
Sunday, November 18, 2007

DiNapoli to Audit Thruway Authority

NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli will audit the NYS Thruway Authority in light of a proposed rate hike, the audit, which starts immediately, will determine if the hike is necessary.

“New Yorkers already pay some of the highest taxes and user fees in the country, and the cost of gasoline is expected to skyrocket even more,” DiNapoli said. “For thousands of New York families, particularly upstate, the Thruway is an economic lifeline. Before the Thruway Authority raises tolls and drives up costs for delivering everything from milk to lumber, my auditors are going to examine whether the toll hike is necessary. The Thruway Authority should hold off on the proposed increase until the audit is complete.”

I applaud Comptroller DiNapoli for his efforts, one always wonders where the money goes that we pay on the thruway...of course a large portion goes to up keep..however, an audit wouldn't hurt.


  1. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Protest the tolls. Clog up 9W and make the state go bankrupt!!!


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