
Friday, October 26, 2007


Jonathan R. Sennett, has been invited to spend the night in the home of a family in Midtown and attend church services this weekend to get a first-hand look at issues and concerns facing residents of the troubled section of Kingston.

"I want to show residents of Midtown that as district attorney I will roll up my sleeves and work along side of them to help solve key issues facing the community".
" My style is to size up the problem and build teams to tackle the issues," said Sennett.Sennett blasted the conservative candidate for district attorney who has said he does not feel comfortable walking in Midtown. "The district attorney needs to confront problems head on. An arms length approach or barricading streets, as the conservative candidate suggested simply will not work. Hardworking residents feel trapped and need help," said Sennett.

On Sunday, Sennett will meet and greet residents from 1-3 p.m. in an open space located at the corner of Broadway and Franklin streets to discuss ideas he has for combating drugs, gangs and violence in Midtown. "I have some ideas to present to residents and business owners.

Their feedback is essential to developing a plan that the community can embrace," said Sennett." As district attorney, I will focus my attention on fighting crime more efficiently and effectively in Midtown and throughout Ulster County.Consider this my extended job interview," said Sennett.

The meet the candidate event, running between 1-3 p.m. this Sunday, will offer hot dogs and hamburgers for those who attend.


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM


  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Maybe can play Candy Land with the Bloodz. I'm going to vote for him just because of this clever idea. You wouldn't catch Carnright in Midtown.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    7:06 You are a true indication of the type of people that partake in this blog. Brilliant basis upon which to elect our chief law enforcement officer.

    Yikes, Dutchess County looks better every day.

  4. Anonymous8:00 AM

    ooh - Jon's a hottie - can I sleep with him?

  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    This is the kind of leadership we need! Sennett is hands-on and unafraid. His bold styly of leadership is exactly the opposite of his opponents, who have admitted they are afraid to walk through midtown!
    Dadly could never come up with an idea like this, so today he used his patsy Hugh Reynolds of "The Freeman" to try and defame Sennett.
    Brat, you are pathetic and will never be half the man, or democrat, Sennett is!
    When will you stop crying? Your whine today in the Freeman reeks of desperation...
    And if anyone ever wondered who the Parates were working for, we know now, thanks Dadly...hahaha!
    Thanks Freeman, you made it that much easier to campaign for Sennett on the premise he will bring down the "good ole boys network" -- because you are clearly a part of this network!
    Hugh, do you have any dignity, or don't you mind publicizing that Dadly owns you? (On page one no less!) You take orders well, at least.
    You guys were meant for each other...


  6. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Think he'll take a midnight stroll down to Binky's? Wonder if he will do the same in Ellenville.

  7. Anonymous9:08 AM

    As a Republican I will admit, that takes guts Mr.Sennett. You now have officialy done more than I would expect in a candiate. If you make it out I may vote for you. Maybe.

  8. Anonymous9:27 AM

    what is Richard cahill's blog address?

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I am sure Sennett will do a sleepover in Ellenville... all he needs is an invitation. Do you live in Ellenville? Give his campaign a call, or go to his website and email. That guy gets back to everyone so fast (don't know how he does that!)


  11. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Even Mayor Sottile would have to admit that by spending a night in midtown and even attending church in the city the next morning, Jon Sennett expresses a sincere effort to learn about midtown issues and a real commitment to address midtown problems. While it seems like a simple enough thing for any candidate for District Attorney to have done, it is an evidence of the bold leadership we can expect from Sennett. (Its difficult for me to believe that either Vincent Bradley JUNIOR or Holley Carnwright would even get an invitation to spend the night in midtown-- even to stay in Anne Marie DiBella's lovely guest room.)

    7:54 is right - District Attorney is an important job! Its too important a job to vote based on party affiliation, radio ads, attending Coleman, a campaign stunt or mere symbolism. But real leadership, on the other hand, would be a good criteria. Jon Sennett is the man!

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I can't believe Vince said he was "afraid to walk in midtown," probably more like he couldn't play golf or find a bar to his liking there...

