
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sennett Looks at Kirkland Hotel for Law Office

"I think that when you have a professional such as Mr. Sennett locating here, it shows the confidence that he has within the Kingston community."

- Kingston Mayor Jim Sottile

The Kirkland Hotel is set to have it's grand opening in early March after sitting dormant for many years. I recently had an opportunity to tour the building and it looks great! While I'm too young to remember what the building looked like before it was abandoned, if you look at the before and after pictures in Sunday's Freeman, you will see that RUPCO has made every effort to restore the building to it's original condition.

When reopened the Kirkland will have seven apartments, a restaurant and office space available. Jonathan Sennett, the 2007 Democratic nominee for D.A
. is attempting to negotiate a lease for about 1,000 square feet in the Kirkland for his law practice.

The historical character of the building and it's location drew Sennett to the Kirkland. Being in the newly renovated Kirkland, which is listed in the State and National registers of historic places, is an exciting proposition. It will be great working in close proximity to the courthouse, said Sennett.


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I'll take that as a yes for the position of UC Democratic chair!

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I have a viewpoint on this that probably wouldn't be popular - so I'll stick with this...

    Don't forget about the have-nots...
    They ARE paying attention.

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Glad to see the Democrats are one big happy family again.

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    to they smile through gritted teeth! Welcome to Kingston, Jon!

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Who and the Freeman should explain why that is news..Are you also going to announce the signing of residential leases by those less fortunate who will get much needed assistance from the apartments in that building.

  6. Anonymous3:49 PM

    At least he'll be close to the ones he will be representing.

  7. Anonymous6:45 PM

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