
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ulster GOP Gets New Financial Backer

Over the last two years, the Ulster County GOP has found a new financial backer by the name of James Quigley. Mr. Quigley according to the Ulster County Board of Elections has given over $56,000 to Republican candidates and GOP causes in the last two years. Some of Quigley's bigger contributions was a $5,400 check(max allowed by law) to Holley Carnright, $10,000 to the Ulster Republican Committee (which also went to Carnright) $1000 to J. Micheal Bruhn Jr., a candidate who ran unsuccessfully for City Court Judge, 1000 to Don Wise who also ran unsuccessfully for town of Ulster Supervisor and various other local candidates got about $500 respectively.

Mr. Quigley first caught attention when he single handily ran an effort to defeat the Ulster County Charter and was damn near successful. Some may remember the Vote No on Prop 1, no new taxes, signs that popped up like bad weeds all over Ulster County.

With money comes power, Quigley who is a very successful and extremely bright businessman was recently elected as Ulster County GOP Treasure and his name keeps popping up for a possible run for County Comptroller next year.

To Mr. Quigley's credit, he truly believes in the philosophies of the Republican party and his veins run a solid GOP red. And, you gotta respect that, I personally like the guy he's a genuinely nice person.

Democrat's should take notice that Mr. Quigley is not to be taken lightly and should consider him as their public enemy number one.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Is Mr. James Quiqley "buying" his position and/or potential positions? Wouldn't it be nice to read that he gave $36,000 to Family of Woostock, KAPA, the Battered Women's shelter, elderly folks that worked thier whole lives and now stand to lose their homes due to tax and basic life-expence increases, or to the small businesses that are trying so hard to make a go of it in this city?

    Republicans (for the most part) seem to be all about exchanging money for power, and although I'm sure all folks do this, to some degree, I don't think it represents the "family values" and such that Republicans like to talk so much about...

    In fact, this all reminds me of the days of the Roman Empire when religious and/or political positions (often one and the same) were passed through family systems and/or sold to the highest bidder, irregardless of the education, qualifications, or integrity of the recipient...

    As the saying goes, "money talks" --- but what exactly is it saying to us?

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    It reminds you of the days of the Roman Empire ... how old are you? Wake up and smell the roses. When it comes to money there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans, local, state and federal. For every Jack Abramoff there are a hundred Michael Zinns.

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Go to the state website where this information came from and type the name "Basch" in your search. You will see he and his firm have donated almost $100G over the past several years. You will also see the democratic party (and its judges) has been the major beneficiary of his generosity. This is an issue for our entire political system and not just one of the parties.

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Mr Quigley gives a lot more back to the community he grew up in than political donations. He just doesn't have to read about it in the Freeman.Also if you look on the disclosures you will see a Democratic couple in Woodstock that gave national candidates about $80,000. At least Mr Quigley spends his money in the community to make it better not to Washington to be wasted

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Shame on you Jeremy, comparing an honest man like Jim Quigley to the likes of Spada, First off, Quigley donates to candidates and issues with no personal return expected, not so Mr. Spada. Secondly, Mr Quigley gives almost exclusively to Republicans, not so Mr. Spada, he supported Woerner,(D-Ulster), Sottile(D-Kingston), Bradley(?-?), and lastly , you can find Mr. Quigleys contributions easily, by following the legal money trail at the Board of Elections, not so Mr. Spada. In short, you do a terrible disservice to an ethical and moral man like Quigley.

  6. I didn't mean to attack Mr. Quegley in anyway, I also made a point to mention that Mr.Quigley is true to himself and his GOP principals.

  7. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I don't want to hear anything about the donations from the Democrats as long as you have Eli Basch donating double that to Democrats.

  8. I think you're missing the point, I'm not attacking Mr.Quigley for donating money to the gop..I'm just pointing it out. Yes, Eli Basch gives a lot of money to our Democratic candidates.

  9. Anonymous7:19 PM

    What do you mean by "I'm not attacking Mr.Quigley for donating money to the gop".

    You said, "Democrat's should take notice that Mr. Quigley is not to be taken lightly and should consider him as their public enemy number one."

    Public enemy number one? I would say that it is just as forceful of an attack as Bush declaring North Korea part of the axis of evil.

  10. Anonymous7:35 PM

    If you are not attacking Quigley why do you refer to him as "public enemy number one." Admit it Jeremey you thought you could make an issue to preemptively defend your choice Hein however you were caught being biased. P.S. I notice your name comes up without having made any donations at all. Is this accurate or is it a flaw in the system that you faied to mention?

  11. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Jeremy--In your own words Mr. Quigely is a "very successful,... extremely bright,...genuinely nice person"

    And these characteristics equate hime to "PUBLIC ENEMY #1" how????

    You political hacks need to get over yourselves and consider PEOPLE not PARTIES.

  12. In the last two years... I contributed to the campaigns of the Ulster Dem Committee, Kevin Cahill, Paul Van Blarcum, Karen Peters and Nick Woerner... not as much as most people have, but I contributed.

    I also would have contributed to Mr.Sennett's campaign but he would not accept any money from me.

    As far my support of Mr. Hein, I'm not supporting anyone yet..we don't even know who the candidates are. So please get your facts in order.

    And, again, the post on Mr. Quigley was not an attack at all. If you feel that it was, that's your opinion.

    8:00 PM : Again, I said that he was public enemny number one to Dems.

    I stand by that due to the fact that he almost defeated the county charter and that he has the funds to back up his candidates. I'm just saying that Democrats should take him very seriously.

  13. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Jeremy, You are a good Democrat. Some people just don't understand that.

  14. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Jeremy, was this a slow news weekend or just a lousy choice of story. How about that ice storm? Isn't there some way the city could sue Mother Nature for a thing like this, or at least get some grant money from Jack Frost and give it to UPAC...smitty

  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Yes, both parties are playing the money = power game. I certainly agree with that. I think the maximums allowed should be much lower, however, in all cases - so that more middle class people - if not the poor - can join in (if this be what it be...) the process.

    I personally had no idea who Mr. Quigley was (and still know little about him) so this HAS been informative. Thank you Jeremy.

    That said, I admit that I might be too sensitive (?) in the money / political donations department...

    However, maybe some of you folks would be too, had you lived what I have lived and seen what I have seen...

    Teen parents huddled in cold basements, with very small children,very little furniture, very little food, and very little to hope (right here in Kingston)

    A woman with five children that can't afford a tree, much less gifts to put under it (she has a job)

    Rural poverty situations, involving families with children that have no running water this time of year - have to warm themselves by the cooking stove (if they can afford the propane) - and go without some of the basic necessities (for hygeine, health, etc) of life...

    This is not Rome. True. And I am not hundreds of years old, with a beard hanging down to my ankles...

    But please be aware of the "other side" of this story, folks...

    Please be aware that the folks on the "other side of the tracks" (the sinking middle class, the working poor, the generationally poor) can't afford to "buy" power in any sense of the word... and they sure could use a little help.

  16. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Eli Basch uses his money to fund candidates in the court system regardless of party affiliation. Basch is a LAWYER WITH BUSINESS IN FRONT OF THESE COURTS --- Check out NYS Board of elections website, link below to see this guy's incredible influence...HEIS A PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER!!! He gives to all sides, all the time, but gives HUGE AMOUNTS. This guy is terrifying -- ULSTER COUNTY WE MUST PASS THE CLEAN ELECTIONS BILL -- THIS IS INSANE!!!!

  17. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Interesting & informative bit on Basch. Check out the donations his partner Keegan has made too! Then check out some of the committees these folks sit on and some of the cases they've worked on. Scary is an understatement---these people control us!


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