
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kucinich To Drop Bid for President

Dennis Kucinich is officially going to drop his bid for the White House tomorrow and focus on the current office that he already holds. Congressman Kucinich is facing four primaries for his seat on the House of Representatives and the latest challenge comes from very popular and well funded Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman.

Again, I thank Dennis Kucinich for his bid for the White House, he's a little nutty but he's a bright guy and I wish him all the best.


  1. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Dennis is a genius, and in fifty years when all his programs (like Socialized Medicine) will be implimented, he will have written the History book of the early 21st century where George, Dick ,Bill and Hillary will be a footnote.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    You don't get recognized for genius until after you're dead if it's public policy. Most people can't even understand the simple workings of their everyday cars,houses,and appliances. We elect people on their looks instead. Sometimes they're smart like Edwards,other times they're dumb as wood like Romney. I blame petro-chemical poisoning of our food and brainwashing by religion.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    He might be a genius but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize the comments he made abut UFOs and aliens didn't do him very much good in his attempt to win the presidency.

  4. Dennis is the ONLY candidate who would have restored this country to where it should be. He had the best plans. He is the ONLY candidate, of ANY stripe to vote against the current war.

    As far as the UFO comment, he said, "it was flying and I couldn't identify it. Therefore it was technically a UFO." It was not his comment, but the commentator who baited him when he asked him if he saw a UFO. The mainstream media had their spin machine running at full speed on that one, just to smear Dennis, or he might have gotten more exposure. Just as Edwards, who when he gets more exposure gains points in the polls, Kucinich could have. But the current corporatocracy will not permit this. When the companies that own the media also have the largest military budgets, fairness is truly impossible.

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    UFO= Unidentified Flying Object. Not necessarily an alien spaceship although that appears to be the common perception of the usage of that term.

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Pandering for the alien vote ... an approach I'm sure Hillary will employ soon enough.

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    RESTORE the country? You realize the word 'restore' implies something that HAD existed, and nolonger. Last time I checked, we have never had a socialist republic.


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