
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Swearing in Events Around Town

James P. Gilpatric will be sworn in as full time City Court Judge today at 12 noon. Larry Ball will also be sworn in as Special City Court Judge.

January 1st - - Holley Carnright will be sworn in at 11:00 am as Ulster County District Attorney at the Ulster County Court House.

Mayor James M. Sottile, Council President James Noble and the entire common council will be sworn in at noon at Kingston City Hall.

I plan to cover all these events with the exception of Holley Carnright's ceremony, I have been invited to an open house with Governor Spitzer at I will be rushing back to Kingston to go to the ceremony at City Hall. I wish Holley and everyone else a congratulations.


  1. Anonymous3:40 AM

    CONGATULATIONS to Jimmy Gilpatric, you know we love you. GOOD LUCK to Holley as well. Happy New Year to you Jeremy! THANKS for all your work and effort. You're a gift to our community. Wishing you the best...Nancy and Bob

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Good to see you getting recognized Jeremy. Tell Eliot to keep forging ahead. Recognition of progressive accomplishments are usually posthumous.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Jeremy too bad you will not be able to cover Carnright's swearing in.

    This is when he will announce his plan to bring work farms and orphanages to Ulster County.

    He could learn a lot from this article:

  4. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Jeremy: The ceremony for H. Carnright will be at 11am, not 9:30 at City Hall.


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