
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Carnright Sworn in as D.A.

Holley Carnright was sworn in today to a four year term as Ulster County District Attorney. Mike Kavanaugh presided over the well attended ceremony. Judge Work, Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum, Under Sheriff Falutico, Legislator Jim Maloney and Jonathan Sennett were some of the people in attendance.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Congratulations Holly. The best candidate won. Good luck.

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I agree, Maybe now we can get justice here in kingston. Not oh your my friend so i can not look into it for you. Mr. Carnright will do the job right,

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Only time will tell what kind of DA he will make.

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

    12;29-Six mistakes in three sentences? He better not reflect your post or he's headed to prison himself.Lol. Holly will do well to remember the issues at hand and that people have high expectations of him. The race spelled out the job description and he'll do well if he follows it. U.C. residents want their tax money accounted for and "good ole boy" cover-ups will have substantial repercussions. Bradley made a good list of bad characters with his campaign contributors and Holly doesn't have to feel bad about serving justice to them.

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The fact that Mr. Sennett showed up to Carnright's event and the event at city hall shows him to be a class act. I supported Holley but I say this with all sincerity, if Sennett runs for something again I will support him.

  6. Anonymous3:26 PM

    2:10 PM You make an excellent proof reader, Missessa Wiggens.Lol at yourself...

  7. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Sennett and Carnright worked together as public defenders and both are genuinely nice guys. Bradley and his supporters were the bad guys in this election. They'll be shunned from the democratic side and the republicans would be smart to do the same.

  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    i was there...a nice event. I did not see any outspoken Bradley supporters at all. Nor did I expect any. I was surprised not to see Hein, Donaldson or even the County Attorney for that matter.

    I did see Sennett. He congratulated Holley the night of the election right in GOP HQ - that takes 8a11s and again showed up to see him take the oath - thats class.

    I have to wonder if the Dems still have Holley in their sites??

  9. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I responded to 2:15 regarding WHY Sennet showed up to the swearing in of Carnright. Jeremy won't put anything on the blog unless it is a glowing endoresment of Sennet or his wife.

    You are not getting a clear picture of what people think because this blog keeps opposite views from being printed. Isn't the power of control wonderful?????

  10. Anonymous8:24 AM

    In response to 8:19-Michael Hein's brother passed away (suddenly) and I'm sure he was spending time getting all the arrangements made. Family obligations should always come first, politics would not be a priority at this time. The weather was not favorable so anyone who made this event should be commended. Jonathan Sennett showed class both Election Night & Showing up at this ceremony-I'll look at him through different eyes if he should run for any political office in the future.

  11. Anonymous9:35 AM

    6:52 must be from a certain cigar salesman.

    Jeremy is entitled to publish anything he wants. It is his blog. It is a free country.

    It does show a lot of class that Sennett showed up for the oath. That is the kind of guy he is. Where was Bradley? Looking for a job in Greene county?

    He has burned his bridges in Ulster County and in the Manhattan D.A.s office. Was it worth it, hometown boy?


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