
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Blaber News' Person of the Week, Jeanette Provenzano

I got a call yesterday evening from Jeanette Provenzano and she was upset about a post that I wrote yesterday that said Mrs. Provenzano was making calls for Anne Marie DiBella for majority leader over Bill Reynolds, apparently that's not the case. On election night Mrs. Provenzano, Anne Marie DiBella and a female alderwoman-elect, that will remain nameless, where at a victory party at a local restaurant, the conversation of Jeanette running for chair came up and Alderwoman DiBella said she was thinking of running for Kingston's Majority post. Mrs. Provenzano said in a joking manner to the Alderwoman-elect, " us women need to stick together. It was a celebratory night and we were joking said Provenzano, I never made calls or got involved in that race."

One thing about Jeanette, whether you agree with her or not she is always straight forward with you and I believe without a doubt that is the way it went. This blog has been hard on Jeanette in recent months over her support of Vince Bradley and her challenge of Donaldson but lets not lose sight of the contributions that Jeannette has made to the legislature and the community, for these reasons and the fact the Jeanette is a reader of my blog and my legislator, we honor her as this weeks Person of the Week.


  1. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Bravo Jeremy, She and the other female Democrats that hold office in this town hold a lot more veracity in this Citizen's notebook than many of their male counterparts. I found thru personal experience that if they disagree with me on an issue, they will say so strait up and not two-face you like I have had some others do. I can not only take that, I admire it in a public servant. Thanks again Jeanette, Anne Marie, and Jennifer. And let's not forget Kathy J. ...smitty

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I can see by the picture that the problem is generational. Jeremy,you have my sympathy. Now start getting your contemporaries to work campaigning. I'll be restricting my donations to progressives from now on and your area needs younger representation. The "me generation" has had their power too long.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Any woman that holds her own in the political arena is pretty inspiring to me, even if I don't agree with them on each and every issue. So I would also like to send my thanks out to Jeanette and company!

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    These are tough times for Democratic women politicians: Hillary's run for President is exhibit one.

    The "we can do it" image of a forceful committed woman with a strong bicept prepared to accomplish something of value is great, if obviously inapplicable to Jeanette Provenzano at this particular moment in time.

    The fact is that Jeanette failed miserably as a leader of the Democratic party thru the Bradley Junior political fiasco. Strong bicept or not, "she couldn't do it."

    Speaking of failed leadership, Bonnie Landi "couldn't do it" either.

    The fact is that Jeanette failed miserably in her abortive attempt to be Chair of the Leg, and lost her Majority Leader position in the bargain. Even with her bicepts and ample personal ambition, "she couldn't do it."

    Same goes for Anne Marie DiBella -bit off more than she could chew and "she couldn't do it" either.

  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "ummmm...I was only joking..."

    And you buy that crap?

  6. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Lets also not lose sight of the fact that you continually post rumor and innuendo without checking with the people you are writing about whether what you are writing has any truth in fact. It would seem it is not that hard to give Jeanette a call before you write nasty things you hear from someone else about things she may have said to a third party. You seem to fancy yourself as some kind of journalist who provides information. However, when you simply write rumors about people that you could easily confirm and you do not confirm them you actually are nothing more than a gossip. How hard was it to actually call Jeannette before you wrote what you seem to be sniffing around politicians all the time anyway like a lost puppy. Answer: It would of been easy. But, then you would not be able to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

  7. It was not a rumor, I heard it first hand and it was true..the only thing that was wrong was the context which indeed makes a big difference. I'm not perfect and I made a mistake.

  8. Anonymous5:34 PM

    hey 3:44 - lighten up - first of all, it's "would HAVE been easy" - the contraction is "would've" - BUT - since you're trashing Jeremy's journalism, at least Jeremy: 1) isn't getting paid and, 2) owns up to it, apologizes, and corrects himself. On the other hand, Hugh Reynolds wrote some "mistruths" about Jon Sennett, and when Jon called him, Hugh never wrote any retractions. Hugh fancies himself a journalist; most people fancy him an idiot. I give Jeremy a lot of credit for correcting himself on this blog. He COULD'VE (got it?) ignored Jeanette and continued to allow the falsehood to flourish.

  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    To 9:53AM...Maybe I'm dating myself but I believe that is a WWII poster. She is not showing her bicept, but rolling up her sleeve to help the war effort.

    And speaking of COULD DO IT, seems you COULDN'T even sign your name...smitty

  10. Anonymous8:38 PM

    9:53 get your facts straight. Jeanette informed the caucus, I was there, she was giving up her seat as majority leader to give those in her caucus an opportunity to campaign for the position. A 10 to 9 vote for Chairman with two changing positions at the last moment is no victory to celebrate for you and your cronies. Your a blow hard who hasn't got the nerve to put a name to your BS. Your a loser.

  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You are right about Hugh Reynolds. Look at the way Cahill trashed him on his blog (

  12. Anonymous10:20 PM

    hey 8:38 - what's your name? You denigrate 9:53 for his/her failure to identify himself/herself, but you sign "friends of Jeanette" (which by the way, is plural - multiple personalities, huh?) You have guts, but no brains - it's not "Your a blow hard...Your a loser..." - it's "You're a blowhard....You're a loser..." If you're going to blast someone, do it right, or not at all...because in the end, you're the illiterate. Go read a dictionary. Jeanette may be a great legislator, but she chose the wrong time to run. The caucus was smart enough to realize that it would send the wrong message to the GOP and the public if they dumped Dave. I have to give Jeanette credit - she never publicly denounced Dave - but if she was dissatisfied with his chairmanship, she should've let the caucus know why she was disgruntled. To my knowledge, it was a typical ambition of Jeanette - to be the first woman chair. Those aren't good reasons to divide the caucus. And, since you supposedly know the confidential outcome of the vote, you can see that the caucus was evenly divided. Jeanette should have tried to heal and unify the caucus, but she obviously only cares about her own ambitions. I hope Dave and Brian do better.

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Serious educational deficiencies among the "conservative friends of Jeanette". Are these people products of public or parochial schools? Some work needs to be done to correct this.

  14. Anonymous3:57 PM

    A mistake is something you do were just plain lazy about it.

  15. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Jeremy, thank you for making the correction. I've been home with a horrible cold, like many others, and your blog helped keep me entertained.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all your fans.

    Jeanette Provenzano

  16. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Jeremy love your blog. I come on now not only to get my local political bullxxxx,....but also for my daily grammer lecture from the moron who loves to attack other people's writings grammatically, but does not seem to have a lucid thought in her head to add to the discourse. We ALL already knew that about her anyway. Seems like the whole country knows it.

  17. Anonymous7:46 PM

    to 9:56 -Moron? Pain in the ass, maybem but I'm a retired MALE college professor...

  18. Anonymous6:37 AM

    its maybe not maybem

  19. Anonymous6:47 AM

    In the end ,why do most of these discussions, degenerate into nitpicking or name calling. If this is the future of technology, it's both sad and 6th gradish. So an old geriatric fart like myself leaves for a few days and picks up a good book.

    Check it out, most times when they go beyond 10 or 15 comments it turns into school yard gossip and I include myself.

    Thank you Jeremy, despite all this because you're always preferable to Cahill and his constant censorship...smitty


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