
Friday, February 01, 2008

Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if McCain is the nominee

Just When You Thought You Heard Them All.....Ms. Coulter Will Vote For Hillary in 08 Over John McCain!


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    She doesn't approve of women voting,remember? I guess that means she's not really a woman.

  2. Anonymous7:25 PM

    This endorsement by Coulter is not funny at all, and could very well cost Senator Clinton the Democratic presidential nomination if not immediately disavowed or repudiated.

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    We have not heard of her in a while because her ranting was getting boring. No one cared. So what does she do... starts ranting in the complete opposite direction that she was. She will now be all over TV for the next week in order to sell her books. She does not believe anything that comes out of her mouth, it is all for show and $

  4. Anonymous11:33 PM

    We can't take anything that Ann Coulter says seriously. She is like the Howard Stern of politics - a female shock jock.

    However, there is a serious rift brewing in the Republican party. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity today. They are both saying that if McCain is the candidate that it will destroy the Republican party by driving the conservative base away. This is a big test for right wing talk radio. They are campaigning very hard for Romney and against McCain. If they are successful on Tuesday, they will have even more power then they have now. If McCain wins it is obvious that even Republicans aren't swayed by the "blow hards".

    Gary Bischoff

  5. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Marist NY today 54 Hill,38 Obama. Oh and I fixed your poll too to reflect reality. Obama leading? Puleeeeze!

  6. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Obama nine points up in NH? Never trust a poll.

  7. Anonymous7:32 AM

    hmmmm...Where's that idiot who tried to convince us that it is Obama who is the closet republican? Fact is, Hillary is much more conservative than Barack, from backing bush's war for oil, to forcing health care on people who can't afford it. Guess we all know who the gop likes better now.

    You can't trust polls, but you can trust trends. Obama went from 13%-19% in all the polls in NY a few months ago, to 38% last week. Even if he doesn't take NY, he will earn nearly as many delegates here, a moral victory beyond compare. Hilary is toast.

  8. Anonymous2:52 PM

    7:32-You just prove again that you're a goper by spewing gop talking points. Voting for Obama is voting for McCain. 54 to 38 is no moral victory and moral is the last thing you are. Denying the poor healthcare is an Obamanation. Every repugnant right-wing point you dribble out only shows your allegiance to the right.

  9. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Hey dopey,the trend is that fewer and fewer eary voters are being polled and the remaining pool is being narrowly focused to squeeze a few more advertising dollars out of Obama. They had to poll 500 college age kids to scam that poll number in Cal.

  10. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Hillary's CRYING is what changed the vote in NH.

    You know, who better to 'endorse' Hillary over McCain. Brings a little ballance, don't you think? The most hated woman of the right being endorsed by the most hated woman of the left.

  11. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Hillary never cried. Watch it yourself instead of repeating lame talking points. The pollsters are on the take and anyone that claims that is trying to hide their scamming. Wake up.

  12. Anonymous8:08 AM

    You're right! But it wasn't the polsters who were on the take, it were the polees who were on the take, paid for Clinton Inc. They needed a surprise in NH. A 6 point win in NH isn't nescessarily a 'big deal'. But when you were down by 6, and won, well, that's a 12 point swing! That is HUGE! What better way to make this happen, than to get your supporters to pump up Obamas numbers during polling. The word is out.

  13. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hmmm.. Clinton Inc. paid a few hundred thousand supporters to lie in case they were polled. I haven't heard that one. How would they know only to lie to Zogby and not the others? No,I think Zogby got the pressure from Chicago to pump up his polling by narrowing their pool. That's what the evidence is showing right now. Anyway the "crying" crap is complete fiction by the media in complicity with someone. Big pharma and the AMA backs Obama and they're big time ad buyers. Obama opposes controls on prescription prices and universal healthcare. Put two and two together, it equals Nobama.


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