
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bruno's Majority Down to 1 Seat: Aubertine Wins Senate Seat in Heavy GOP District

Majority Leader Joe Bruno must be shaking in his cowboy boots tonight after his once large majority has shrunk to a single seat after Democrat Assemblyman Darell Aubertine defeated William Barkely in a special election tonight in the 48th Senatorial district that has a huge GOP advantage.

Expect Governor Eliot Spitzer to roll out the red carpets and offer GOP Senators in key districts nice easy jobs in his administration to take back the State Senate. Our own Senator John Bonacic is rumored to be considering switching his party registration and becoming a Democrat. Bonacic also lives in a key district and could be one of the Senators to be asked again to join the administration. In which case Sue Zimet would easily win a special election for the seat. Whether it's now or in November, the writing is on the wall for the Dems to take back the Senate.

Also on a side note Stuart Fraser went down and campaigned for now Senator-elect Aubertine and that's not unusual. Mr. Fraser is someone that really does great things for our party. Not only is he someone that is always willing to help you out but the type of guy that will go all the way to Oswago County to campaign for a special election that will benefit our party. Kudos to Stuart Fraser.

Aubertine got 27,712 votes, compared to Barclay's 25,001 votes, according to the unofficial breakdown of election results from the three counties that cover the district:

Oswego County (98% reporting):

13,290-Will Barclay

7,759-Darrell Aubertine

St. Lawrence County (100% reporting):

4,084-Will Barclay

6,502-Darrell Aubertine

Jefferson County (99% reporting):

7,627-Will Barclay

13,451-Darrel Aubertine


  1. Anonymous1:02 AM

    John Bonacic has already stated that he does not have any intentions of accepting a position with the Spitzer Administration.

    Whats next in your "rumor mill"? Hinchey planning to accept an Ambassadorship [in the Hillary Clinton administration] to some country that he has traveled, greatly to, over the last few years - like Cuba or Iraq and that Kevin Cahill wil run for Hinchey's congressional seat??

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Did you see this?

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I thought you couldn't stand the politicians who just became democrats. You always seem to use the 'a republican in sheeps clothing' or 'he registered as a democrat only to side with the momentum'.


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