
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Meet Ulster County's Next District Attorney; Jonathan Sennett

Mariner's in Highland -- Saturday evening, 5:30-8:30 -- watch the sunset on the Hudson and support all local democrats! ($40 per person)

Sunday Brunch and Mums Festival in Saugerties -- Brunch starts at 10:00 am, the Festival starts at 1:00, come on up to beautiful Saugerties!!!

Monday at the Rosendale Theatre -- HUGE HUGE HUGE Rummage Sale, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, come on out and bring your neighbors, face painting for the kids, great buys!! Jon will be on hand to discuss issues with one and all!

More Info on all these events and more at:


  1. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Happy Birthday, Blaber!!

    You are a True-Blue Democrat. True to Kingston and Ulster County.

    Have a great Day.


  2. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Blaber how old are you today 10?

  3. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Happy Birthday! Your status as the ONLY dependable source of political news in this area makes your accolade an imperative!

  4. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I am pretty sure the event in Highland will not support ALL Democrats. I wish Jon luck and hope it is successful.

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLABER!! Only 20 years young today! Viva la First Amendment, brother!

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    hmmm... not posting anything critical of sennett....

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    2o years old?!? You little puke! You - a mere boy - presume to tell hard-working, tax-paying, citizens who are building the lives of their families for the long haul something about political life?!?

    Go back to "rocking the vote" on mtv, son!

  8. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Bradley's desperate actions to get control over the UC da's office,in a frantic attempt to protect crack dealing and prostitution in the city of Kingston,is raising a huge red flag to federal authorities. Anyone connected to this activity will be affected. All of us are being watched very closely. Be warned! If questioned,be absolutely truthful,lying to a federal agent is a felony and can get you very serious jailtime.

  9. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Who said the Feds aren't in on it too, though? The perception that the Feds are some holy authority is fantasy. Just look at the corruption of the Chief Executive. It's Sennett who should be worried about a frame-up. The Mariner's episode was a frame-up that went bad for the framers. There's bound to be some October surprises real soon. Hold on to your hats!


  10. Anonymous4:48 PM


    Please ellaborate on your Mariner's Theory. I'm intrigued.

  11. Anonymous6:31 PM

    There are two questions to be asked in 2017, when Jeremy is 30, hopefully owns a house and perhaps just starting a family. Will he still be in Kingston? AND, will he still be a liberal, working hard to pay his ever rising taxes.

  12. Anonymous9:40 PM

    hey Blaber,
    did you hear the third ward primary which was claimed to have been won by Landi is actually a tie? 1 TO 1. it seems that 5 out of the final count of 7 votes were suspious enough that the votes have been thrown out. the rumors are because the handwriting was very similiar to Landi's. So the third ward nomination for the independent ticket is now up to a judge to decide. STAY TUNED!!!!!

  13. BTW-- TO 631

    Of course I'll still be in Kingston in 2017, by than I will have started my first year as Kingston's Mayor.

    - JKB

  14. Anonymous10:55 AM


    Plan early for those taxes you'll be paying and that campaign you'll be financing. Maybe you should start charging a fee to post on your blog!

  15. Anonymous3:56 PM

    A vote for bradley is a vote for organized crime.You only have to look at who's putting up signs (Swim King) to know where his support really comes from. This race is simply a mob tactic to deny residents a clean justice system. Vinnie is a mob puppet to keep Sennett away from their operations.

  16. Anonymous7:01 PM

    to 3:56 - you are so right - and while this county remains as corrupt as it is, our taxes go through the roof and economic development goes down the toilet.

  17. Anonymous9:06 PM

    How much are they going to be sending out to ALL of the candidates?

  18. Anonymous9:41 PM

    3:56 and 7:01,


  19. Anonymous11:43 PM

    to 9:41 - I wish I was smoking crack...but you obviously have no idea what's been going on in this county over the years. Ignorance is bliss.

  20. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Ignorance is dangerous,even more dangerous than crack.When our political system allows Pat Robertson to funnel through his business partner,Charles Taylor,in the diamond industry in Liberia,to Osama Bin Laden,$20 million in blackmarket diamonds,to hit the WTC,so that our military can be used to invade Afganistan and seize control of the world's heroin market,to further the tried and true method of suppressing democratic voters in our inner cities,some of us have the moral and ethical duty to take destructive actions to bring the system into check. Even at the personal risk of being classified as "organized crime figures" and having the weight of federal law enforcement attempt to dis-credit us. Their actions have only empowered us,as well as providing the best security your tax dollars can buy. Just imagine what kind of effect it has to your life when everyone even remotely involved in your daily life thinks you're some kind of contract killer. On the bright side,there are no reservations required at restaurants,as long as you don't mind being accompanied by agents intent on watching and listening to your every move. Welcome to the real world.

  21. Anonymous4:04 PM

    7:13, you wear tin foil on your head so the government can't hear what you are thinking, via spy satelites, before they send in the black silent helicopters to take you away, but give you a drug so you don't remember the anal probe?

    Ignorance is bad, but conspiracy paranoia is far worse,

  22. Anonymous4:35 PM

    But there's nothing wrong with anything you said, 7:13, knowledge is power. Pox-Americana keeps our standard of living up.


  23. Anonymous5:06 PM

    404 put down your crackpipe and do your homework. All of those connections are public knowledge. We did "connect the dots" in the days after 911, the bush administration just didn't like what it depicted. President Charles Taylor is now sitting in the Hague awaiting a war crimes trial. See CNN today? Tin foil hats don't work for electronic communications,just so you know. I think that's a scientology myth. "black silent helicopters" are black chevy tahoes,they come right to your door and if you don't lie,they can't take you away. Anal probes? I guess you'd know more about that. We don't use that technique here. Conspiracy is not equivalent to paranoia,and it isn't paranoia when they come in person and carry ID's.

  24. Anonymous7:57 PM

    just remember, your Gov't is doing things right now that you think only other governments do!!

  25. Anonymous2:03 AM

    3:56. There is no mafia, understood?
    I repeat, there is no mafia.

    Buddy J


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