
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Woerner's Tax Hike Under 2%

Supervisor Nick Woerner's budget keeps taxes in check with a mere 1.87 percent hike, which is in large due to things out of the control of the board, i.e. employee benefits and attorney costs for the town. Last years budget called for a decrease by about two percent. With fiscally responsible budgets like these Woerner is going to cruise to victory in November, as he should, Woerner has been a breath of fresh air since taking office two short years ago. A little off subject but, one must wonder if Woerner didn't have to waste time campaigning so soon, maybe taxes could of been lowered even more? In addition to granting Woerner reelection voters should increase the term of town Supervisor to four years. If you ask any former mayor in the city of Kingston that had to run every two years they will tell you how essential it is to have a full four year term.

* Employee benefits at $3.13 million, an increase of $255,310, or 8.88 percent.
* Police department expenses at $2.18 million, an increase of $33,898, or 1.58 percent.
* Insurance costs at $247,948, a decrease of $82,189, or 24.9 percent.
* Transfer station expenses at $213,712, a decrease of $1,288, or 0.6 percent.
* Town Hall expenses at $126,000, a decrease of $16,500, or 11.58 percent.
* Building inspections at $116,765, a decrease of $623, or 0.53 percent.
* Attorney fees at $80,000, an increase of $20,000, or 33.33 percent.
* Zoning costs at $76,290, an increase of $3,140, or 4.29 percent.
* Planning costs at $58,800, an increase of $4,000, or 7.3 percent.


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

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  2. Anonymous2:10 AM


  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Any tax increase is bad, but he certainly is a hell of a lot better than Sottile.

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    how much more $$ did he raid from the reserve fund this year??

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Clint Brown wouldn't have raised taxes if he were either mayor or supervisor. Actually, Kingston and the town of Ulster should merge anyway.

    Clint Brown's #2 Love Child

  6. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I have a lot of respect for the younger generation entering politics. Mr Woerner can bring real progress at his age. We need more young people to take over,this Bradley debacle makes that abundantly clear. I'll be watching from now on with my checkbook ready. There are several dinosaurs that need to be put out to pasture!

  7. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Well,I do hope you vote for Mr. Wise because you both can be in the same boat that his Mother in,Have a nice time sinking.

  8. Anonymous7:54 AM

    WOW Nickies handler there Zweben is getting a nice raise!!

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

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  10. Anonymous5:59 PM


  11. Anonymous9:47 PM

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  12. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Why does the board let him pay zweben so much? Isn't that why Kingston got rid of zweben? Too many billable hours?

    If he cuts zwebens salary increase out there is no tax increase. This should be called the 2% zweben tax.

  13. Anonymous12:20 AM

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  14. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Speaking of Spada... to his credit he should be given the credit for Spitver's new plan for licenses...he's been giving them out to illegals for years.

  15. Anonymous1:32 AM

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  16. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Wise wants to "separate Ulster from Kingston"???

  17. Anonymous8:52 AM

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  18. Anonymous11:21 AM

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  19. Anonymous9:01 PM

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  20. Anonymous8:46 AM

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  21. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Good ol' boys supporting the Democrats like usual!!!

  22. Anonymous12:28 PM

    you really need to clean up this pathetic blog// maybe you should have these gutless people sign their name to the trash they write
    Republicans and Democrats alike.

    proud to support
    Mr Nick Woerner

    Bob Nyulassy

  23. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Jeremy, I appreciate you stepping up to the plate and removing the trash. I believe that more people would take this blog seriously when bloggers actually write about the facts and aren't afraid to sign their real name. As for the Attorney fees in the Town of Ulster, anyone who has done their homework would know that it cost money to prosecute people for traffic violations and or criminal acts The town attorney doesnt perform this duty a prosecuting attorney does. while I do agree that as a tax payer I was upset with the cos, but the money which is collected from the defendants in the form of fines for commiting a traffic violation or a criminal act vastly outweighs the cost of the prosecuting attorney at approximatly a 4-1 margin.
    I would also like to say that I am appauled at the statements that Don Wise made to the representatives of Local 17 last night. Cutting 7 position on the Town of Ulster Police Department and cutting Employees throught the
    different departments in the town he must not depend on his job to pay his taxes so that he may raise his family in a safe environment but I do. Bob Nyulassy

  24. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Bob Nylassy as Woerner's spokesman. Now that's integrity. Who's next, Pauly Pyrigy?

  25. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Jeremy, I am surprised you let that big blow hard bully you around like that. This is your blog and you can put on it what you want. Grow a set will you?

  26. Anonymous12:08 AM

    It could be worse you could be like Don Wise and have Paul Kesick.

  27. Anonymous8:19 AM

    you're afraid of bob nylassy arent you? you pussy.

  28. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Jeremy, I can't believe that someone would actually bring
    Mr. Pyrigi into this I mean how can someone attack an innocent person like this? As for the other comments that have been posted Going through life known as anonymous is for cowards if you are going to support someone atleast have the decency to sign your name. I stick to the facts and I am a proud supporter of Nick Woerners Re-Election Bid and a Taxpayer in the Town of Ulster.

    Bob Nyulassy

  29. I don't know who Mr. Pyrigi IS and as I said before I have a hard time reading every single post. I will give Bob credit, a guy who I've met and like, he does have the guts to sign his name with his post.

  30. Anonymous2:20 PM

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  31. Anonymous2:25 PM

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  32. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Where exactly do you pay taxes Mr. (taxpayer) Nyulassy? Voting records indicate that you live in an apartment. That is something that you and Nick have in common, neither of you pay property taxes.

  33. Anonymous5:33 PM

    you are a pussy. a straight up pussy.

  34. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Nylassy's news and commentary.

    Looks like Nylassy is the editor.

  35. Anonymous12:51 PM

    here we go agin mr anonymous. i do own property in the town of ulster on dewitt mills road// i also pay appx 1500.00 in property taxes for my lease space in the kings mall again people shooting off thier mouths not knowing the facts. jeremy odnt let these gutles people bother you with thier comments. the only thing your doing wrong in my opinon is not having anonymous reveal their true identity again jeremy good job actually i know by the comments whos behind them. and next electionif he was to get elected this time he definetly will not get it next time. proud supporter of the town of ulster dem party bob nyulassy


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