
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jonathan Sennett talks about the Jail Debacle


  1. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Will Ward Todd be allowed cigars when he's doing 3-6 in a Federal Prison? Will Rich Geretine be assigned to a Federal Prison Hospital in lieu of regular prison because he was able to get a quack doctor to sign off on his alleged heart condition? These are questions Ulster County residents need to know.

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Would the Republican candidate leave no stone unturned? The stones revealed so far are Republican "stones".
    Would the judges son leave no stone unturned? The son's supporters appear to be mostly the "good old boys" from Kingston.
    Let's turn over all the stones - vote Sennett.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    This criminal element and the fact that they think they can sway justice in their favor is appalling. No amount of money or popularity is going to win this one. If by some miracle Sennett loses,these people are going to be taken down by higher authorities anyway and Jon will get a second chance. Either way they're toast! Either way Jon will come out on top. Through hell and high water we're taking back the streets. No matter what these miscreants do. Start packing your bags and heading out there's a new sherrif in town and he's backing Sennett.

  4. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I suspect the real jail criminals work for companies like Bovis-Lend_Lease, but the aforementioned Republicans may be plea bargaining real soon.

    Most of the good-ole-boys in Kingston had nothing to do with the jail and their interest in the son as DA lies with their own rackets and maintaining the status quo. A DA Sennett is a threat to them.

    Sennett supporters should be careful, as should Jon himself. These people play hardball and don't play fair at all.

    Al Gore should endorse Sennett

  5. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I love hardball,is that a promise of fresh meat? I can't wait to fry a few good ol' boys. They just tickle me pink when I turn the tables and swallow them whole. These small time operators are so stupid they'll practically convict themselves. They can't shoot straight either. Bring it on,I'll be waiting.

  6. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Quick question:

    If I, for some irrational reason, was looking for video clips of the third party candidate (yeah, like anyone would bother posting them, or he had anything intelligent to say), where would I find them?

    I mean, laughter is good for the soul, right?

  7. Anonymous9:28 PM

    You need to get an operative to go shoot home video of campaign events. I sure Blaber has some friends. Remember the "macaca moment" that killed George Allen? It only works for conservatives though,they think too slowly to avoid being caught. As for the internet having anything,you need a data-mining program. Look for a terrorist tracker and ask them. If I hear a name I'll try to relay it. If you find anything useful,CNN is the place to go.

  8. Anonymous12:24 AM

    well, Jr is a conservative now so maybe we are in luck...


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