  13. Anonymous11:30 AM

    He can always stay at my estate in Ellenville. It wouldn't take much courage though. Even the authorities wouldn't dare set foot on it.

  14. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I'll give him credit. It is a good idea to actually see what's happening in Mid-Town. Too bad Sottile won't do the same.

  15. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Ellenville needs more of a wake up call than a sleep over. But either will do. The government in that town are SO completely Corrupt it's frightening. Cops, public officials, drug dealers, housing authority -- all are in it together. Someone should investigate.

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I hear there are 41 union scabs coming out city hall. These people will probably cross a picket line too because it seems to me they don't understand what it means to be a part of a union. Jim Sottile is anti-union, bottom line. Any union member that supports him is a scab. The scabs coming out of city hall are also in the Bradley camp and are campaigning against Johnathan Sennett. Most of them are Democrats and are not loyal to the Democratic party which Sennett was endorsed by nor are they loyal to their union which Rich Cahill was endorsed by.

  17. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Regarding the earlier thread relating to Bradley Sr's misconduct while on the bench, the correct link is:

    It says Judge Bradley violated a numerous codes including "well-established ethical standards which require a judge to be dignified and courteous in performing judicial duties "

    It also says his "impartiality can reasonably be questioned" and that he made gratuitous, prejudicial comments from the bench and failed to recuse himself and disclose his preudice.

  18. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Another matter of public record.

    This time, involving Judge Bruhn and Mr. Parete's defiance of a court-imposed order. Demonstrates the chronyism that plagues this town.

    8. On February 14, 1984, John R. Parete was charged with Issuing A Bad Check. The case was returnable in respondent's court (respondent is Judge Bruhn).

    9. Mr. Parete is respondent's brother-in-law.

    10. A criminal summons to Mr. Parete was issued by the court over respondent's signature on April 16, 1984.

    11. The case came before respondent on April 30, 1984. Respondent did not disqualify himself, as required by Section 14 of the Judiciary Law.

    12. Mr. Parete did not appear. Respondent adjourned the case for one week.

    13. On May 7, 1984, Mr. Parete again failed to appear. Respondent again adjourned the matter for a week.

    14. Respondent did not issue a warrant for Mr. Parete's arrest to secure his appearance in court, as permitted by Section 130.50 of the Criminal Procedure Law.

    15. On February 5, 1986, respondent testified before a member of the Commission that "because of my relationship with Mr. Parete, I just felt he was--it was inappropriate for me to issue a warrant for his arrest." Respondent continued, "I would hope that anybody could understand the situation. It is kind of difficult to issue a warrant of arrest for somebody who is an in-law...."

    16. The case was put on Judge Feeney's calendar on July 27, 1984. Again, Mr. Parete did not appear, and the matter was adjourned.

    17. On September 4, 1984, after the case had been in his court for nearly seven months, respondent disqualified himself and asked that the case be transferred to another court.

  19. Anonymous5:36 PM

    To Jamie Rozier - Guess what - all 41 signatures were not from City Hall but from all city departments including at least 7 department heads. We realize what a good job the Mayor is doing and we support him. Explain how Cahill is union friendly? Again you cannot back up your words. GO Mayor Sottile you are the best.

  20. Anonymous6:10 PM

    i'm a member of the CSEA and i'm voting for SOTTILE,NOBLE,GILPATRIC so make that 42 MEMBERS

  21. Anonymous10:59 PM

    B.S. You're not CSEA. No self respecxting CSEA member would support a dufus like Sottile. He called CSEA workers lazy!! He treats his employees like garbage.

    I hope Cahill wins and sends all you dolts packing.

  22. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Mr. Sennett, I'm impressed. But please don't go all born again and speaking in tongues on us okay? I think the nations had about enough of THAT.

  23. Anonymous9:53 AM

    How many CSEA worker does it take to patch a hole. 7- One to fix the hole six to stand around and hold shovels.

  24. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Maybe his little sleepover will open his eyes, and he will join the 'dark side' (aka Republicans).


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