
Monday, November 12, 2007

Michael Hein Running for County Executive

Surprise Surprise, Michael Hein is going to run for County Executive and will announce his candidacy tomorrow at 1pm. Michael Hein is a great guy and has proven leadership in the county after presenting two fiscally sound budgets and bringing accountability to our government. Hein will likely face some opposition from his fellow Democrats. Make no mistake about it, the D.A.'s race will seem like child's play compared to this race, which essentially is the most powerful position in Ulster County.

I will have more on this race tomorrow, it is my sincere hope that the Democratic party has time to heal and work together so that we do not have a repeat of November 2007. I'm not committing to any candidate this early but I do wish Mr. Hein a lot of luck, he is a worthy contender.


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Honest Abe had this earlier. He scooped you.

  2. He did and to be fair I knew about it for weeks.

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

    yes but do you know about kevin cahills email saying it is too soon to announce. It was self serving.

    Don't tell me he is going to be the crybaby candidate in this race.

  4. Anonymous9:13 PM

    He was a Republican 2 years ago. He is an opportunist. He did not change until the Democrats won. That will be his downfall.

  5. Anonymous9:27 PM

    cahill's downfall is that he hitched his wagon to a losing DA candidate and then tried to back pedal with a limp fish endorsement of his own party's nominee.

  6. Cahill has had no downfall, he's a great leader and would make a great County Executive.

  7. Anonymous2:41 AM

    like Noonan said on the radio monday 3 more Republicans last Tuesday and Hein was at the BOE on Wed switching parties again

  8. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I would suggest that Cahill doesn't want to be County Executive. (Let's face the fact he is totally unqualified for the job.) No... Like a latter-day Tammany Hall political boss, Cahill just wants to be influential enough to choose the Democratic candidate for County Executive for the Democratic "machine." (Unfortunately, the Democratic machine got alittle busted up recently when Cahill chose Vincent Bradley Jr. for DA)

  9. Anonymous6:26 AM

    It doesn't matter if Hein was a republican. It matters whether or not he's intelligent enough. A stupid conservative democrat is worse than a smart progessive republican. He's a democrat now isn't he? I'll take the smart guy anyday. Smart people are by nature more ethical. They don't run spoiler campaigns.

  10. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Cahill is damaged goods in Saugerties which he redistricted out of his Assembly District.

  11. Anonymous7:06 AM

    As a true blue Democrat and a long time Committeeman I will work my ass off to make sure Hein does not get the nomination. He blowes with the wind.

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Is support for Bradley now a litmus test for all prospective Democratic candidates?

    Has anyone applied this test to Hein? Guess what, he donated (through his wife) to BRADLEY.

  13. Anonymous7:58 AM

    "Most powerful position in Ulster County", hmmm, where did I hear that before. Oh Yea! The DA's race.

    Can we hope for a Primary? Or will the dems be setting themselves up for another spoiler.

    Who is the 'anointed one', who will be delivered to the altar of Clinton and Spitzer. (Schummer is nolonger part of the dream team, since he voted in support of Bush's pick for AG).

  14. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Less than one week later and it begins.

    Kevin is being a "cry baby" and pack pedaling from a "limp fish" endorsement. Mike is an opportunist who was a republican just two years ago. We know what they are going to say if the Mayor jumps in. What negative things are they going to say when Zimet jumps in.

    Just a suggestion from the peanut gallery.

    Let them line up for the position, let them speak their peace, let them explain their vision for this new position, their vision for the county. Give them the benefit of the doubt, treat them with respect and courtesy.

    Let them each come to the committee meetings next year and try to convicne the committee that they are worthy of our support. Let the process run its course. The process was designed to weed out those who should not be running. Given a chance, the process will work.

    If the process doesn't work, and we have more than one registered democratic candidate standing at the end of the convention, then we deal with the issue of the primary.

    Either follow the process or change the rules now before the bloodletting begins. Either way, we need to follow the rules or change the rules now. We can not maniuplate and amend the rules as we go.

    We could also just agree right now to abandon the convention, have a big party, prepare for one big primary and get ready to swear in a republican.

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    How can the process work when you have uneducated, party following ass kissers voting.
    It seems that the only thing people care about in Ulster county and Kingston, is if they know the candidate, and have sat at a bar with them and got drunk. That is the criteria you need to get elected!
    e.g. Kingston mayoral race......

