
Monday, February 25, 2008

Clinton to Obama: 'Shame on you'


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Please, what is she going to do, as president, if for instance, North Korea sinks one of our ships? "Shame on you, Kim Jong-il"? And get all hot and bothered? This is the type of 'whining' that is going to turn alot of people off to her.

    What's with that dude behind her? What a doofus? That guy couldn't get comfortable in pajamas.

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    This was totally tactical in its presentation. She is "honored" to be running with Obama the night before then hammers him in the morning. Her handlers were worried that she looked at the debate as if she were conceding the election and urged her to come out strong.
    These flyers have been out for weeks and she could have commented on them at the debate.

    She is a strong backer of Nafta and her health care program will garnish wages from those who don't sign up. Desperate times require desperate actions.

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Oh-no! Watch out for the axis of weebil! Yeah that four foot tall fairy might break a heel if Hillary snaps at him. Better get that midget McCain to even up things. Hey that same argument has been failing for some time on those "garnishments" we have for SS. You don't like healthcare? Don't get sick or your house is ours.

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    The very limited circumstances under which SS benefits can be garnished have nothing to do with the way Clinton's proposed plan will force people to pay penalties and fines for not signing up when they can't afford it. Poor analogy...and quite misleading...

  5. Anonymous1:38 PM


    You shouldn't let things posted on Cahill's Blog bother you-- as you recently responded to one of his posts regarding Senator Clinton--particularly when he criticizes whoever for whatever reason. His ramblings are from a purely republican perspective.

  6. Anonymous4:43 PM

    "Force people to pay fines and penalties when they can't afford it" is really mis-leading. That's a Rovian attack style. Care to back up that garbage with a source?

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    <<<<<"Force people to pay fines and penalties when they can't afford it" is really mis-leading. That's a Rovian attack style. Care to back up that garbage with a source?>>>>>

    Nice job of trying to deflect attention away from your poor analogy and misleading lie...but it didn't work. Again, SS benefits are not garnished in the same way that Hillary's plan forces people who can't afford it to pay. Her plan is the same as what they have in Massachusetts. In MA, people who can't afford it are paying fines and penalties, and are STILL not insured. Sound fair to you?

    Sen. Obama's plan lowers costs much more than Hillary's, thus making it possible for more people to buy in, and it doesn't force people to buy. The 15 million is an arbitrary number picked by her handler's to try and sell to the public their unfounded criticism.

    Nothing rovian here except your pathetic attempts at obfuscation.


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