and threatens some members of the very union that endorsed him!

  10. Anonymous5:33 PM

    How do you know that no one sent anything inappropriate? The host of the blog can filter and decide what to post and what not to. So, maybe there were several inappropriate submissions that Rich censored. I find that curious that you know what was sent and what wasn't. Also, why do employees have time to log on and read Rich's (or this) blog? The mayor had a hissy fit when the sewer dept. was watching TV on their lunch hour. But it's OK for city hall employees to spend their time (whether it's lunch or not) to access Rich's blog? That's my money they're wasting. If they have time for that, then maybe city hall is overstaffed.

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I was told that the filter was put on Cahill's blog by the webmaster because of the very large volume of nasty and filthy posts arriving daily. What a surprise to find THEY ALL WERE COMING FROM CITY HALL THROUGHOUT THE DAY, DAY AFTER DAY. You can condone Hizzonner and crew and blast Cahill, but the bottom line is that it is innappropriate for City employees to use taxpayer equipment for political purposes (for any party). It is wrong to do this while employed by taxpayers' to do City business. Spin as you like, this whole blog-gate thing smells!


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