
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Vote on our online poll

All polls are now on the top right hand corner of the blog and run for about a week. This weeks question is : Should Jon Parete Resign as Dem Party Chair?


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    yes. he is worthless.

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Yes, as far as the county democrats are concerned Jon stole defeat from the jaws of victory. This should've been the year that the democrats won the DA's race and based on the amazing success of the new democratic majority in the county legislature there should've been NO losses and there were.

    Jon screwed up big time!

    Jon do the right thing and resign immediatly!!

  3. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Resign now,ER.

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Hey Jeremy,don't forget to breakdown where these votes are coming from. Parete's tenure helps the republicans more than the democrats.

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Parete had nothing to do with Dem's losing the DA race..he was the guy saying there should of been a primary. He recognized that was the only way a dem could win...the rest of the idiots made the decision not to have one and at that moment cost the dem's the election. He called for a primary knowing what the outcome would be if there wasn't one...regardless of who he supported he was the only one thinking rational at the time. he could not control Bradley staying in the race. He knew outcome if he can you blame him. They should blame themselves.

  6. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Wow,61 votes and still split pretty evenly. Considering this blog is "Kingston-centric" I'd say it doesn't bode well for the chump. That silver-tie come with some two-tone shoes?

  7. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Of course Parete lost the DAs race for Dems. His lack of leadership and integrity during this race are shining examples of his ineptitude.

  8. Anonymous9:12 PM

    A primary [won by Sennett] would not have pushed Bradley away. He would have done the same exact thing that he ended up doing.

  9. Anonymous6:31 AM

    9:12-Yeah a conservative sore loser! No more conservatives allowed! If they can't handle a simple re-direction of a conversation without stumbling,they can't be trusted with a public office. Test them all. Even Carnright passed that one.

  10. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Be a uniter not a divider!

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    126 and still divided. Time for a leader that leads,not a loser that causes dissent. He claimed he was calling it quits in April. Sort of like somebody that claimed he was quitting if he didn't get the nomination. No more money for traitors.


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