
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More GOP Values, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney says No to Muslims


  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Good for him. Damm towel heads are ruining the planet. It's Communists like you, Jeremy, who are ruining our Country with your diversity crap.


  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Da more you listen to Romney and the GOP, da-verse it gets.

  3. Anonymous4:13 AM

    HEIL ROMNEY!!!! VA VOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    USA becomes the Fourth Reich under der Uber Romney!!!!!!!

    Be afraid.
    Be very afraid.

    Eli Krugman

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Romney's Mormon religion is (from what I have read) theocratic in nature, and theocratic religious bodies (the Moonies are reputedly another such group) generally aren't too big on diversity, women's rights, civil rights, individual rights, basic human rights (for all), etc.

    Thus, where Romney is concerned, I agree with the last poster. And I fear that the same is true in regard to most of the presidential hopefuls on the GOP side of the equation (a fundamentalist evangelican Christian theocracy, which so many folks under the BIG TOP appear to be courting, generally paints the same kind of picture.)

    Check out the song "Be Prepared" on the Lion King CD (Disney; 2003) if you get a chance. That pretty much covers it --- in a way that even a child can comprehend.


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