
Friday, February 15, 2008


Kingston Mayor Jim Sottile has confirmed that he will appoint Tom Hoffay in May to replace Alderwoman Ringwood who is moving out of the area. Jim Sottile has made a great descion and I think the residents of Ward 2 will be well served.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Congratulations Mr. Hoffay!

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Outstanding! Mayor Sottile is so right with this apointment. Hoffay is the obvious choice for the position and I applaud the Mayor for this decision. Thomas will be a joy to work with on the Council.

    As someone who has worked with the Mayor and fellow Councilmen for over six years, I have to say Thomas will mesh very well with the progressive theme of this administration.

    Welcome aboard Mr Hoffay. And thanks Jim!


  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I was out in my car yesterday morning listening to KCR on the dial. I heard what I thought to be Mark Molinaro on cough medicine, announcing the appointment of Tom Hoffay and was stunned by the thought that the ex D.A.'s droning voice pattern had been caught by our current Mayor.

    Please listen sometime to see if it sounds the same to you? Like some kind of cloning or a political flu virus?

    Then Jim said something to the effect that once Tom is appointed, then of course he would be 'on his own to do the right thing for the city and the people of the ward.' Like Tom was going to be attending some Polly Sc lectures by the mayor.

    Pease, Jim, get over yourself. If anyone, you're the one who could use a refresher course in listening.

    Enough said, CONGRATULATIONS Tom and please don't drink the water at city hall, bring your own.


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