
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Woerner Sworn in for a Second Term as Ulster's Supervisor

Supervisor Nick Woerner had his swearing in ceremony at the Sky Top Steak House at 1pm this afternoon to a packed crowd of about 200 friends and supporters. Including Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum, Congressman Hinchey and former Mayor John Heitzman. Judge Tony McGinty swore in Woerner to his second term as town of Ulster Supervisor.

Alderwoman Shirley Whitlock got up and made a speech about how much Woerner had helped her during her campaign. " I would like to thank Nick for showing me the way, Nick reached out to me and it was the most important call that I got said Whitlock, I would not be here today without him."

Woerner talked about his accomplishments, how he has been able to work with the other side to accomplish things in the best interest of the town. Councilman Craig and I thought it would be a long two years at the start of my first term, it ended up being a long two weeks, we than were able to sit down and get on the same page, said Woerner.

Woerner broke down in tears when discussing his friend Republican Councilman Joel Brink, "there were times when we didn't know if Brink would make it and I'm glad that he did." Joel Brink was reelected in November but suffered a long and serious illness during the campaign.

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