
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Obama Wins Iowa's Democratic Caucus, Huckabee Pulls Out GOP

Presidential candidate Barack Obama pulled out a big win in Iowa today winning with more then 37% of the vote. Clinton and Edwards both carried about 30 percent with Richardson trailing at just 2 percent.

While I'm disappointed with the outcome, Obama is not really the winner of tonight's caucus. The real winner is John Edwards. Edwards tied Hillary and was outspent by more than 3:1 by Clinton and more then 4:1 by Obama.

Tough night for Hillary but her campaign is strong enough to overcome tonight's disappointing loss.

On the GOP side Mike Huckabee pulled out a huge win over Romney even though he was outspent nearly 10:1. Huckabee has gained some major traction in his bid for the GOP nomination.

See you in New Hampshire, I personally will be heading to NH to campaign for Senator Clinton!!!!


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Huckabee's integrity is what America needs!

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Well ... if you do for Hillary's campaign what you did for Sennett's .. we'll have to call you "the Cooler".

    Looks like Obama in NH.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Great turn-out in Iowa. Beautiful three way split shows democrats are getting three great choices. Huckabee on the other hand has just started the republican funeral procession. His integrity is non-existent and without a brain in his head the reds are doomed to the lunatic fringe. How can he visit foreign lands without falling off the earth? That one note at a time bass player is a joke. If the margin in Iowa holds with 50% more democrats than republicans, we could actually elect a black guy or a woman to the White House. It sure is nice to have some of my cynicism proven wrong. Great night!

  4. I don't agree with supporting Clinton, but I must admit that being in NH during the Presidential Primary will be an exciting opportunity. Enjoy it.

  5. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I hear that after their Iowa lost Bill called Blaber and asked for him to come down to N.H. It looks like the Clinton campaign is pulling out the big guns!

  6. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Why can't you say that Hillary came in third...while it was a close third, she still came in third. She has way too much baggage. Do we really want more of what went on when the Clintons were in the White House? Regardless of whether the Clintons were good for US, they were an embarassment to the country. She was a big part of can't say that you were part of the good that went on and not take responsibility for the bad as well.

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Who are you voting for if Jeremy Blaber comes to your door and asks you to vote for Hillary? Ans: Not Hilary.

  8. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Remember ME? I told you back in November to think of me when you see Hillary fall. Because I WILL be behind it.

    Back to my pulpit


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