
Monday, November 19, 2007

The Zimet Factor

The race for County Executive will have many good and qualified Democratic candidates running and that's a good thing. Right now the two names that are coming up are Mike Hein (who has already announced) and Assemblyman Kevin Cahill. People should not rule out Susan Zimet for the position of County Executive, Zimet is a bright woman who has Executive experience and experience in county government...more importantly she has already won a county wide race. And, not to be gender biased she's a woman, I think we know of another very popular woman that may very well be on the ballot in November and that is U.S. Senator and presidential front runner Hillary Clinton.... Zimet's candidacy could really take off and she, like Cahill and Hein, is a worthy contender. Zimet also made significant contacts with the state party in her bid for NYS Senator and raised a boat load of money. Zimet can win.

Note: This is not an endorsement for Susan Zimet, like I said before I am not making any commitments at this time. Just writing down my thoughts.


  1. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Didn't we just finish a whole year of this? Is it possible for Politicians(PUBLIC SERVANTS) to take a brake from RUNNING and do a little WORKING before the next round.At the risk of sounding as cynical as the Freeman, if this were the private sector, no bussiness would ever have time to make a profit. Governing should not be a perpetual job interview. Take a brake...smitty

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    It's a "break", and the process is never ending.Publicly funded elections could put a stop to this fund-raising activity. Zimet spent 69,000 on her senate bid and won UC. Bonacic spent 750,000. If that was Sennett,he'd have won. Zimet didn't take her campaign seriously. She didn't campaign hard enough and it was only on coat-tails that she got so many votes. She's too weak and wishy-washy.

  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    what county wide race did she win?

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Zimet has no support within the Democratic party except for the fringe UCDW group. Zimet (and Hector Rodriguez) are a MAJOR cause for the rift within the Democrat party. It is far more than Bradley/Sennett. They spearheaded the ethics law change that would have forced John Parete to be fired last spring. That is where it started and they are directly to blame. Look it up, it happened. Zimet is not a consensus builder. In the same vain as Donaldson, she is me,me,me.

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Zimet got beat by Bonacic 55% to 45%. I know she won Ulster County by the skin of her teeth, but Bonacic didn't campaign here very much.

    Trust me when I say that she's nothing special. If she runs for CE, she gets beat like a drum.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    lets see if susan's friends, those attacking democrats who had a different point of view on the da's race, can help her win by allienating just about every other democrat leader in uc. they are not interested in mending fences. good by democrats, republicans will win this race also.

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Smitty - you better get used to it. After all it's a policical blog. If you're not interested in politics, don't come here!

    On another note, I think Sue Zimet would rock as County Exec. She's intelligent, honest, forthright (a rare attribute among politicals around here) and she has vision. Can't keep a good woman down.

    Go Susan!

  8. Anonymous1:24 PM

    What countywide election did Zimet ever win? Running as a Dem in New Paltz is hardly a tough election. She ran for State Senate and got her doors blown off. Obviously she ran against a tough incumbant, but it was not even close. Being a one term town supervisor hardly makes her qualified to run the county...Man you do twist the facts don't you.

  9. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Please check your facts before throwing out these outrageous figures. Bonacic did not, nor did he have to, spend $750,000 to defeat Zimet. Either you have a very obscured view of the world in which you live or you are a complete moron trying to boost your candidate with this propaganda. That wouldn't happen on this site, would it? Take a look at www/ to get the real story.

  10. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Zimet ran a great campaign and Bonacic just kept going nasty. Zimet did not win a county wide race...Blaber meant in her race for Senate she won Ulster County and she did so without the heavy Democratic city of Kingston.

  11. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I stand corrected, and apologize about break not "BRAKE". I'm sorry. It must be from all those years WORKING in the car business, being taxed 33% on my income, 8% to spend the money, not to mention property and school taxes. I figure it at 50 cents on a dollar.

    This being said, I expect elected officials to show up at meetings, work on the publics behalf, spend the money wisely, and they don't even have to apologize when they are wrong. That would be enough...smitty

  12. Anonymous5:28 PM

    So she won a race in Ulster County by beating a candidate who did not even campaign in Ulster County and the whole county was not even in the election.... Please. And the fact that Kingston was not in that election helped her...she has not made many friends in Kingston and around it in the past two years. In fact, she has made a significant amount of enemies and most of them are democrats who financially supported her Senate campaign. These same people will not be supporting her for CE, even if she gets the nomination. Better she stick to tourism that is just taking off under her leadership.

  13. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Blabs, I heard on the radio today that someone else had previously announced for CE before Mike Hein.

    Care to comment??

