
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Brian Cahill Wins Majority Post. Listen to Majority Leader-elect- Cahill's Audio Message Below

Congratulations to Brian Cahill the Majority Leader elect of the Ulster County Legislature. Brian Cahill will do a great job in this position and I wish him well. Please listen to his audio message below.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Congratulations, Brian. I know you'll do well in your new post as Majority Leader.

  2. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Good man and the right choice. I wish him luck. I am sure he will do a good job.

  3. Anonymous5:35 AM

    So who did you pick for this position? I read on here you would reveal it after the vote. Something about sending an email?

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

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  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Cahill is perfect for the Majority at this point in time. He will get them working together. Maybe the Dems are looking at the wrong Cahill for County Executive?

  6. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Oh, great. Another Cahill in a position of authority. Just what we don't need.

  7. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I don't know this Cahill,but Kevin is a stand up guy. That Provenzano idiot has no future in this county. Despicable behavior to commit treason. She'll get what she deserves soon enough.

  8. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Cahill was bumped up by the Democrats after only one term, he must be doing something right.

  9. Anonymous11:56 PM

    9:47-treason????are you nuts. I know the lady, usually top vote getter whereever runs. If I were her I'd tell you all togo to hell and move over the Republican side. What a feather in thier cap. it would than be 18 to 15. Serve all you ah well. I hope she reads this. I'm a republican and will suggest it to my friends

  10. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "...I'd tell you all togo to hell and move over the Republican side..."

    good riddance to bad rubbish

  11. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I also made predictions that were buried in a time capsule in 1954 near the old Number 5 School.All about the recent economic surge in the area, the high school moving to a swamp in 2006, the return of Thunderdome in late 2007, and the stoning of any woman who sought advancment in the Democratic Party that same year. So there Jeremy.

    Jimmy the Grinch

  12. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Jeannette isn't and shouldn't go anywhere. She is a good Democrat who made a bad decision on the DA's race, Just like lot's of other people.

    Jeannette has taken a lot of bullets for the Democrats over the years,running for Mayor & Assemblyman among them. How many times has Donaldson put himself out there starting out knowing that he was going to have to take one for the team?

    If the Democrats do not let that DA's race business go, they will suffer because of it.

  13. Anonymous8:32 AM

    No one should misinterpret Reynolds column today. Cahill's words are those of a truly humble man. There is a good reason he had "an easy time of it" as Reynolds said. I spoke with him last night and he was still smiling and very excited about being selected. He will do a great job. His Mother Maryalice should be proud.

  14. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Now watch as Kevin starts to position and campaign for some higher office or another while on the taxpayer dollar and grooms his brother to take over in the assembly. Nothing like all in the family.

  15. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I'm more concerned that Kevin is going to try to control the caucus via Brian. He did that with the Kingston committee when he got Gollnick to be chair.

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Groom him? You sure aren't giving Brain much credit. He has been very active in Ulster for as long as I can remember. He has proven to be an excellent legislator in his first term. I have worked with him on more than one issue. He doesn't need any grooming. If he is capable, and can get the support, why shouldn't he go for other offices? I'd vote for him.

  17. Anonymous1:09 PM

    11:56-the republican party is perfect for illiterates like yourself,bye-bye.

  18. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Does anyone know what Brian does for a living?

  19. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Brian works at IBM.


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