
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Suozzi to Obama : Get Ready for the Big Leagues

Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi, gave his thoughts before Senator Obama's vctory today at Hillary's campaign headquarters in Iowa :

“I don’t think it’s that surprising. After months of intense scrutiny, she ( Hillary) is still the best candidate out there.”
“If Obama gets this win tonight, he’ll get some of the scrutiny she has been getting over these last 11 months. We’ll see if he can withstand that. I’m not saying there’s a deep secret there. I’m just saying he will now be subjected to normal scrutiny.”


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    He's right,Hill has been taking the flak on the front lines and doing it well. She could use a breather. After Barack gets a little scorched we still have Edwards to take the hot seat. Any of the three will annihilate goofball Huckabee. His lack of integrity will hang him in days. He's gaining weight so fast he might have health problems coming soon. Note to Jeremy- road food is deadly! Go hungry before killing yourself.

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    What a load of laughable crap. The public has Clinton fatigue.

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    This guy is talking out his butt. Obama has been running for almost a say he has not been scrutinized is ridiculous. Bottom line is the guy does not have anything to attack. He has not been around long enough. This is his strength...All his opponents can say is he is inexperienced and that obviously did not work in Iowa.

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Please, you people are missing the point. The republicans are not "multi-taskers" and cannot handle attacking more than one candidate at a time. The strategy of having three possible frontrunners at a time completely befuddles the right-wing and is providing us with some great comedy. They'll attack Obama readily and we'll gain support for both Hill and Edwards. Then they'll have to attack Edwards at the expense of propping up Hill and Obama again. Then Hill,etc. etc. Only after the convention will they have a united front against anyone. By then they'll be hopelessly fractured and marginalized by the populace.


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