
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mayor Sottile Wins Chamber Debate

Mayor James Sottile was the clear winner at the Chamber debate that took place this morning. Answering questions from crime to economic development, it was clear that Sottile brought his A game. All candidates did well, I was particularly impressed with Lisa Cutten, which further boggles my mind to why she would risk a career in public service at a no shot election bid. Rich Cahill talked about his tax plan and the crime issue but there was no real substance to what he had to say and I think that was pretty evident. If the roaring standing ovation that Mayor Sottile received is any indication to what people are feeling, then hiz Honor will breeze through this election which is now just 20 short days away.
UPDATE : I just went to Cahill's blog and it claims that he shined at today's debate and was the clear winner. Obviously Cahill was not at the same debate as everyone else. Politics aside, there is absolutely no way anyone could think Sottile lost this debate. Sottile schooled Cahill and Cutten on every single issue! Don't believe me, ask anyone who attended.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Shittile could have passed out drunk and you would have awarded him the victory. Pathetic.

  2. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Cutten is hot, but Nina Postupak is hotter still. Your elected officials should look good. There's too many fattys in office today.

    Richard Simmons

  3. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Rich clearly lives in an alternate universe. BTW...What was up with him constantly saying ehhhhh? It was wierd.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Hey Blaber, Nice picture in the paper today!

  5. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I miss Clint Brown

    ONE Love
    ONE Unity
    ONE People

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    You must have been asleep Jeremy. Sottile was awful. He didn't "school" anyone.

    Cahill won the debate hands down. If anything, Lisa was second. Sottile was awful.

    Finally, as for the "applause" you are referring to, that came from 3 tables reserved by the City of Kingston. He packed the audience and still lost the debate.

  7. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Jeremy, you were there (physically), you have the picture to prove it. But do you remember that Simpsons episode, where they show Homer who is supposed to be listening to something, but in his mind, you see an old cartoon rerun. I wonder if the same was going on with you.

  8. Anonymous1:26 PM

    If jimmy stood up and said "doobie doobie doo" you would say he won.
    Who could ever take you serious?
    You can't even come up with an explanation for the dumb ass ad they place, talking about all of their projects that never happened!
    That ad is the biggest joke around town right now, everyone I know is laughing about that and asking why they would ever promote thier failures. But you keep telling us how great and intelligent these men are.
    The only bigger fool is you for standing behind them!
    Hopefully Rich can win this election and we can be done with them and you!

  9. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Nothing against Sottile... but it's time for a change in Kingston.

    It's time for a change on the Yankees too--new blood is needed now and then.

    Cahill would do a great job--even Sottile knows it.

  10. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Was Rich's alter ego Chris in attendance?

  11. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Well I was there and you are nuts. Cahill was the best of the three. I won't say Sottile was horrible. He was okay.

    Cahill caught him in 3 lies and made him look very bad.

  12. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Clint Brown won the debate.

  13. 9:31 PM:

    Stop drinking the kool aid sir, Cahill was very boring and came without facts. Sottile won hands down.

  14. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Clint Brown wasn't even there and took everyone to skool....old skool!!

    You want results, you call Clint!!



  15. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I was there to see Sottile & Cuttin READ from prepared scripts. Cahill spoke without notes. I don't have Democrat-installed hearing, so I heard Sottile take credit for things that haven't happened yet, unlike the Democrat-installed who heard what wonderful things he has already done. I heard specifics from Cahill regarding the lowering of taxes, whereas I heard Sottile say the re-val will fix know the old sob might be right... after the re-val Kingston will be a ghosttown with the middleclass residents moving away after selling or losing their homes, DeBella's friends picking up their free properties from the city-seized list, local businesses pushed out by new out-of-area ones with 50 year tax abatements, and well-heeled New Yorkers coming in to pay exorbitant taxes, while all the while and ininbriated Sottile stands on City-Hall lawn playing his violin.

  16. Anonymous10:45 AM

    You have some nerve accusing me of "drinking the kool-aid" when everyone knows you are a shill for Sottile.

    Cahill had facts and figures at the ready. He knew the tax numbers per thousand absolutely cold.

    He was professional and excellent. You found him "boring" becaue you don't like him and support Sottile no matter what.

    Bottom line --Sottile was okay, but Cahill was better. He caught him in several lies and I felt he took it right to Sottile and very effectively.

  17. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Cahill's answer about voting against Colony Liquor because residents of his ward were against the project - a total of three people were against it. Thats pathetic. Cahill looked like an idiot at the debate. He may have had facts and figures but none of them were correct. We will all be glad when the election is over to be rid of him and Walker for good.

  18. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I heard his answer on Colony Liquor. He chose to represent his constituents. What the hell is wrong with that? I wish more politicians listened to their constituents.

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    to 7:41 what figures were wrong?


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