
Monday, February 18, 2008

Blaber News Poll : Kingston Should Fund KPA

The Blaber News poll that was conducted this last week shows that 51% of people feel that the City of Kingston should fund public access. There is a finance meeting this Thursday at 7:30pm. I encourage people to go out and tell the committtee how you feel. The chair and memebers of Kingston's finacne committee are good resonable people and will listen.


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM

    123 votes.
    Not exactly a big sample.

  2. Being that Luntz, Marist and others ask about 500 people to get an idea of how a whole state is feeling in their polls...I think this will do just fine.

  3. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Jeremy, is the show on 7:30 or 8:30PM?

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM


    As you know a one vote win is not a reason to say that the residents of Kingston should fund KPA. Mayor
    Sottile did the right thing by the taxpayers not to fund this station
    that will bend the the will of the
    GOP Minority in this City. That the
    'Commission' is not doing there jobs as even some right wingers have admitted on this Blog. The
    Town of Ulster along with its
    Supervisor will have to now put up
    with a New KPA Board.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Also Jeremy......... Tell your new friends to STOP putting up
    'Save 23' flyers on the Central Hudson Polls......Along with the
    Ron Paul Posters.... We all know what the Harvard Study Said....
    There is a Local Law that bans this

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I approached 32 people to sign a petition for KPA support from the city.
    Results 29 signatures and addresses.
    3 said no.
    1 had a relative working for Time Warner
    1 feared a tax increase as a result
    1 never signs any petition.

    I turned these over to Alderman Madsen.
    I was amazed at the positve results, and have more sheets if anyone wants to sign.
    Bob Smith
    Advocate for city support for KPA.

  7. Anonymous2:50 PM

    OK Bob Smith.....

    Get ready when Town of Ulster takes
    over the Commission. Maybe you can have the one seat from Kingston

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Mr. Pig Vomit
    If they took over and did the job,I wouldn't need a seat for Kingston.Thanks
    Bob Smith

  9. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Mr Smith,

    Commmme onnnn. You are a smart guy
    You know Worner is doing this for some cheap political points... Once
    it gets to hot when one of your
    your producers screw up again and it hits the Kingston Times like Cosme or Shultis he will drop the
    thing like a used profalactic and not even the great legal mind of Rickey Cahill will be able to dig it out of a hole. It looks like you have been duped my good man

  10. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "The Mayor is a Bear", by Dr. Seuss
    -----------------------------------The Mayor is a Bear, a Bear is the Mayor. You ask why and why you ask...I'll say why and why I'll say...
    The Mayor tells us we must shovel our walks. "Shovel your walks or you'll pay I do say and you must shovel them right away or you'll pay!"
    "How soon must we shovel them, Mayor-- please do say?"
    "You must shovel them all in the course of a day--or 24 hours I must say and do say. If you fail and delay you then must pay away--it's the law and with it I do not play!"
    "But Mayor it sounds like you need to more pray--don't take it out on us, we're just folks I daresay."
    "I hear a naysay this is clearly not good---clearly not good for a man in the 'hood."
    "When out of the sky fly the water and snow--and we cannot go, for the buses don't's not enough time, has no reason or rhyme, have mercy on us and we won't make a fuss."
    "Enough of your flack stab public access in back...close microphone, then you'll leave me alone!"
    "But Mayor do I dare say you are a bear? You are heartless and cruel, like porridge and gruel!"
    "You may say no such thing nor a yang nor a ying;be content as you are or I'll tax your car!!"
    "You're a bear as you are and my car doesn't care--any more than you do, up there in your lair!"
    The Mayor did growl; growl did the Mayor;up there in his lair, with the tortoise and hare!


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