
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Exec Poll Puts Cahill on Top

A recent poll that was done on the blog puts Cahill as the clear winner in a Democratic primary for County Executive. The poll which went on for a week asked people who they would vote for if the primary for County Executive where held today, with the candidates being Kevin Cahill, Mike Hein and Sue Zimet.

Kevin Cahill stomped the competition receiving more then 54% of the vote with Sue Zimet coming in a distant second at 25% and Mike Hein trailing at just 21%. Now this poll is hardly scientific but it does go to show how popular Kevin Cahill is, and proves that he could be a very strong challenger to lead the Democratic ticket next November.

On another note, a race that seems to be ignored is County Comptroller. It seemed up until a few months ago that Lisa Cutten would be a shoe in, until she shot herself in the foot running against Sottile in an 11th hour write-in effort for mayor. Oddly enough Jim Sottile himself has been talked about for the position and with his auditing background may not be a bad choice. Please see our current poll for more details.


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Sottile would be a bad choice for this position. He can't control his temper and makes more enemies than friends. Go Lisa.

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Hector Rodriguez and Rich Parete have no business on that poll, especially Hector who doesn't even have a job! Rodriquez can't even win the majority leader, how is he going to win comptroller? Rich Parete is too confrontational. He couldn't win anything either. Rob Parete on the other hand, would be a good candidate.

    The one guy whose name is missing and should really be on there is Mike Hein. That is more in line with his experience. He should give up Exec and switch to Comptroller if he wants to be working on 1/01/2009..... before it is too late.

  3. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Is Berardi the least of all evils?

  4. Anonymous6:16 PM

    How about someone not so Kingston?

    What about Eliot Auerbach of Ellenville?

    Regarding the poll on County Exec-I tried to vote numerous times and my vote was never accepted. And my vote was for Hein.

  5. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Hector Rodriguez and Paerte both are serious contenders and both are employed and college educated.

  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Eliot Auerbach is an asshole.. most people on the poll are not from Kingston btw.

  7. Anonymous7:16 PM

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  8. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Hector finally got a job? Parete is too much work.

    Neither could win.

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Hector can not even get Majority Leader and he has no idea what the job of being a Committee Chair is.

  10. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Blaber, this is a funny list.

    Hector is a complete buffoon. Typically unemployeed and looking for his next opportunity for a government job, Hector Rodriguez was too ethically challenged to hold a job with NYS Comptroller Alan Hevesi. 'nuff said?

    Rich Parete is an immature school yard bully. If he was qualified to be a CFO why would he be a blue collar union guy?

    James Sottile is qualified for Comptroller, but seems to lack the temperament for county-wide elective office.

    Lisa Cutten is qualified and could probably do a good job, but her misguided on-again, off-again write in race for Mayor might disqualify her. Obviously the Paretes despise her over the Rick Fritschler EMC thing.

    Elliott Auerbach has reportedly been looking for a position out of Ellenville. (who could blame him?) They passed on him for the County IDA post that he wanted in favor of a development pro from Vermont. Maybe they discovered something we dont know about Elliott.

  11. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Auerbach was not chosen for UCDC because he lacked direct economic development experience. There were absolutely NO skeletons there. In fact, he was quite an impressive candidate. What we "discovered" about Eliot was that he is a very smart, enthusiastic, well-recommended and qualified candidate. Ulster County would be wise to put his talents to wider use than just Ellenville.

  12. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Elliot writes deals that turn into disasters. I pity the suckers that give him a chance to ruin them. He even sued his own village over a deal that he drew up. He's through. His ideas are better off being brought to fruition by more qualified individuals. An outsider from the business sector with no ties to local people or politics would be ideal to bring unity to our party. New blood,new ideas and no baggage.

  13. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Wasn't Berardi mentioned to run for this instead on Comptroller?

  14. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Hector Rodriguez? You have to be kidding? The guy is a joke. Has he held a job for more than six months in his life. Just what Ulster County needs a inexperienced loud mouth as comptroller. How in your right mind would even consider him for a long list of potential comptroller candidates? What would make you even think he has the experience or ability to function effectively in that job. He does not even function well as a part time legislator. I would vote for you before ever voting for Rodriguez. You lose credibility when you even suggest such a thing. Ques. Why has Nick Woerner not made any of your lists. I would think he would be a fine candidate for comptroller or for Assembly.

  15. I disagree with you in regards to Hector... As for Woerner I wanted to have his name on for Assembly...I just forgot.

  16. Anonymous8:56 PM

    How about giving us a "none of the above" choice when you do the polls? Please. . .

  17. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Love the idea of Hein as comptroller.

  18. Anonymous3:51 PM

    You can disagree all you want about Hector...but I do not see you mentioning any jobs he currently has or has had that would make him even remotely qualified for any position. That is because you can't because he is unable to hold a job. The fact he is your friend notwithstanding, you have to admit he is a joke and an ineffective legislature...and a well know one at that. His reputation preceeds him.

  19. Anonymous7:39 PM

    After watching Hein on public access tonight, I wouldn't vote for him in a million years. What a tool.

    Kevin please run!


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