
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Andrew Saul Calls it Quits, Against John Hall

In a stunning development, wealthy businessman Andrew Saul (R) is making calls to inform supporters and GOP insiders that he is dropping his candidacy in New York’s 19th District. Saul was widely regarded as a strong Republican recruit to take on freshman Democratic Cong. John Hall (D). Saul’s ability to self-finance and the Republican-tilt of the district made it a top GOP target. But now, his exit from the race leaves Republicans looking for a credible challenger.

"I want to thank everyone who has been supportive of this campaign, and under different circumstances I know we would have been successful. I am truly touched at the overwhelming support I've received from my family, friends and the residents of the 19th Congressional District throughout this process."

- Andrew Saul


  1. Anonymous3:36 AM

    John Hall is an arrogant fu@k who deserves to lose. I hope that a credible DEMOCRAT primaries that piece of crap. WE didn't like him when he lived in Saugerties. He made promises he couldn't keep and stabbed his own friends in the back-including me! He'd steal from his own mother. I wouldn't trust Hall, at all!!! He's 'still the one' you don't want to vote for!!!

    1.Don't vote for Hall.
    2.Anyone but Hall.
    3.Get your friends in the 19th CD not to vote for Hall.

    Gerry Slaggers Jr. in Kiskatom

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Let me be the first one to say
    that Lenny Talker will announce
    for the seat. Talker as you may
    have heard is now in Iowa seeking
    the GOP Nod for President. But he will drop out and run for Hall's Seat

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    old news. The Saul announcement was on a few days ago.

  4. Anonymous10:57 PM

    LALOR FOR CONGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous10:58 PM


  6. Anonymous10:59 PM

    L C
    A F O
    L O N
    O R G
    R R

  7. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Yes, Lalor is my kind of Republican, a true Reagen Republican!!!!!!

    Today Congress, tomorrow, The White House!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Don't forget about G.E. Treadwell in the 20th. Kirsten Jerkabran's days are numbered. I just hope the GOP runs a strong candidate against Commie Hinchey and sends him off into retirement. A GOP Congress is what makes American strong.

    GOP Avenger...A Reagan Republican...


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