
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

McCain Wins New Hampshire

As expected, McCain won New Hampshire with 37% of the vote. Romney came in second with 31%. This really changes the whole dynamic of the race for the GOP nomination, there now really is no front runner. I think Gulaini is now out of the race, ignoring New Hampshire and Iowa was a big mistake. It's now between Huckabee, Romney and's a wide open field.


  1. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Is this Steve Martins brother, just another wild and craaazy guy?

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    McCain is toast. Just keep replaying that episode about how his daughter,if she got pregnant,would have a choice. That scratches off half the red party. Then bring up the "pathway to citizenship" and there goes the other half. The red party is the hate party. History like the KKK.


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