
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Debate Watch Party for Hillary this Thursday!!!

Ulster County Legislators:

Susan Zimet, Jeanette Provenzano, Mary Sheeley

Kingston Adlermen

Ann Marie DiBella, Jen Ringwood, Shirley Whitlock

Town Councilmembers

Deborah Silvestro, Terrie Rosenblum, Lynn Archer

UC Dem Vice Chair :
Karen Markisenis

Cordially invite you to join them and many other supporters of Senator Hillary Clinton for a Debate Party for Hillary.

When: Thursday, Jan 31, 7:30 to 10:00 pm

Where: Portobello Restaurant (across the street from Democratic Headquarters)

free admission/free food/cash bar

The January 31 debate on CNN is the last debate before the Feb 5 Super Tuesday Primaries


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Thank you for NOT having it at a church!

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Brace yourselves for what could be a ratings shocker. Expect the unexpected.

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Edwards could play a very interesting role in the remainder of this race. What say you, Blaber?

  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Sounds like quite a party. Let's see, hows about spending an evening with all the Ulster County women politicians watching Clinton and Obama answer the same questions over and over and over and over again.

    Has anyone considered a federal law that precludes campaigning for President until twelve months before the election. This feels like it has been going on for two years.

    I think Thursday night is time for a spongebob marathon. After all, Spongebob has more insight into our day to day lives than any of these people.

  5. 337: Edwards has suspended his campaign so he will hang on to his delegates...however he does not have enough to be a king maker.

    As for Super Tuesday...Only time will tell who his departure will help. In some states it will help Hillary and in other states it will help Obama

  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Clinton 56%, Obama 28%,Gallup for NYS. 28 point crushing of Obama!

  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Lou Dobbs poll tonight was asking if any of the presidential candidates,essentially, agreed with his xenophobic rants and 92% of his viewers responded no. So gratifying to see that the whole premise of his show is now irrelevant to our national politics. Bye-bye Lou. Just one bump more and you'll be in late night.

  8. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Both class people, it would be hard to go wrong with either one of these bright, perceptive, and intelligent Americans...

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I bet you didn't expect that one! To all you Hillary-haters; beat it, your ride is over! We're closing ranks and traitors are to be shot. If Obama weathers the storm of his past,he'll be VP. We'll see now just how many real democrats support Barack. Screw you Bill Bennett! Have a nice time with your hundred year war! Choke on it!


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