
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Breaking News : Alderwoman Ringwood Resigning From Council

Below is a letter that Alderwoman Ringwood wrote to Mayor James Sottile announcing her resignation effective May 1, 2008. Jen's departure will leave a huge gap in the Second Ward, she is someone that has done wonders for Kingston and someone that I deeply respect and admire. Jen has always been there to guide me while I learned the ropes of City Politics and I know at times she wanted to strangle me. I've learned a lot from Jen and consider her a political mentor and a great friend. I'm truly saddened to see her go but understand that family comes first.

Dear Mayor Sottile:

It is with sincere regret that I must officially resign my position as Alderman of the 2nd Ward for the City of Kingston effective May 1, 2008. My husband has been transferred to Syracuse, New York and as a result, our family will be relocating to Central New York.

Please know the great pleasure I took in serving the residents of the 2nd Ward. This announcement is not made with a light heart. I will miss working with you, Council President James Noble, Majority Leader Bill Reynolds and all the aldermen I have been honored to serve with on the Kingston Common Council.

My tenure on the Council will be something I look back on for years to come with fondness and satisfaction. I thank you and the voters in the 2nd Ward for giving me the opportunity to serve them and to leave a positive mark on our esteemed City. Over the next several months, I will continue to work hard to serve my constituency and this city.

I look forward to taking an active role on the committee to review plans for the site of the present Uptown Parking Garage and will continue to advocate for smoking bans in our parks and in front of municipal buildings. Now, as always, I will be available to residents of the 2nd Ward who have any questions or concerns. I also look forward to working with you to discuss a potential replacement for my position.

Again, I thank you for your leadership and your friendship. I shall miss you and Kingston. But, I know Kingston’s best is yet to come. Under your administration and the Council’s direction by President Noble and Majority Leader Reynolds, I am confident Kingston’s true potential will be realized.

Jennifer Ringwood


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Never underestimate the lengths big tobacco will go to protect their interests.

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Alderwoman Ringwood is a class
    act and she will be missed. In
    my view this is a big loss for
    Kingston and the 2nd Ward

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    How can she be serious and say she is confident the city will prosper under this administration?
    Does she not drive through this city and see what a dump it is becoming?
    A friend who was just in town(who is originally from Kingston) was at my home yesterday and told me what a "cesspool" this city has become. He was here for 3 days.
    How can she think that this is a lovely place and the people we are bringing in are such wonderful citizens?
    She is part of the reason this city is failing, because like the other clowns on broadway, they all bury thier heads up Jimmy's ass and believe the stupidity he spews.
    Lets hope the rest of the council and Jim's wife all have to relocate and we can get some intelligence and respect back into the city's governing body!

  4. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Thanks Jennifer for trying to help Kingston. Your family has to follow opportunity and there are few in Kingston unless you become a politician or a crony!

    Good luck and health to you and yours!

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    My little boy's friend who is in the
    first grade was asked by his teacher 'who is your hero'?
    And the little boy Sammy said
    'Jim Sottile'.

    Then a little boy Patrick was also
    asked who is your hero and little
    Pat Said 'Jeremy Blaber'

    While sitting around our dinner
    table It gave me such a warm
    feeling to know that we still
    have hero's in our community. People that are still good and our
    youth can look up to

  6. Anonymous12:56 AM

    I'm heart broken to hear that. I first me Jen with the Relay for Life and she was such a great advocate for Kingston. I know she will do well in her new venture.

  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Interesting timing.


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