
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Polls By the Numbers

The polls that I run on my blog are just for fun and it's interesting to look at the results and see what people who read this blog are thinking. The last few polls have dealt with political match-ups of the 2008 election and I must say they're rather interesting.

The poll for County Executive showed that Kevin Cahill would have no trouble in winning the Democratic nomination for County Executive, winning with more than 55% in a math up with two likely contenders for the post Sue Zimet and Mike Hein, the only announced candidate for the post.

The Poll for Comptroller seems to favor Bill Berardi, a Kingston CPA, with strong ties to the community and a would be political new comer. Rich Parete also looks strong, polling a very close second. The other would be contenders Jim Sottile and Hector Rodriguez are barley in the double digits.

The race for Assembly assuming that Kevin Cahill were to run for County Executive, are probably the most interesting. With Kingston's well seasoned Alderman from the Seventh Ward, Bill Reynolds, and Brian Cahill, a county legislator and brother of Kevin Cahill, in a dead heat. That really could be an interesting race.... Reynolds has the experience and Cahill has the name, it would not be the first time voters elected an outgoing Assemblyman's relative to take his/her spot. One thing that is worth pointing out is that the front runners of the Assembly poll, Reynolds and Cahill, will both be the 08 majority leaders of the respective bodies that they represent.

Again, the polls are just for fun and there may be candidates that are not mentioned in the current polls, that would blow the current front runners of these fantasy match-ups to shreds. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Your polls never accept my polling votes. I cannot give the numbers ANY credence if my own vote is repetedly rejected.

    I'm not saying it's your fault, but as admin here, you should determine what makes the errors occur. If you can eliminate the problem, your polls will have legitimacy, which they do not have now.

  2. Ms. Gallagher:

    The problem seems to be with some AOL users, if you open up 'Internet Explorer' you should be able to vote. Thanks.

    - Jeremy

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM


    I use Internet Explorer through Road Runner Time Warner Cable. Do you have any other suggestions so that I may participate in the polls?

  4. Anonymous3:54 PM


    Here is the error message I get in the polling window:

    The webpage cannot be found
    HTTP 400
    Most likely causes:
    There might be a typing error in the address.
    If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.

    What you can try:
    Retype the address.

    Go back to the previous page.

    Go to and look for the information you want.

    More information

    This error (HTTP 400 Bad Request) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the web server, but the webpage could not be found because of a problem with the address.

    For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.

  5. Othere than voting on a different computer, I don't know what to tell you. I use these polls through blogger...I will ask them.

  6. Anonymous6:10 PM


    Or it may be a pop up a blocker.

  7. Anonymous8:53 PM


    Tell march that you can't write someone's name in.

  8. Anonymous9:08 AM

    March is trying to vote for Andretta! His name is not anywhere on here March. You already did your damage. Colony will leave and the prevailing wage is dead for anyone who comes to the IDA in the future.

    Nice work. Go back to fighting to keeping Winston farm barren where you belong!

  9. Anonymous7:42 PM

    what about my NONE OF THE ABOVE VOTE ????? HMMM ???


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