
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sottile To Pick Jen's Succesor This Week

Mayor Sottile is expected to pick Alderwoman Ringwood's successor this Friday, whoever is appointed will serve on the council until the end of the year, a special election will take place in November. Alderwoman Ringwood is resigning as of May1st and relocating out of the area.

At this point the odds on favorite is Tom Hoffay, a former Chairman of the Ulster County Democratic party and the smartest person that I know. Tom Hoffay is a Kingston native and life long Ward 2 resident...if you followed the recent elections, that alone should be enough.

Tom Hoffay is without a doubt the most qualified to continue the efforts to improve the quality of life of the 2nd Ward that Jen has championed during her tenure. Hoffay has a great deal of understanding about the issues of the Ward and the issues currently facing the City of Kingston.

I'm confident that Mayor Sottile recognizes Hoffay's attributes and will appoint him on Friday to be the next Alderman of the 2nd Ward.


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Tom is the best to be had politically and intellectually, and a great sense of humor emotionally. Hope he gets it as well...smitty

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I do hope Mayor Sottile will appoint Tom Hoffay to the seat.
    Tom is a good man who will serve Ward 2 Well.

    Bob Gillon

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Perhaps Jennifer is the most wisest of them all moving away from this cesspool of worry, misery, aggravation and trouble called Kingston City Politics.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What cant this city plow the streets properly?
    This storm on Wednesday was handled so piss poorly that we have floods on flat roads because the do not push the snow back or clean any intersections. Why cant the foreman with the pickups and plows work with the large trucks and clean the intersections. Here are a few examples of terrible conditions:
    Washington ave by friendlys...terrible
    Lafayette Ave....terrible
    lucas Ave ... terrible
    Green & wall street ...terrible
    All of uptown kingston....terrible
    Please dont tell me that they are working so hard, because i was driving around at 4am this morning and saw one truck driving and his plow was up, 3 we in the diner on
    Please yell at your mayor and tell him that dpw is doing a terrible job and causing these floods and issues whle they are not plowing. I did call and bitch to them and they told me that they were doing thier best.
    In this case, the best is not good enough, maybe we can have a training session or get them a video?

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

    No matter how qualified he is, he doesn't care for $teve Aaron. He is the one who put Aaron on the spot for the money he owes Kingston. He is also the one who got Al $pada off of the KHA board. He will not get the appointment. Aaron,$pada and $ottile are to close.

  6. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I thought Sottile's best, best friend in the 2nd ward was Bradley. Bradley SAID he wanted to serve Kingston... where is he????
    Does he even have ANY job yet?
    The guy just about kills the UC Dem party, then takes off back to NYC... nice, kid. Thanks, we'll remember that!!

    Tom Hoffay is by far superior in every way anyway, so I guess we're better off....

  7. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I see Bradley at least three times a week at the gym I belong to so he is not in New York City. If you don't know what you are talking about maybe you shouldn't talk at all. What he is doing for a job I will be the first to admit I do not know one way or the other.

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Blab who is your favorite u.s.,state,county and city public official?

    Just to get an idea of where you stand moderate,liberal etc.

  9. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Jeremy why do you not post what people write that goes against your own personal beliefs. For example, I have wrote a comment regarding Hoffay's lack of integrity not to mention the many other attributes that make him completely unacceptable to be an alderman. These are facts and well known yet you will not post them. Also, how come there is absolutely no mention of nay primary where Clinton gets whipped. She got her doors blown off all weekend yet you will not post anything about it. Yet ifClinton won we would have several psots about it. There is nothing balanced about this blog is there. You clearly have a lot to learn. What kind of School Board member are you going to be if you continue to pick and choose what opinions are aloud on your blog? You have lost me and my family's vote.

  10. 5:04

    Your comments about Hoffay were unfounded and false which is why they were not published. The Hillary comment...if I didn't publish it I'm sorry.. yes, Hillary has not done as well as I would of liked, these last couple of weeks have been really well for Obama. I still think Hillary will win the nomination.

    Not all comments will always get published, that's the way it is.. however, that has nothing to do with me serving on the School Board. It is hard sometimes to publish negative comments about my friends and people that I respect...for the most part I do in the name of free speech. But, if a comment is simply untrue then it will not be published...and I do that across the board..ask Vince Bradley, I deleted at least 10 to 12 comments that were written about him or his family that ended up being false or over the top.

  11. 1:59:





  12. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Anonymous posting 5:04
    i challenge you to sign your postings, or is it anonymous voter and anonymous family. jeremy runs a super blog, Go jeremy. Hoffay will be the next alderaman. 5:04 let the blogers know who u r

  13. Anonymous8:40 PM

    No Kevin Cahill? No Sennett?

  14. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Hello? 8:40? Kevin Cahill is not a U.S., state, county, or city public official - his district doesn't include all of Ulster County and goes outside of Ulster. And, in case you've been living in a snow cave, Jon Sennett didn't win the election and isn't a public official.

  15. Anonymous4:07 PM

    7:37, get a clue. Kevin Cahill is an Assemblyman. That's a state government official.


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