
Wednesday, November 07, 2007


The team of Sottile Noble won big last night and I'm happy to see that voters rejected the ideas and beliefs that were offered by his opponent and instead recognized the leadership that Sottile has provided the city the last six years. If the last six where any indication of what's to come than we're in pretty good shape. I congratulate Sottile and the strong veto proof council that we now have. The aldermadic winners on Tuesday were Ringwood, Landi, Whitlock, DiBella, Polocco, Reynolds, Senor and Madsen.

Bob Gillon who was unsuccessful in his bid for sixth ward alderman is a good guy and I congratulate his efforts. Gillon worked hard and pounded the pavement for months and would of made a fine Alderman. The sixth ward has lost out on a real opportunity.

ULSTER -- Congratulations to Nick Woerner and Brian Cahill who both did a great job in their reelection bids. Woerner, while Ulster is lucky to have him, should not be held down in that position, the people would be well served if he leaped on to bigger and better things.


  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    They didn't win bug. Sottile only won by 800 votes. That's a close election.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Ulster: The people of the Town of Ulster will be well served if Woerner moved on to bigger and better things.

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    "If the last six years are an idication of what is to come". I just don't understand what you are seeing. What the hell are you thinking?

  4. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Mayor Sottile was re-elected by a 16% advantage; anyway you slice it he enjoyed a desicive victory last night.

    I had to laugh when I heard on the radio this morning that Little Dick was claiming he suffered a narrow defeat; by the time his amateur tv show is telecast this coming Monday the diminutive one will have convinced himself that he actually won!!!

    The most upsetting development in the last 24 hours is that Rich's imaginary friend "Chris" shut his blog down.

    Rich's blog was a true reflection of his personality; it was pompous, arrogant, holier than thou, childish, petty, sladerous and stupid!! In other words Little Dick's blog had all the qualities that the voters of Kingston saw in him and overehelmingly rejected.

    Hey Rich...Buh Bye!!!!

  5. Anonymous2:27 AM

    What an election! We got rid of Whiny Cahill and Blabber-mouth Walker all on the same day!!!!

    A double BUH BYE to both of you.

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Hey, how come Clark never started 'Republicans on the Dole for Cahole?' Oh wait, he was too busy doing Ulster Politick

  7. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The arrogance you show in your posts is why the election was as close as it was.

    You make me sick.

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    hey vince guida oh i mean guido tell me wouldnt your money be better spent on correcting all your violations on your property then trying to unseat one of town of ulsters most effective supervisors in the history of this great town....

  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hey Vince Guido thanks for your help, we knew that we could count on you to help us win this one also
    your a true friend to the Dems

  10. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I'm glad Sottile won! I couldn't believe how close it was though. I guess CSEA's union is A LOT stronger then i thought.

  11. Anonymous12:14 AM

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  12. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Cahill has a new blog

  13. Anonymous5:10 AM

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I see Rich still has a reserve supply of venom left over from the campaign. In his blog's opening salvo he took a cheap shot at Jeremy.

    BTW...I'm wondering if Rich (as is customary)made a concession call to the mayor on Tuesday night?

    I honestly haven't heard.

  15. Yes, I do have a new blog. If you democrats thought you were rid of me, you are sadly mistaken.

  16. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Mr. Richard T. Cahole jr., can't you take a hint you retard? You were rejected. Now stop bugging us. Go away. That is what you do when you lose. You go away.

  17. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Rich...Who ever said we were through with you? You've got a lot more ass kickings coming your way!!!

    Besides, we're glad to still have your bitter attitude here to ridicule!

  18. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Well Rich, the city council is through with you; just make sure you return your set of keys for City Hall to the Clerk's office by December 31st!

  19. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Rumor has it that Jim Quigley spent about $25,000.00 consorting with the likes of Vince Guido and Joe Toscano in their implosive effort to elect Don Wise. A word of advice to Quigley, $25,000.00 could of purchased a significant amount of cosmetic dentistry from the slick haired Dracula look-alike the republicans call their chairman - Mario Catalanino. As for Guido and Toscano they are a disgrace to Italians around the World. Someone should help them pull their heads out of Jim Quigley's Ass. Happy Thanksgiving to a bunch of Turkeys!

  20. Anonymous2:50 AM

    614, you wanna back that up? Meet me in front of Riccardi's Friday night at 11pm. Let's see where your balls are, fucking coward!

    Joe Toscano

  21. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Don't you mean Little Italy? Riccardi's is owned by the Irish I told you that you were a disgrace to the Italians you can't even hang your hat in one of their establishments.


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