  14. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Anonymous 5:58AM: "She's too weak and wishy-washy"
    Talk about a silly observation!
    Guess you never saw her stand up and speak from the heart, or speak truth to misguided power in a crowded caucus or legislative session, cause you sure as hell don't know the lady.
    Interesting how anonymously folks can, heh heh, stand up and secretly bash Zimet for being "weak and wishy-washy.

  15. To the person keep sending me the comments asking why I'm endorsing Zimet: I have NOT endorsed or commited to anyone..I like Hein, Cahill, and Zimet the choice will be tough but I have a lot of time to think about it. Who knows there could be another candidate to step forth.

  16. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Jeremy, Why do you refuse to post all the posts that are made on this blog? I made a post about Zimets actual results. She won only 2 towns in the entire county. Take away Woodstock and New Paltz and she gets crushed in her own County. If you continue on like this I will no longer come here.

  17. What's the difference? Woodstock and New Paltz are and always will be a part of Ulster County..not to mention that if she ran for Exec and was the candidate she will also have the Democratic city of Kingston.

  18. Anonymous8:41 PM

    The difference is that you are censoring, and you claim that you post everything. Which is it?

  19. Anonymous8:45 PM

    The point is that she does not have support around the entire county. Being popular in NP and Woodstock, does NOT translate into a win. Exec is not Senator in a very big ANTI REPUBLICAN year. You have a lot to learn.

  20. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Susan won 6 towns - Marbletown, NP, Olive, Rosendale, Shandaken, Woodstock - and lost by only 50 in Hurley, 30 in Gardiner, and 20 in Rochester.

    The only one she lost by a wide margin was the ultra-conservative Shawangunk.

    "Crushed" ??? Hardly.

    Get your facts straight before you post.

  21. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Zimet won 6 towns and only lost 3!! Stop the lies.

  22. Anonymous9:45 AM

    3:08 - She ran a great campaign? Nothing about her campaign was inspired, and there was no innovative county-wide or Senate district wide-strategy. Zimet bragged about raising more money than anyone else ever did to take on Bonacic - which amounted to a comparatively anemic campaign treasury, and then how were those resources used? Zimet simply tried to wrap herself around the coattails of a popular Democratic candidate for Governor and hold on as tightly as she could. Even that very conventional time-tested approach was not a winning strategy for Zimet.

    Look around - Democratic candidates all across the Hudson Valley won their seats in far tougher races against Republican incumbents- Gilibrand and Hall for congress are good examples -- but not Zimet. Why do you suppose that Zimet lost?

  23. Anonymous10:35 AM

    9:48 "Zimet won 6 towns and only lost 3!!"


    Ulster County has 20 towns PLUS the city of Kingston.
    Conclusion: Zimet never won a county-wide race.

  24. Anonymous12:47 PM

    There are 16 UC towns in the 42nd Sen Dist. The other 4, and the city of kingston, are in the 39th.

  25. Anonymous2:13 PM

    To 10:35 - not all of Ulster County is encompassed in Bonacic's district. There goes your 20-town theory.

  26. Anonymous2:18 PM

    So what that Sue Zimet never ran a countywide race before? Neither has Mike Hein.

  27. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I think she lost because the opposition candidate tallied more

    votes than she did.POLLY MAJORS for 10:35 am

  28. 5:57 PM:

    That would be Alan Wikeman, he does not stand a chance.

    - JKB

  29. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Gee, Zimet has had such tough competition in recent years. ;)

    I think that she is not the best choice for our county exec., but I would vote for her over any republican loser and hope that she wouldn't screw things up. Hopefully Mike Hein wins the primary, but if Sue Zimet won, I'd vote for her in the general election.

    A less desirable Democrat is 10 times better than any Republican, and if the ??% of democrats who constituted the 19% of the morons who didn't vote for Jon Sennett adhered to this principle, we wouldn't have to suffer through 4 more years of republican rule at the DA's office. Assumed, of course, that 3 out of 4 Bradley voters were democrats, and most Bradley support peeled away votes from Jon. Cheer-leaders here like Jeremy assume that every Bradley vote would have gone to Jon, but the way I see it, it would have been a very close victory for Jon, maybe even one of those Florida style recount razor-thin margins.
    Vincent would have won by a larger margin over Carnright because his more moderate agenda would have kept the more conservative blue dog types in his corner, who would have defected to Carnright in a Sennett-Carnright only race, the way it should have been. And I say that because there wasn't a primary, and even though Vince should have been allowed to primary, and he might have won that primary, by staying in the race he lost my respect.

    Ian Flemming

  30. Anonymous1:54 PM


    Why should Vince been allowed to primary. He lost at the convention and was not a member of the party. End of story. This would have been a very bad precedent to set to allow Bradley to primary.


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