
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dem Primary Comes to Boiling Point in South Carolina

The Democratic debate in South Carolina took a nasty turn, with a heated exchange between Clinton and Obama for most of the debate. Poor Senator Edwards barely got a word in the whole debate.

Senator Clinton made a good point in that Barack Obama refuses to accept responsibility for his record...he loves to play the victim...he will probably win South Carolina but after that his campaign will tap out

Here is a small bit of the debate exchange tonight :

Obama told the former first lady he was helping unemployed workers on the streets of Chicago when "you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board at Wal-Mart."

Moments later, Clinton said that she was fighting against misguided Republican policies "when you were practicing law and representing your contributor ... in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago".


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Obama's brain was skipping last night. He was way too slow. I don't think he'll be doing very well in the future. He can't defend himself or successfully criticize anyone. He's totally unprepared to debate against republicans,even when they're so immoral and unethical. Republicans like him because he communicates at their low level. Very disappointing performance. I bet he'd make a very successful republican.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Obama ran to his master's network, Pat Robertson's CBN, and did an interview where he called allegations that he's a muslim "scourilous"! I guess he thinks it's okay to insult muslims and americans by appearing on a TV network owned and operated by someone that praised the 9/11 attack as an act of god. That's the end of him as a democrat. He's burning bridges faster than he can change positions. He's on fire alright,but in the Richard Pryor way.

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    If anyone has any doubts that Hilary is indeed the "politics-as-usual" candidate, just observe the way she purposefully distorts Sen. Obama's record. What a sad state of affairs for the Democratic Party.

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    What distortion? You mean asking why he wouldn't take a stand? Or how he talked about republicans having ideas? Or lying about his crooked business dealings? How about voting against a 30% cap on default rates for credit card companies? Obama can't defend his record and has no future in national politics. Somebody really screwed up in not vetting him. I mean heads should roll for this failure. Democrats had expectations. This is terrible.

  5. Anonymous7:00 PM

    He always stands on his actions, because they are classy, as opposed to Hilary's which are questionable at best. She's a Bush backer for crying out loud!

    He did say the repugs have been the party of ideas, meaning they are the ones who have been controlling the message, and Dems haven't done squat over the last 20 years...and he's right.

    Hilary is making up "crooked" business dealings. He explained quite clearly what her distortions were during the debate. But you'll just keep up that same old lame rebugnican tactic of repeating lies over and over till people believe it's true.

    Dig a little deeper to find out about his vote regarding credit cards. It was a bill written by banks and cc companies.

    He has more class in his little finger than she ever dreamed about having. Good riddance to the same old crap (Hilary).

    (Reagan) Bush - 4 years
    (Reagan) Bush - 4 years
    Bush - 4 years
    Clinton - 4 years
    Clinton - 4 years
    Bush - 4 years
    Bush - 4 years

    28 years of Clinton/ we should vote for 4 more??? or worse yet...8 more????


  6. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The Obama brain trust must have been on crack, or having minnie TA's.If there is one family that has been under the microscope it has been the Clintons. Does anyone remeber "White Water", and Kenith Star. How many millions of tax payers dollares were wasted by the Republican's to find any kind of Dirt on Hillary, and Bill? Did the Republican Independent Fedral Prosacuter bring any inditments, no. So where is the corrupt croked deal that Hillary has done.
    Obama, I dont see any beef,wheres the Beef ????

  7. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Obama is classy? That's over the top. The bill written by credit card companies had an amendment put on by democrats to limit the default rate to 30%.Barack voted against that amendment. Obviously you haven't done your homework. Barack has been in business with this Rezko since the beginning of his law career. This guy is currently his largest donor,even after being indicted. Rezko's wife bought a piece of property next to Barack's on the same day he bought, then later sold it to the Obama's for song as a pay-off. Five hours on a church related project? He lied! His career is over and someone foisted this clown on everybody with the full knowledge of his shady dealings. You can dismiss the facts 'til you're blue in the face but you're just wasting your time. You got scammed. I'm sorry if you put in money but was a big rip-off.

  8. Anonymous8:51 PM

    7:00- Face it, Obama's a fraud. He's so dirty he makes the Clintons sparkle. He might scam the SC blacks but he's over. You're just going to have to go back to your old party. Suck it up and vote for Romney or McCain or just don't vote at all.


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