  16. Anonymous10:00 AM

    your ole pal sottile wanted this job........after his ioditic behavior of the summer purse & beer thing , his poor showing against cahill and other crap, his political career is in the toilet/ he'll screw up soon and have another mental breakdown like the florida trip. guess the purse must have caused some brain damage

  17. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Is this blog just about bashing people now. The guy is putting himselg out there to run for office...give him his due....let the process take its course. if he was enough of a dem to be hired by legislature then he is enough of one to run as a dem. End of day you are having a primary in this race, like it or not. It is the best thing anyway because the canidates will have to take positions on things much earlier in the election and we will know who they are. The committee is a joke, they align themselves with one candidate for idiodic reasons or because they are hired by the candidate to work on the campaign long before the convention and sometimes before all the candidates have an opportunity to make a presentation to them....the system as it is now is screwed. Hopfully there will be a big primary.

  18. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Primary for all the candidates. May the best, wealthiest,best organized or most popular man or woman win.

  19. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The entire committee is not a joke - the majority of the committee was smart enough to listen to all three candidates before making a decision. Poor John Parete didn't give us enough credit for being smart - he thought he could convince us to support Bradley even before we met Jon and Julian. You're right - people's minds were made up way too early. Now here comes Kevin Cahill, who certainly was a part of all that, wanting us to make an informed, educated decision. It was OK for him to try to shove Bradley down our throats and treat Jon like he was a fringe candidate (Dan Ahouse's terminology), but now that Mike Hein has the jump on him, he wants us to consider carefully. Payback's a bitch!

  20. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Schumer picked AG Mukasy,not Bush. He wanted him for a reason and it isn't known to any of us yet. Had he come out with anything controversial like SUPPORTING torture,I'd be worried. He didn't want to say anything that would make republicans not vote for him. Alito woudn't admit being gay for the same reason. Just wait till he gets caught.Lol

  21. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Wasn't Bradley the "annointed one"? He got his ass kicked from here to next week. You traitors have some kind of learning dis-ability if you continue to think you have a future. Try joining the conservative party where you belong. We're through with you and the republicans are planning on dumping their conservatives too. Watch what happens as their party chooses a liberal for president. The conservative line is going to boom.

  22. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Do you know what happens when the Republican party drops the 'conservatives', it attracts the more moderate independants and democrats to the republican side, leaving the democrat version of conservatives (liberals) in charge of the dem party. Talk about BOOM!

    I would love to see a 3 party system, Conservacans, Republicats, and Demorals. Who do you think will win all the elections? Hint, think bell curve.

  23. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Cast [1] Vote for AL SPADA

  24. Anonymous8:00 AM

    4:27-Liberal is more intelligent,conservative is less intelligent. Comparing them is like comparing black to white. Liberals have higher ethics and morals,conservatives have none and spout off about it. The democratic party in UC is fraught with crappy citizens,aka conservatives and this election was ruined by them. Last year's election showed how they ruined the republican party. Do you really think the republicans are stupid enough to throw next year's election by not moving to the center? All the insults you throw at "liberals" about morals is just a deflection of your lack there-of. It's your stupidity on display. The democrats of UC need to dump you parasites to gain the nop's and some moderate republicans. The republicans win if we don't. You conservatives have proven that you prefer republicans. Go try and join them before they wise up. Otherwise you'll be relegated to the lunatic fringe with the conservative party. Only 4% of high school seniors this year will be conservative voters nationwide. You're about to go down the toilet. Unless you can put lead back in gasoline or find a new way to poison toys,your conservative thinking dis-ability is cured. Even Nascar stopped using lead last year.

  25. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Republicans are WILLING to throw the ultra conservatives away. The democrats are NOT willing to throw the ultra liberals away. It's all about osmosis my friend. When we, the republicans, throw away the ultra conservatives that turn off many fair minded voters, there will be a subtle or gradual absorption or mingling of these people AWAY from the liberal controlled democratic party, to the new more moderate republican party.

  26. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Hey, I guess Spitzer is no longer part of the dream team. Apparently, he got the call from Clinton to stand down. Bad boy, spank spank.

  27. Anonymous3:13 PM

    No Spitzer did what he should,expose the special interests that need cheap labor to exploit. Giving licenses to illegals wouldn't be necessary if they weren't here. The backlash is all yours. If the republicans will dump the theocrats. There'd be no "ultra-liberals" to oppose.We'd all just be americans again. Unless you consider our constitution to be ultra-liberal.

  28. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I explained what I did with the license issue, how I got it into an issue, which blew up in the faces of those intended. But Jeremy didn;t post them

  29. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Nice spin 3:13. If I am not mistaken, this was an issue ONLY the highly 'evolved' could understand, and that Spitzer (and team) knew what was best for us 'regular' folk. Now, even the highest form of intellegence on this planet, Hillary Clinton, says as president, no to licenses for illegal immigrants. Could the evolved ones be wrong? Not possible.

    This is way too fun to watch the implosion. I thank whoever started this. Bait, hooked, and caught.


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