
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Hein's Kick-Off Fundraiser a Success

Mike Hein had his very well attended kick-off fundraiser at the Hillside manor on Thursday evening with about 250 people in attendance. Ulster County Treasurer Lew Kirschner, and County Legislator Allen Lomita were a few of the speakers that pledged their support to Hein. Several other Democratic heavyweights were in attendance, including Kingston Mayor James Sottile. It also looks like Hein may get additional broad range support, among those in attendance tonight was Uster County Conservative Chairwoman Bonnie Hewitt.

Hein touted his experience and accomplishments as County Administrator and pledged to continue to break down the good ol' boy system and return government back to the people.

" If you want a typical politician than I'm not your guy, however if you want a person with the experience and capability to do the job than I'm exactly who you want," said Hein to a roaring applause.

Hein is seeking the Democratic nomination for County Executive and thus far is the only announced candidate.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    God help us if this clown gets elected.

    Where is Hoffay when we need him?

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Does anyone else think we should see Bonnie Hewitt's attendance as a warning sign rather than something positive. I would suggest that in light of events of recent past, we secure a commitment from all the candidates that they will not accept minor party endorsements without the democratic nomination.

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    This guy is terrifying. He stands there with Sottile, Woerner, Zweben, Provenzano and the rest of the thugs and actually says he is not a good ole boy...
    It would be funny if it wasn't so insulting to his audience...
    Does he really think everyone is that stupid?
    He is the good ole boy's new boy toy (I guess bratley is still licking his wounds from being trounced in his own neighborhood)
    Spada is behind this one too---
    Wake up, Ulster County, get rid of these theives!!!

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Bonnie Hewwit is just the begining. As has been stated so many times, Mike Hein is an OPPORTUNIST!!

    (DEF: Adjective: Taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit

    DEF: NOUN: A person who places expediency above principle)

    He will cuddle up to whoever will support him.

    I would be willing to bet, with odds, that there were more Republicans than Democrats there last night.

    Since Hein refered to Thomas Jefferson in the press the other day. I would like to quote Jefferson today.

    "Every honest man will suppose honest acts to flow from honest principles, and the rogues may rail without intermission."

    Caveat emptor

  5. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Isn't Hoffay in rehab? Jeremy I was at the fundraiser there were no where near 250 people there. Obvious you have chosen a side you now expanded his fundraiser to make it sound like it was sold out. While it was well attended, there was no where near 250 people there.

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM

    We should ALL see Hewitt's attendance there as A MAJOR

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Well having candidates not accept minor party endorsements is all fine and well..except in this instance you are likely to have a primary for the dem nomination. Therefore you will not know who the nominee is until September. If our candidates do not put themselves in play for these minor party endorsements then these endorsements will go to Republican candidates, which could be very damaging especially in this election. They have to seek the endorsements when they are offered...the only thing that would help is if the minor parties waited, but why would they wait?

  8. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Since he was a Republican. Is now a Democrat. Maybe he plans on being a conservative this year. Is this the emperor's new clothing

  9. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Honestly, I am having a hard time even taking this guy seriously. He obviously is not very smart. His main support among "Democrats" are the likes of Sottile, Woerner, and Kirschner. I would not be stretching to say that these 3 are not considered by Democrats to be their most loyal members. They represent what I will now call the Portebello crowd, all linked to Al Spada.

    And now with Bonnie Hewitt? Do we want CONSERVATIVE CHAIRMAN Bonnie Hewitt in the Executives office?

    I do not see how this guy gets any support over someone like Cahill. Knowing Kevin, I would guess does not even talk to Hewitt or Spada.

  10. Anonymous12:47 PM

    "They have to seek the endorsements when they are offered...the only thing that would help is if the minor parties waited, but why would they wait?"

    There is a "minor party" petition timetable that follows the "major party" nomination and petition timetable that is part of NYS election law. It is not as though the 3rd parties can wait and see what the Dems are doing...

    You also do not earn many friends by engaging in an OTB. "Minor" parties prefer the candidate actually believes in the substance of the platform and do not think of their party as an extra line for political insurance.

    The platforms of the minor parties are very enlightening - kind of spookey to see so many Dems embrace the Conservative platform... Perhaps the Dems need to spend less time bickering about who is in power, but what they believe in?

  11. Anonymous4:56 PM

    You can tell 12:47 is Mr Hein thats exactly how he talks

  12. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I have to think that if the Democrats knew Hein would be the 1st candidate, they would not have pushed so hard for the Exec.

  13. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Everything Hein has done has been at the direction of the Democratic Legislators. He followed orders. Who will tell him what to do if he is the executive?

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    How is Hein going to break the good ole boy network when it's standing behind him and giving him money? When I see a candidate supported by the likes of Sottile and Spada, I immediately look for someone else. Hein's supporters are foxes who want to elect a farmer who will keep the chicken coop door unlocked.

  15. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Hein will raise a ton of money and lose badly. Sound familiar? Same backers, same results.

  16. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Is this Oliverie for County Executive?

  17. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Mike Hein is a nice enough guy. He looks good and dresses well.


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